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Everything posted by seeking_brilliance

  1. Sept 12, 2019 Time :15 minutes Concentration object: box fan on the right side This is my first official meditation report since returning from a two week vacation. Finally feel like things are settling back down to normal. Non stop mind chatter. This is usual for me. However I did not really think about work so that's a huge improvement. I constantly redirected attention back to the fan, but was unsuccessful at keeping it there. Kind of felt like I was taking to myself the entire time which is disappointing because I can do that anytime (and I do!) While sitting, I had a few dreamlets (my word for short mind movies). One was this impression of talking to a few people who were line cooks at a diner and they were bustling around preparing food. Only lasted a few seconds but afterwards I was reviewing what I just saw and a voice said 'it's OK, at least they don't have to do it for Buckingham palace " lol! ?‍♂️?‍♂️ Another dreamlet was I had my vacation itenerary folder out on a table and this person began stepping on the visible pages which I knew my husband would have wanted to keep clean for souvenir purposes. I didn't know whether to brush the shoe print off or if that would make it worse. The person seemed to feel a little bad about it but assured me it was the French way of keeping a souvenir by showing your foot print. ?‍♂️?‍♂️ Wow I do love my imagination.
  2. You create hundreds of these voices with complete personalities and tones of voice every night, whether you remember or not. They are called dream characters. They are all you and yet have a very distinct personality and presence. I wouldn't consider these voices in your head any different, and yet that does not make them any less special or awesome. I wouldn't jump to conclusions that they are being projected into your mind from an outside source (relatively) but I wouldn't count it out either. But in the end all IS you so it really doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy it.
  3. So you asked for similar experiences but not interested in discussing further? You are a voice in my head so I think I'll take option 2 and ignore it.
  4. @Strangeloop well I shared how I have had similar experiences and got no response. That's usually how conversations begin.
  5. @TrynaBeTurquoise That's the link to the book. Besides the author's claims that it can be achieved in 14 days by any normal person, and his complete bias toward WILDING as a means of lucid dreaming, this is the best guide to WILDING I have ever found. He also has a Facebook group where he can guide you through the process and help you with any obstacles. Although not really mentioned in the book, a strong meditation background is the biggest factor, which is why I have not had much luck besides the one achievement. But I get close many many times.
  6. I think it must go both ways. It has been imagined that I AM all people at all space and time, and also it has been imagined that there are soul journeys to take for the sake of growth, self discovery, and integration. I don't think both views must contradict each other.
  7. Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. You only need to take 4-8 or so. I was silly and smoked a tiny bit of Marijuana after I thought I was having no effects. Went into full blown trip. Had many insights and visions and then Marijuana brought this teacher for weeks afterwards. Was hearing voices also at awakening like my name being called or someone saying hello or just random words. This is normal hypnopompic hallucinations but hadn't had them regularly like this before this trip. Was a very magical time. I felt little nausea which is another reason I thought the seeds weren't working. But I also have a pretty strong stomach. They say if you chew the seeds and hold them under your tongue for 15 minutes then spit out it prevents nausea. As for the dreaming there really is no transition from this reality to that one. I can account for that first hand having experienced it. It's just that most people loose consciousness between realities even if just a second or so. I can recommend a great book to teach you to do it.
  8. I had something similar after my Lsa trip whenever I smoked Marijuana. Lasted a month or two. I called it my teacher or inner guru and was sad to not have the voice speak directly to me anymore but in a way it still does through the heart I guess. It gave me a specific position for lying meditation (corpse position but with hands cradling head) and taught me to use my imagination body. This one was neat because it was showing me how to throw a fireball like Mario, but all imagination of course. It told me that it's world was easy to visit, that it's just within the darkness behind the eyes. But that most people aren't still or quiet enough to see it. I truly believe that wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD) is what it was referring to, although I didn't learn about that until later. I've achieved it once and can verify that it is literally like stepping into another world.
  9. What if you could learn to love and enjoy suffering? Would it then still be considered suffering?
  10. Thank you. But since you mention it, is there really a such thing as interfering with a Seekers path, when in Truth everything perfectly clicks into place with no errors? Perhaps the misleading is actually a catylist, no matter how long that takes. It's just hard to see it in linear time. Or am I being too clever for my own good? It seems as if your advice to not interfere is not so much for us humans, since we can't predict what will interfere or not. Perhaps it's more a prayer and reminder to the higher self.
