Devi Shanti

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Everything posted by Devi Shanti

  1. You should meet a good nutritionist. Mine gives spirulina to this purpose, but it might be carefully administrated. I also read on a blog of a chemist who works with raw food that linseed is a heavy metal sequestrant.
  2. Mine will get ayahuasca since from the umbilical cord
  3. Tantra in all its aspects. Study and practice it hard. And have a partner who agree to do it too.
  4. Meditation and others spiritual practices can help you heal many things such as anxiety and shyness, yes. But there is a great chance that you will feel out of place in some social events depending on how seriously you are committed with your spiritual path. Thoughts like "what the hell am I doing here?" might occur. And also you might get sick of the type of women and people in general that you want to interact with nowadays. Wrapping it up, going into a spiritualized life might change you so deeply that you might change many of your actual interests. And it can be the best thing you have ever did.
  5. Where did you take from this rules about girls' behavior, @Leo Gura? Just curiosity... Sometimes I feel like I am not a girl when you are so sure about these affirmations
  6. I had panic attacks in the past too. Definetelly, running helped me A LOT to deal with the symptoms. Dude, if you are not someone with high colesterol disorder and you dont have any heart disease, you wont die from running. Another thing that helped me truly was supplementing fundamental nutrients for the nervous system. I took magnesium, omega 3, 6 and 9 and vitamins of B complex. I also took valeriana capsules. Help your body to help you! And I took part in several ayahuasca ceremonies. It wasnt easy to me, because I was affraid of the effects of the tea. But facing your fear is a real key to shift this mental prison. You have to trust you will overcome it and then you will be stronger and you will be able to tell your story to help someone, such as I am doing it right now. Even if you cannot see how, just be sure you can do it. Embody this belief and portals will open to you. I wish you victory.
  7. I dont know you and your girlfriend but from things you said here. But in general, specially woman on that age starts to have some natural "concerns" about life in a long term, for example getting married and having children etc. Differently of you boys who have the whole life to do whatever you want and choose only have kids when you are like 50 yo or something like this, women have to decide this much earlier. You said you dont want any children at this point of your life, but do you know how she feels about it? If I were in her shoes, at 26 yo, in a relationship for 4 years, I would expect a step further in this relationship, or things would really start getting weird stuck on being boyfriend and girlfriend forever with no perspectives to the future. This is my point of view. One more opinion for you to think about. Good luck!
  8. May I ask how old are you two?
  9. By the way, when I first read the tittle of this topic, I thought it was about avoiding pregnancy ? thats what I think when there are the words "sex" and "responsability" together. Maybe you should try to see it (having sex) from another perspective. Enjoying more the process and worrying less about results. Talk to her, ask what she likes more, enjoy giving her pleasure (and it goes way beyond orgasm). It can makes her feel motivated to reciprocate, so you have a virtuous cycle where everybody enjoys and nobody worries ?
  10. I totally agree with @Emerald . We can feel if the guy is expecting anxiously us to orgasm and it can make us tense, what makes it takes more time to happen and not to be so pleasurable as if we were totally relaxed.
  11. @Preety_India If you wanna take it, I recommend you not to eat junk food or drink alcohol (never, actually, but specially some days before the ceremony) and certify you are well fed at the time of the ceremony. Its possible you need to vomit, what is ok if you have something to vomit, because you do it and it passes. Trust me, you would not like to feel like vomiting with an empty stomach. How you will feel in the spiritual trip is a complete mystery. Anyway, it will be probably related to your most deep feelings and your life context. its possible you to face a hard emotional pain or an amazing indescribable love, or both. This tea can be extremely responsive to our mental state. Try to remember that during your trip. Meditation techniques can make the experience more enjoyable. By the way, its not one plant, but a tea made up of two different plants (Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis). Never use it with other substances. I have been taking part of ayahuasca ceremonies regularly (at least twice a month) since 2012. I wish you achievement in your spiritual path. Peace.
  12. @Tom T Hi, Im sorry, Im afraid I cannot answer each one of your questions because to me its too redundant. You dont need a sex schedule or meeting each other's needs exercises. The entire romantic relationship is already a great exercise! And, from my own experience, its both about meeting the other person and meeting mainly yourself. Yeh, a relationship can be a powerful tool of self knowledge. But you will lose this amazing opportunity if you let your mind take control of everything and hide your true I. Why dont you try to look deep in her eyes and listen to her with all your heart rather than make her write a list of needs? this is a good thing to "plan" to do. Not everything in this world can be systematized or verbalized and we women are creatures extremely emotional and (many times) non verbal. Practice learning non verbal signs and dance in the flow of the unpredictable I understand you are afraid of she taking notice of your relationship plan. That would be awkward. Thats why I say you to throw it away! Begin a relationship with transparency, honesty. Dont let anything between you two. Just you and her in your particular paradise of truth and companionship. Furthermore, stop telling yourself this lie about "can't have a spiritual and true love relationship". True love is public and abundant and it is available to anyone who wants to know it! Nobody needs to be perfect to be in a good relationship. I also have my defects and "devilry" and "selfishness" etc, but none of them prevented me of marrying the nicest guy I have ever known <3 (and he swears I am the most angelic and lovely woman on Earth ). Have in mind that a romantic relationship is where you can develop yourself and learn how to be a better person to others and to yourself. I think its the most important thing. If you make this commitment with yourself (that you want to be in a relationship to actualize yourself and learn loving), you will recognize the same purpose in someone special and it will be amazing. In @Omni 's words, Improvise and understand how to empathize.
