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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. How about this? It’s like either choosing an emotional roller coaster or choosing stability and peace. The benefit of the second choice is that you could focus more on goals, exploring and your LP. The hard part is if you want to start a family and the constant feeling of boredom or loneliness in life. There is probably not a right or wrong answer. There are probably people on both sides who look down on each other. Choose your path wisely.
  2. I mean your tax dollars go there too. So your point is therefore not true. Reason can not be trusted
  3. If you plug the numbers in you get "obese" so absolutely. Very sad that this happens to kids.
  4. Not a single objective test to prove that anyone has a chemical imbalance in history. An emotion is not a disease. If you think you have a brain disease ask to speak to a neurologist, not a psychiatrist. The difference between those two is that one will lie to you about what is and what isn't a medical disease. Here is a professor of psychiatry explaining this further: You have a problem in living, not a problem in your brain.
  5. "I thought of a fucking genius way to get schizophrenia"
  6. Maybe but then you will just create a new shadow..? It’s like turning the ego against itself in a way..
  7. Yeah I agree with you. Thank you for your perspective. The root of the issue might be not being able to see the sameness between people and difference in their environment.
  8. You can talk to me with some basic respect or I am simply going to ignore you. I consider myself an agnostic. I understand and that is true. But as I have earlier said, It is not easy to ignore someone when they themselves attack you or others out of fear or strong love for themselves. At least for me at this time. I am simply experiencing frustration. Kind of like what many people do on this thread regarding my perspective.
  9. Yes. But it's still better for mankind as whole to have people not hit each other. That is, it is better for mankind to have people be more developed. That's why we go to school and have parents guide us on what is right, and what is wrong. They don't take the nondual approach because that would simply damage the child and society as a hole. Yes, that is wrong. Stage blue defends it's ideological position in a much more rigid and egotistical way than stage orange. Stage blue is in a nutshell stage red but moralistic and dogmatic. Stage orange builds it's truth upon rationalism and logic, which still has it's limitations but it's much more effective than dogma. Expressing frustration. I am not using a double standard, but I want religion and stage blue transcended into something more developed. I would also like to not be shamed and annoyed for doing a "sin". Closemindedness and ego is the reason for hatred. Which is a big part of blue. You need to be irrational or stage blue in order to hold dogmatic, religious beliefs. I should correct myself, Atheists do not start RELIGIOUS wars. There is no religious terrorism or cults. Religion in itself have started countless wars. I am going to assume you were implying that I am an atheist for oversimplifying and generalizing such statements but that is not correct. I am not an atheist. Beautiful strawman. This thread was titled "How long is it going to take before religion is gone". Nothing about atheism. Just because I talk about a male killer doesn't mean there is no problem with a female killer. I just find dogmatic religion to be especially egotistical and frustrating. There are still problems with atheism.
  10. 100% of the population have emotions. 0% of the population have a disease of the mind. Most people are just emotionally unhealthy.
  11. I am not an atheist. Stop making assumptions about me. Seriously. My view is simply that theists are less developed than atheists.
  12. Atheists don't start wars. They also don't mass-produce terrorists and cults. Atheists are more developed than religious people, that doesn't mean they are perfect.
  13. It's not healthy to be overweight.
  14. So sad that millions of American kids have to deal with this.
  15. You are probably right about my limitations. I should see more perspectives and stop demonizing others. Operate from love, not fear. But it can be hard to know how to love someone when they themselves attack you or others out of fear or strong love for themselves. At least for me at this time. I think I need to do more introspection and solve some personal issues. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
  16. Sorry about that! Didn't see it. I need to take a walk and clear my head then I am going to respond.
  17. Im pointing out bullshit, yes. Doesn't mean im an irrational, shitting wooden horse.
  18. I am neither a horse or a wooden horse. Yes a wooden horse doesn't shit. You are making untrue assumptions about me and I pointed that out. As far as I can tell it doesn't have anything to do with a wooden horse that does not shit.
  19. You were not. By definition. Create your own thread if you want to discuss rationalism. Stop making assumptions about me. You do not know me. Absolutely false. Stop making assumptions about me. This is not true and most likely just a projection. You do not know me and this is absolutely false.
  20. Asking people to stay on topic is not an attempt to control someone. If you like to discuss anything else than religion then simply don't discuss it in this thread. Create a new one with a new title, that's why we have them. Bringing non-duality into an argument about what should be discussed is kind of ridiculous.
  21. @Rilles Probably. Doesn't make bullshit go away though.
  22. @Truth Addict Well as I said in my OP, I don’t like irrationality/bullshit. It frustrates me. I like to stop it and especially the arrogant ones. At some point though, bullshit just gets too spectacular to be done anything about. That is also frustrating. Same thing with dogmatic religion.