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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I guess so. But im the guy that don’t want to go cliff diving in the first place. I can see the point of green and maybe yellow. But how can you be happy with nonduality if there is nothing to be happy about? And if you truly destroyed your ego wouldnt you just starve to death or forget to breathe? I don’t think you can ever destroy the ego without having an actual death. Just make it smaller. But even if it was smaller, wouldnt there just be less of a difference between happy and sad because the ego is smaller? It’s just neutral. At least in turquoise. I don’t think looking at an empty white wall is more fun than looking at art or a movie.
  2. I guess that is what it’s supposed to do.. But i just can’t understand why people want truth over tier 1? Why not just listen to a munk or Leo and get the truth from there? It has to be something that im missing here.
  3. Do anyone have some tips? I only know of contemplation and i could use some new tips.
  4. If anyone of you played the game ‘Detroit: become human’ i think Connor is the perfect example.
  5. How is ego created? Is it created at birth? Does objects have ego? Is your brain the ego?!
  6. I kind of had a bad upbringing with my mom who was too depressed to take care of me and had no real boundaries at all. And my dad who was in a bad state mentally and got mad easily (red). Basicly i learned to be more red without really getting any blue. Im now orange and i move to easily into red whenever something happens. How can i intergrate more blue?
  7. If god is already at the highest stage, why did he create more suffering by creating ego? Can you have better life with ego than if you didnt have one? I see men as yang-dominant and women as ying-dominant. Without a man you cannot reproduce as a woman, and without a woman you cannot reproduce as a man. They are connected. I see orange, as to much yang. And green as too much ying. But together they move you produce something better, yellow. Picture ying and yang rotating up the spiral. What’s next after turquoise? If you don’t have an ego, do you have a spiritual ego? The even bigger picture is physical reality, as beige. Turquoise as purple, trying to get collective security. Coral as the higher red, fighting ego. And higher blue, orange, green, yellow and finally nothing. You cannot reproduce without a man. You cannot have existance without ego. Nothing cannot experience nothing. God is something, not nothing. Thoughts?
  8. That cleared things up. Thank you! I suppose acceptance of the paradox and not-knowing is key to embodying turquoise then.
  9. I can’t comprehend that. Im sorry.
  10. But what if you take away being? Do you have nothing? If god truly was nothingness, how is existence possible? Is infinity the same as nothing?
  11. Then how do you know? I can't know. But demonizing ego seems exactly what a spiritual ego would do..
  12. It just seems like a spiritual ideology. Not that i know for certain
  13. I need more blue in a way. I think I had some issues from my childhood that never made me fully in touch with blue. I kind of went past blue really fast. I find myself moving down the spiral from orange really fast whenever i get any form of psychological stress. This causes me to go to red and do stupid shit. How can i fix this and trancend red fully?
  14. Being upset at my girlfriend for not answering.. trying to run away from home because my parents was about to put me into a psychiatric hospital.. or generally just getting mad really fast. I don’t know if im wrong but if this isn’t red how do i fix this?
  15. Is this a faster way to reach turquoise/have no identity? Why spend so much time to destroy it? Would this even work? Would i be happy?
  16. That is not true. Im sorry if you feel that way.
  17. Im really scared of that. Im sorry.
  18. How long does it take to move up to another stage in Spiral Dynamics? I think that the higher up in the spiral you are, the longer it takes to evolve to something deeper. Im interested in evolving to green, yellow and maybe turquoise. Im in orange at the moment. Also, if anyone have some tips to speed up the process i would really appreciate that.
  19. This is a big problem for me, i don’t want to feel so alone walking around the world filled with unconscious robots walking around and not have a real connection to anyone. Maybe that’s why we are unconscious. To feel connected.
  20. I watched that video, but what really made me want to transcend orange is some other problems i had. I think once you become more conscious, you become happier. At least from all the lower stages and up to this point. Nobody would be doing this work just to ‘grow up’.
  21. Is it just me or does life seem so boring and sad after reaching this point? Im really interested in understanding the world for what it REALLY is. But having a turquoise paradigm just seems so boring compared to orange, green or yellow. Im not judging anyone of you who are working towards this, it’s an awsome goal. But even if this is true, why wouldn’t you want the illusion? Or perhaps a deeper and more complex illuson?
  22. Thank you for all of your answers. Again, I did not mean to offend anybody asking this. I guess what i was trying to ask was how do i want enlightenment or a turquoise paradigm? I think Leo said that when you want it, you are already 50% on the way there.
  23. Im orange, so i probably don’t understand these concepts fully. But it can seem really empty or lonely to experience this. I was just hoping for some help to see the benefits or some insights to the motivation people have behind this work. It makes me sad to think that the people i care about arent real. Or even myself..
  24. Is there any deeper meaning to these colors? Or is it just a way to categorize the stages?