  13. There is a good part about your relationship plan and its that one about how to deal with her emotional bad moods. All the rest, man, please, through it away. Its a perfect description of an average miserable relationship full of superficiality and empty of spontaneity. If you have a relationship plan that you hide from your girl, so your relationship is based on something that is not real love and honesty. One romantic relationship is made of two people learning how to enjoy being together for what they really are. You cant try to manipulate your partner's feelings, thoughts, desires like that. I would find it really rude if I found out such a thing of a boyfriend of mine. This is not a 'game', dude. You cant drive people in real life. You are much better than this. Just stop trying to control everything and let life be! I wish you an amazing girlfriend totally outlier that helps you to understand how unique and special a person can be. So you will see how incredible and wonderful life is without we trying to drive everything every time. Peace.
  14. I used to feel a little like this too. Maybe it would help if you try to relate your behavior to something that happened to you in the past, like your relationship with your parents, if you have some trauma of being betrayed or had watched a situation of betrayal or violence. I believe we kinda project in the world what we live in our private lifes. Once you get conscious of any emotional trauma, its easier to get rid of it. You can also focus on being a reliable person. Pay attention to your feelings when you are talking to someone. Are you present in this moment? are you being honest? would you feel embarrassed if that person could listen to your thoughts right now? Be transparent, have nothing to hide. (This is the exercise I've been doing with myself everyday and it really helps me). Good luck!
  15. Vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12
  16. You should try pill food. They are a combination of vitamins that benefits hair and skin. My husband and I are getting some vegan ones. Appearently he has more hair since we started to take it and mine is growing faster then it used to.
  17. Nothing against being physical attractive; everything against making this the focus of a search for a partner. We don't need many options to choose, thats not important. Much better than quantity is quality. If I work hard on being an amazing person, I believe I deserve an amazing partner and I can be selective. As selective you are, as selected people will appear for you. You define your criteria (and fit to it!), then things happens naturally. This process can take a little more time (or much more) than go on picking up and having sex here and there or getting on brief and frustrating relationships, but its a good choice. This is life. If you want to eat some corn, plant it and harvest some in a few months, but if you want a noble wood, plant it and wait for some years until you can get it. I only say these things because its my life experience, its not simply theoretical thingy. I know, although, each person has to live her/his own experiences to grow. Anyway, this is my advice: be your best, find the best partner.
  18. @Elia If you want a materially oriented man, follow @Jordan94 's advices and be sure that he will soon be tired of you (as beautiful as you are, there will always be more beautiful women around), and you will be tired of him because one day physical attraction is not enough anymore. But, if you want a real deep and valorous relationship, first review your life, think seriously what is important for you and see if you are working on strengthening your values, if your practice matches that. Where are people who shares your same values? what are they doing? where are people who you admire? go there and become a person who you admire! Enroll in a course of self improvement, go to yoga classes, look for a sat sang in your city, a meditation group (if you do like these kind of things). Make a social circle of people who you admire and have things to share with. Make good friends. Who knows if a friend of a friend can be a nice boyfriend? Honestly, for me, the less interesting guys are in the bars and pubs with a beer cup in their hands looking for the sexiest woman or at least for someone who accept to have sex occasionally. If you want a "kind, mature, and relationship material" one, forget this pickupish thing, and meet real interesting people according to your values. Its pretty much easier that someone who doesn't look so "hot" improve his appearance than someone narrow-minded turn in a full of spirit person. Even if muscles are something important for you, then look for people who takes health seriously. Health is a really sexy thing. Hope this is useful Good luck!
  19. @Charlotte I think @SFRL gave you a good answer. What I can say to you is that it would be an important thing for you to investigate deeply this issue, looking for some mind trick, traumas, unconscious denials. Do you consider that your mother had a really happy experience being a mother? did she had support of the children's father? what about other women of your acquaintance? Have you ever had close contact with a child? I dont have any children yet, but I have many close female friends that have babies and they are really happy with their families, what increases my desire to follow the same path. Besides that, I have a lovely husband and I really wanna see the result of our blend <3 Mothers and fathers says the love they feel for their children is for sure the biggest on Earth. I've even heard that the only love we can compare to God's love is a mother's love. I really want to know what is this magic feeling they talk about.
  20. spirulina! its another seaweed. Read a little about it. Also linseed is an excelent heavy metal sequestrant.
  21. Hi everybody For many years I've been suffering from insomnia and I already tried to fix it many ways. Recently I started a new routine including going sleep and waking up really early, working out and practicing yoga throughout the day and maintaining a very healthy diet (which I have had for a long time). However, despite my efforts, my body simply doesn't adhere to an 8, 7 or even 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep, and I wake up in the morning exhausted then I think about my bed all day. Currently I'm trying Wim Hoff breathing method and silent meditation when I wake up early dawn. It seems to be a good ideia, but I'm yet physiologically and mentally confused about the time and my sleepness seems to never be satiated. In face of all this, I am considering that my natural sleep cycle is not compatible to the '8 hours per night' which is disclosed as the ideal. I found some information on the internet about different kinds of sleeping habits called biphasic and polyphasic sleep which consist of breaking up the sleep time in many parts throughout the day and night. Some people report increases of productivity and total adaptation, not feeling tired when they're awake. Have you guys ever heard something about this? have you ever tried it? any stories? PS.: before anyone asks, my hormones and nutrients are all ok and I don't use any drugs, even alcohol or caffeine