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Posts posted by Haumea2018

  1. Quote

    such a bad term, why not call it warm approach?or connection approach

    I think it probably originates from sales and its terms "cold calling" and "warm calling."

    Cold calling is to "make an unsolicited call on (someone), by telephone or in person, in an attempt to sell goods or services."

    Warm calling "refers to a sales call, visit or email that is preceded by some sort of contact with the potential customer or prospect, such as a direct mail campaign, an introduction at a business event or a referral."


    And only approach girls who give you positive body language. Like eye contact and smiling.

    I think that's pretty good general advice, although sometimes you see the girl before she sees you, and I don't see it as necessary to wait for her to notice you.  The worst that can happen is she's not interested, and she'll have plenty of opportunities to blow you off.

  2. Quote

    Somehow Faceless's influence turns folks here into little mini me's.

    Well, he totally sees.  I only read his recent posts after posting my first under the new account.

    I got essentially the same thing independently in the last 6 weeks. 

    I haven't read Faceless in a long time or Krishnamurti ever.  Enlightenment isn't a memetic infection spreading person-to-person.  

    It's just totally obvious in this state, and easy to see in others.

    It's like, this is the crux of it.  When there's no ego, it's easy to see what the ego actually WAS and its mechanism of operation.

    I couldn't see it all the freakin' way to Sahaja.  That all changed very recently.


  3. Quote

    Chop wood and sign up at actualized.org?

    Before enlightenment I cleaned the toilets and posted at actualized.org (under "Haumea".)

    After enlightenment I clean the toilets and post at actualized.org (under "Haumea2018".)




    Maybe facing your fears is unnecessarily torturing yourself as well.  It's the 'Self' that wants to face its fears.


    If it's the Self that wants to face its fears, who or what in the first sentence is "unnecessarily torturing" itself? 


    This is not how an Enlightened person talks:

    How does an Enlightened person talk? Please specify the parameters for future reference. :)


    This is what I call cultivation of a Spiritual Ego

    Would you actually be able to predict who is or who isn't enlightened based on appearances or speech? Would you be able to devise a spiritual version of a Turing Test? ;)


    Ok, so how fast can you enter into Nirodha Samapatti AKA the cessation of perception and feeling?

    Don't know.  Have never tried it. Not sure I need to or want to. I don't do any meditative practice anymore. I'd rather catch a nap.

  4. It can be, depending on what we mean when we use that word.

    If there's some sense of fixity or permanence or limitation, then yeah, it is all those things.

    You can have an intuition, can even act on an intuition, but if you're attached to it being "right" or "correct" then it is all those things.

    I don't notice any sense of any "knowledge" being "right" in this state.  Like, my mind is working the best it can, and I act and decide based on it, but there's a constant openness to changing it.  Like it's all just provisional and conditional and not fixed.  Like you can see that it's just a map, not something real.

  5. Quote

    To be aware of all the sneaky and subtle movement of fear, presenting itself as other than fear. 

    Yeah, often it presents itself as just good common sense or the obvious judgment on a situation.  But at the heart of it as an avoidance of "the demon".


    To pretend to know something ~ anything ~ is another way how fear perpetuates itself. Because fear is made out of knowing (the past ~ knowledge, experience, memory) so it needs to keep feeding knowing by bringing the past into the present and anticipating a future. Psychological time?

    Yes.  Knowledge is an ego security strategy which is quite obvious when it ends.  

  6. Quote

    Growing up I had a big ego, but I started to work on that early on. I love humbleness, compassion and altruism. These are all good concepts to contemplate and practice in order to shrink your ego. 

    I've come a long way towards the transcending of my ego.

    Frankly I don't care if I live or die(although I love to live). 

    I don't bother with success or other peoples approvals.

    See, the problem is the following:

    Your ego identifies with being GOOD (whatever qualities are good to you: humility, compassion, altruism, etc.)

    Enlightenment isn't identifying with GOOD qualities.

    Enlightenment is not suppressing and rejecting perceived BAD qualities.

    So you actually need to stop seeing BAD qualities as BAD, and consider they may be a missing part of your Self.

    Otherwise you just have a GOODNESS ego.

    You see yourself as GOOD or as wishing to be GOOD.

    If you are enlightened there's no self-narrative.  It is beyond good and evil.  You are not the doer.

    It's not about moral striving at all.  Simply by being whole you are doing the work of the divine.

    (Keep in mind the context in which I say this: a board of advanced seekers.  This is not a teaching for the masses, obviously.)


  7. Neither the entity nor the fear are real in any sense; both are illusory; however they may be experienced or perceived as real -- as long as there is an experience of an I-thought, there is an experience of fear (which is a preservation strategy by the I-thought.)  That fear must be faced, because as long as it is avoided it persists as a seemingly-real experience.


  8. Been away for 3 months finishing up my post-1000.

    This is definitely Sahaja.

    Love you all...

    Remember, this is your individual journey, your demons, your fears.

    Do not avoid any hard work, such as facing your deepest fears.  You cannot get there without facing them.

    That's what it boils down to, all maps and concepts of enlightenment aside.  Don't avoid what is difficult.