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Everything posted by Rob

  1. That'd true, only wise and open minded people will start their journey! Rob
  2. Awesome words man! Keep chasing after your goals! Let's see what will we become on year later!
  3. That makes a lot of sense man! So I'm actually not disregarding my friends. We go shopping and watch movies on the weekends. So I keep most of these stuff in my mind, therefore I can gain perspective when it comes to fronds dragging you down into negative stuff. But anyways thank you for the tip, man!
  4. Me too! these two videos really shows us what is potentially out there so we don't lose our direction after we get out of collage. Rob
  5. I'm currently a high school student so: advice for high school and collage students really changed my life and how i view school, Oh! also the 'how to study' episode. I transformed from a crappy video game addict into an ace student! Rob