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Everything posted by Andreas
I guess I should just be more openminded.. But what about the studies who showed a very minimal effect over the environment? About 3%.. Seems to be a very small factor?
I guess this is also a question about the mathematics of genomics. Oh well. I saw a documentary once debunking all chiropractors pretty hard so this guy might be a bit irrelevant. But I see lots of medical doctors taking his side. Including professors.
I am honestly willing to listen to other perspectives here. But this just doesn't seem to make sense. At least for me. I might be wrong here but I don't personally believe so. The thing is that the research I provided showed difference in peoples weight, which in return shows differences in peoples bodymass, which in return shows differences in peoples bodies. You should take a look at this article:
The one who cannot deal with a message attack the messenger.
Yes and I am in high school and don't even take biology. My mom used to tell me "when you are in deep waters, it's best to keep your mouth shut" and there is some real truth to that. But it just doesn't seem to make sense? I know that im no expert but could you adress what the doctors are saying? If what you said was a " "fact" " (I assume you meant it was incorrect) is not a fact, then that doctor is wrong. What storyline?
It's toxic femininity, trying to use the collective ego against individual people. That's all the left does, pure stigmatization. Toxic masculinity is direct attacks. Toxic femininity is just saying "look how bad this person is and what they do to me" and get other people to look down on them and attack them for them. Much lower risk. You see this bullshit everywhere today. No real arguments or facts.
There is this video. You might want to take a look at it:
Well I know for a fact that it takes thousands of years for genes to change. I am clearly not an expert or anything but if a population changes drastically in 50 years and it can't be genes responsible because they simply don't change then it really is seems to be an environmental thing. Right? You can do this with Climate science too. Same thing. Temperature doesn't shoot up from the industrial revolution naturally. Probably a lot more complicated but it seems to be the basics of what's happening. Temperature and weight goes hand in hand with capitalism and environment. This doc is correct right? He was saying something like you can turn of your genetics through epigenetics and then you don't have a problem at all. Sad subject though..
Well I know almost nothing about Biology but it just doesn't seem to make sense to me. Especially in Leo's case. When you are a kid you eat what you get or follow what the parents say. The fact that the weight of our population has changed so fast and drastically makes me think it's largely environmentally driven. There are docs who studied this stuff and agree too! At least this guy..
Well in my view the evidence speaks for itself. Genes have about a 3% effect on peoples weight. I am obviously no expert and I do not really have an idea what I am talking about, but that being said weight refers to the mass of an object. And I think peoples bodymass may provide a good indicator of approximately how big they are. I don't think it needs to be that complicated. You can read the links I found if you want more detailed information I am not able to provide.
I am not trying to build a theory on religion being the cause of all war and bad. I am in fact not trying to build any theory. I do not support Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is a truly disgusting person if you read deeply about holocaust. Still, if there was no religion, there would be no polarization and in return no holocaust. Religion is in my view closely related to what I see as a Stage blue paradigm in Spiral Dynamics. This creates dogma, conflict, polarization and stigmatization. It is mainly this that causes war. Religion in itself would just be a collection of wrong ideas. I am mostly referring to the unhealthy and damaging parts of religion. For example what happened in Sri Lanka. Death by polarization, death by religion.
Sadhguru is also some youtuber… Leo is also some youtuber.. focus on what he is saying now who he is.
I mean I am no expert in Biology but it just doesn't make sense in physics or history. I think brothers also have pretty close genetics because of the same parents.
Well you and your brother would have the same genetics though? I think this just proves my point.
I agree with you. I think this is what's called epigenetics.
Well I assume this would show up in the results when they are trying to modell how much bodymass a person has. If someone is physically bigger they would weigh more.
I don't know much about Biology, but I know the first law of thermodynamics. Which in short states that you cannot get energy out of nothing. And I assume this happens a lot faster today than it did 50 years ago with the same genetics. Same with Africa where people die from malnutrition. There seems to be good evidence supporting the environmental factors. Yea but what would happen if two people with different genetics got the same psychology from the same upbringing and the exact same environment? I am pretty sure we would get about the same weight.
Well sure people look different than each other that makes perfect sense. You can just look at skin color and it's obvious. But the general size of people is in my view largely due to the environment. If we spoil back 50 years people look vastly different. Same genetics today, just different environment. The gut bacteria is also effected by the environment. I also think that the psychology of people have a big impact.
I mean if you disagree you could probably get in contact with them and correct them but I honestly feel they know this better then you do. After all it's the best university in the world.
Thank you for you compliment. It may be true that the 0,1% difference can make a big difference between individuals. It is still clear that genetics only have about 3% effect on peoples weight. I got that from Harvard.
There are plenty of studies controlling for independent variables. About 3% effect in peoples weight. Humans have approximately 99,9% the same genetics. Using the word science in fancy quotation marks is not going to change that.
Doesn't have anything to do with it though.
lol it's not peoples genetics who make them big or small it's what they eat and how much they move. Denying science when it's convenient. How come the human population have overweight stats of 70% and 50 years ago they were all normal? Environment. That's all.
That theory is complete bullshit though. Not based in medicine.
Atheists don't create religious wars. I have not said Atheists are perfect. In fact I said the opposite.