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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Stage red is individualistic, I think you mean stage purple or blue. And again, I don't think this is a cult. I think this is a group of people with some rather cultish behaviours. I certainly know there are differences between you and Leo.
  2. It's not about "being in a cult" or "not being in a cult". It's about cultiness. It's a spectrum, not black and white. Another thing is you don't really know if you are in a cult or if you aren't. But that's not really the issue here. A group of people who exhibit signs of cultlike behaviour is what I see as the problem. And that is, at least in my view, what we are dealing with.
  3. Well that's not what I did at all. I pointed at something you did and called it cultish. I also didn't do it for no reason which I pointed out. Talk about misinterpreting and pulling things out of context.
  4. Don't play games. Just be real or move on. To be honest though, it doesn't seem like he is taking the relationship too seriously. I would just get out but you do you.
  5. Yes. What I said was "IF you want to change my mind you would have to convince me through reason".
  6. Well nobody is forcing you to talk to me. I disagree with your statement that I took what you said out of context. If you want to change my mind you would have to convince me through reason.
  7. I did not call out anyone. I called out your and other peoples behaviour. I think it's cultish. If you disagree with that then look at why I said so and explain why it's wrong. If you feel I am guilty of "spamming" for having an argument then you should be calling out the people I am having an argument with as well. I do consider peoples point of view but it does not mean I hold the same context. That is the reason for why I am having a discussion with them.
  8. In my opinion, this is a real epidemic in our society. People getting "destroyed" in debates or getting grouped together and stigmatized. Both in the left, and the right. We should not only look into solving this problem for ourselves, but also look outward.
  9. Il have a look into it. Thank you for pointing it out to me.
  10. Misinterpreting and misunderstanding, also know as holding a different opinion. Projecting what others are saying, also known as expressing a different opinion. My view is that a lot of people on here attack the messenger because they cannot deal with a message. Gaslighting anyone who holds a different perspective. One might call another the devil, unconscious, less developed, stage X, rigid or closeminded. People are not giving criticism to each other ideas, but rather who they are because they themselves disagree with their ideas. Abusing your position as a moderator just strengthens my position. If you disagree with me then please articulate your disagreement regarding what I say, not who I am. I give criticism on what a person says or does, not who they are. Their behaviour is cultish, their views are bullshit. There might be people who think that the earth is flat, but it doesn't mean the earth is flat. It does not make them stupid, wrong or anything negative it just means that their views are flawed. Then you can and should help them using objective arguments regarding what they say. I think what you might be trying to say is focus more on why the person thinks what they think.
  11. Im not sure what you mean by that in the context of this thread. Could you elaborate on that?
  12. This is you justifying this behaviour. Very cultish.
  13. That's not what flirting is. FFS dude?! Flirting is making her feel good. Not trying to make her feel scared that you will go away. That's emotional abuse. Maybe she is flirting with you right now? How does it feel?? Get self esteem, stop bullshitting yourself about what you did wrong and own it. Then stop it. If you want her back then talk to her, apologize and change it permanently. Playing these games just shows her you are weak. I am getting kind of pissed at you because it really is bullying. It doesn't mean you are a bad person though it just means you did something wrong because you have problems with yourself. Stop manipulating her and yourself and do what I told you. Then it changes.
  14. And you and him are immune to this, correct? Anyone who disagrees is closeminded/unconscious and anyone who agrees understands and is stage whatever and super conscious.
  15. It's not like that. You need self esteem. If you have self esteem, you don't need to be a niceguy to try to get her to like you. You also don't need to play mindgames because you wouldn't be so desperate. Don't pursue her, she deserves better than you. Fix yourself and find out what is making you do this in the first place. Then you get girls while being your authentic self. That's not flirting. That is trying to control someone into doing what you want. It's an egogame. You are bullying this girl emotionally by doing this. If you really want this girl back then realize what you have done and go talk to her about it. Then apologize to her and promise her that you fix yourself. And do it.
  16. It's basicly bullying someone into doing what you want. If they have really low self esteem, they will do what you want and you basicly get to control them. If they respect themself they won't put up with your games.
  17. Stop being an asshole dude. She deserves 100 times better than that. Read this and grow up:
  18. Maybe you should stop being emotionally abusive to girls you want to date and they won't think your an asshole.
  19. Because it would benefit him in the end. That’s the hole point in defending an ideology. I don’t see anything funny in that.
  20. Yes. And his point was that that is what Leo is doing. Defending it through stigmatization.
  21. Im sorry but that’s total bullshit. By your definition nobody is an ideologue because ideas are neutral. This is just pointing the finger outwards as always.
  22. Good strawman. The guy is totally right.