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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Try this. Sorry for responding late...
  2. How do you unlock cities? Not sure if that's enlightenment..
  3. Confirmation bias and lots of placebo
  4. Please share your life purpose and how you found it. It will be useful for some inspiration and motivation for others. Edit: I posted this in the wrong forum, if a mod sees this please move it to "Life purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship"
  5. The best way to practice chronic action is meditation. Constantly shifting your focus back to your breath is the hard thing and the thing your ego doesn't want you to do. Life equals meditation. When you open your eyes after your session, you haven't stopped meditating.
  6. Yes, master doing. You need to train your mind like you train a muscle. There is no other way of doing it. Kind of like training to run a marathon and reading about different routines of running. And you never actually run, but just keep reading about routines or nutrition. All these books and courses are just ways your ego distracts you to actually do it. I’ve been there. Lasted about a year. Doing is infinitely more powerful than knowing or learning. Good luck!
  7. Focus on doing, not learning or knowing. You don't actually need all of these concepts. The only thing you need is action. That's the secret. Don't fall into the trap of spending hundreds of hours consuming "self-help". If you NEED information then look it up. Otherwise just live the lifestyle of chronic action.
  8. Im your age aswell, if you and your friends are interested, id like to start a small online group that combines multiple life purposes. It won't be for self actualization, but it would be for solving a big problem in the world. Like global warming, global health or nuclear security. I have some ideas and plans but i cannot do it all alone. Please message me if you are interested.
  9. Contact her family and ask them to talk to her. If that doesn't work then get a restraining order or psychiatry.
  10. Focus on synthesis between masculinity and femininity. Not a forced 50/50 ratio. It will balance itself out, eventually. Accept, addapt and own it to it’s fullest potential.
  11. Market without lying, but still show them why they should buy your product and how it would benefit them. The key here is honesty. And also, for ethics, don’t sell stupid stuff like fast food or videogames to people. But healthy foods and social guides. Try to market to yourself before publishing. Pretend you are the customer and try to see what your future would look like after buying the product. Maybe 1, 3 and 10 years in the future or something.
  12. Simple question. I want to grow up the spiral to solve problems more effectivly. But i also want a family. Could you also elaborate on the difference between a yellow person dating vs all of tier 1? Thanks.
  13. Trust me it will make your life worse. You need to be ready for a relationship before you can commit to someone properly. I learned that the hard way, it completely ruined my life.
  14. I read somewhere that the best thing you can do is just ignore it and live life like normal. The stage you are in is called "oppresion" after that comes "possesion". I read that the final stage only happens to the "weak-minded". But most likely it's just a medical problem.
  15. Some quick backstory. I have had a lot of forced psychiatry over the last 2 years and a lot of forced admissions to hospital because i was underage and my parents where in charge. Those were extremely traumatizing. At the moment I don’t go to school or have any friends because of it. Now however, I have the right to refuse their ‘treatment’. So i did. Here is what happend: The doctors wanted to give me another forced examination and showed up at my house to talk to me. I had previously refused their ‘examination’ because i was scared of getting more forced treatment. So i flipped. I screamed, sweared and ran outside to take a break. Slammed the door and everything. When i came back i was really upset, and got told i was acting aggresively. I did not break anything, threathend them or pull any stupid crap. I was just acting immature, trying to argue for my rights loudly and sometimes yelling a bit. I think i called them idiots at one point. And also walking back and forth quickly for because of all the stress while they were calling a mental hospital. My dad told me it’s okay but i still feel so horrible. I was never dangerous I think but the lady said she could call the cops on me. This hole scene just made me hate myself.
  16. It depends on your maturity. If you arent mentally ready for a real relationship it can actually mess you up pretty bad. Im 16 too, and yes it happend to me. Just be honest with yourself and find out if you really are ready for a deep relationship, and if you aren't just work on yourself for a year or so.
  17. Maybe for the future try to be more open to perspectives and not act ‘better’ than someone by dismissing their opinion because they can see you as rigid and not take you seriously. Im sorry for calling you arrogant. Can you look this tread? It got out of hand.
  18. Stop being so arrogant.
  19. He is not orange. He has some orange but he is mostly yellow with some turquoise. Just watch his videos.
  20. He might be orange-yellow but his thought on the limits of turquoise are really useful regardless of whether or not he is at coral. I do not care about authority, but it would definitly be useful to have authority to change the world, rather than passivly observing, because that's what this tread is about. Yes, a tier 1 person will not have complete comprehension of tier 2. But they can still comprehend it and understand it at some level to be able to discuss it and generate useful perspectives.
  21. Yeah that's just imagination. Got it from the description of this video