  11. What is not the body?
  12. Sorry, perhaps oracle is the wrong word if the meaning is to make predictions. I don't mean it like that. More of guidance in the now, with the ability to use the Intelligence to Know the person's struggles and where to go. And also I meant that you weren't interested in answering questions for people, because you don't want to make a mockery of this. This was one of your answers on this thread, and I wasnt referring to all of your work with the videos etc. But yes I can see your point on being careful to speak for God. Thank you for sharing that. I think I just have such a strong desire to help. But I suppose that's very human of me lol because I still need so much help myself.
  13. @mandyjw Hi, checking in real quick. Wow what a trip! I have four days left but it has really been a blessing. Although it's been almost equally stressful as it has been relaxing ? I kind of haven't been meditating. There's been very little down time and almost zero alone time. And yeah I know one should be able to practice it anytime, anywhere, but whatever. I have the rest of my life to practice and I just want to be in pure experience mode here for as long as I can. (I suppose in a way that's a form of meditation) I look forward to your encouragement to continue when I return home. I just wanted to share this... its probably nothing but it felt significant.. A few nights ago I had a semi-lucid dream and came upon a female who said something to me which felt prophetic. I can't explain what that means to 'feel prophetic' but I think you understand. She said 'the diamond will be beautiful (or polished) at 50 (years).' I can't 100% remember if she said the word years so I put that in parentheses. But even in the dream that's exactly what I understood her to be saying. Later I met her again and she said she believes in me and that the important thing is to believe in myself. I know how cliche that sounds but it was said with so much emphasis and love. I know it could just be subconscious dream-vomit but I thought you might like it.
  14. @Leo Gura So if I understand correctly, one could take this substance, and with the right intentions and purification, basically become an oracle. I have long thought i would enjoy doing this for others, connecting to source to provide answers and guidance. I see you aren't interested in doing this but it would be the only way to quell the disbelievers... ( again, not that you as Leo are interested) Do you think perhaps this substance could be used for purification?
  15. Maybe you were never the type of person to regret not having a choice in your existence. My point is just be careful and thoughtful about it and then of course you can have fun with it
  16. For a companion. To explore consciousness. For spiritual purposes. And after all those reasons then you can have fun with it but it should not be the main reason
  17. You are messing with powerful things to be doing it willy nilly. You could potentially screw up your entire psyche if just doing this for fun. And don't create an entity who you may just toss aside a year or two down the road. A tulpa should be a long term companion. Be ready to deal with their existential crisis especially if you get tired of them after a while. In other words, don't create 'life' without ALOT of thought and planning. Don't play God without taking the responsibility. If you think you are ready for all that, then I'm excited to hear your results. Tulpas are a split of your consciousness so take this very seriously.
  18. @mandyjw thank you so much for all your help so far! I am leaving today for two weeks, and won't be able to respond much. I'll update my meditation journal when I can. I already feel so much better being able to talk to you about work, and I'm not sure what kind of guidance I will need when I get back, except for the encouragement to continue meditating and building spiritual practices. I think when I get back I shouldn't take a full spot as a student, but I'd love to see you continue this and help others. If the thread is dead after two weeks I'll revive it just to let you know I'm back and perhaps I'll have some insights on this trip that I'd like to share. Thank you for everything and for putting yourself out there for us. Sometimes we just need someone to talk to, even if at the end of the day we are just talking to ourselves ? (it's funny how that can be interpreted with nondual and without.)
  19. Day 11, August 24 2019 Time : 15 minutes Last meditation before leaving for trip later today. Was able to sleep in a bit and the sun was up, so there were no dreamlets. Was thinking really heavy though, and towards the end it seems I forgot about the fan completely. Although I will say at one point I did pay attention for about 5 seconds, as earlier reported in my guidance thread. The flight will be nine hours so I plan to try at least 2 more 15 minute meditations while I have nowhere to escape.
  20. So you'd say it ?
  21. What did offering an apple mean metaphorically to you? And the wolves thing? And if I understand correctly, you brought these up in conversation with someone? But yes I've also had many experiences like this and can definitely see the co creation (singular but plural lol) of reality
  22. Day 10 August 23 2019 Time : 15 minutes This meditation felt quicker than before. Instead of having high expectations to 'meditate' I just went with the flow and redirected attention back to fan without judgement. One of the dreamlets that was interesting, and strange... I saw a lady walking through a crowd of men. The men were all carrying lunch boxes or something. The lady was carrying a much larger container. Then I see her coming down a hill, and she's basically toting a large ice chest with a bit of struggle, with the men parting on each side of the hill to let her through.
  23. ?? This meant alot to me. I've been battling this for a while and am about to get a forced two week break and honestly can't wait for it. I don't know when I'll pop the cherry again after I get back, but I want to do this right. If I still have a desire to smoke after this time away I want to use it ceremoniously only. Hopefully I can make it the couple months that you have suggested, although my daily use is exponentially lower than the OP's