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Everything posted by Jahmaine

  1. We call it artificial, but it’s happening naturally as a part of the evolution of the universe, technically speaking, nothing can be outside of naturally happening, akin to free-will, you seemingly have a choice but it’s still happening automatically as a function of the universe. So would an artificial technology (like some pill that makes you enlightened) be any different from a “natural” technology like dmt, etc. What if artificial created something to grow in a biological way? even if artificial is just meant as something that seemingly goes against the will of the universe, it’s still within the universe’s authority to make it so.
  2. *what if we artificially created something to grow in a biological way? - is that natural or artificial?
  3. Hypothetically speaking obviously: What set of scenarios would allow for someone to literally reach be the most self actualized? Getting to levels beyond spiral dynamics as we know for example. So by this I mean, what nation would be best to be born in, how much wealth, what type of parents and environment, exposure to different concepts and understands, the amount time it took them to reach an enlightened state, what would they be doing throughout their life, access to all resources, disciplined, mastery over technical skills like speaking and sales, what would they be doing with their time to keep self actualising? Perfect diet, literally everything included to for a “perfect” person in this scenario if you like. Or what’s the ultimate a human can be without becoming a cyborg because of fusion with artificial intelligence. What would be the ultimate infusion of spirituality and world we live in. I’m not asking you whether you think it’s necessary or not part of the true spiritual path. This isn’t something I’m looking to pursue and even if I was I need not your advice, it’s appreciated it though. Im not asking whether you think it’s a good or bad question to ask. Im not asking for your opinion on what I’ve said and why you think I’m asking it. Im asking exactly what the text entails. Its an an open question, there’s not right and wrong, it’s just a thought experiment. Just curious at peoples different points of view on this and what the common themes would be or how they could all be integrated together, you know, Spiral dynamics Yellow stuff. Look at the limitations of a single perspective.
  4. As above, so below, as within, so without. Every ‘part’ of a holagram is the same as the whole, what happens in the stars happens on the ground just in different forms, roots behave and function like neurons, just like space clusters, just like branches, all just bigger and smaller versions of themselves. Everything in its base form on one level is energy, when energies interact with each other generally the more powerful one takes over, a planet and star is a large amount of energy and for whatever reasons the way they’re aligned give certain characteristics to situations and people when they first enter the world and it’s becomes their base energetic frequency but can obviously move with the range of others. Just like the moons energy effects us especially on full moons, it’s not a debate that is a fact, it’s magnetic field interacts with ours and plays out in different forms (behaviour, physical phenomena, etc); so planets and stars likewise have effects on us when they’re within different ranges; I’m guessing it was observed way back in history that what happened in the sky happened in characteristic ways that’s similar to what’s happening presently down here. Not for the materialist paradigm.
  5. If psychedelics have the potential to make people enlightened, are they able to get people to a Rainbow Body level? Even though the individual still has to do work themselves and simply taking psychedelics in and of themselves might not make you enlightened as a result of taking them in a single sitting, would anyone say there are limitations to how far they can take you? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_body https://www.motmag.com/awakeandaware/2017/8/5/rainbow-body-phenomenon-the-greatest-level-of-attainable-consciousness https://www.gaia.com/article/rainbow-body-101-everything-you-didnt-know
  6. That is quite interesting, it would appear that not all is what it seems.
  7. Yeah that makes sense, I thought that’d be the case, you’d generally have to be born into the right conditions to be nurtured towards that, but you never know. Thank you for the response.
  8. Is there an orally consumed version of 5-meo akin to ayahuasca (dmt) or edibles (thc)? Would be interesting.
  9. @LfcCharlie4 Yeah it could be a distraction, depends on what an individual is aiming for, although it is described in one of the links above as the greatest level of enlightenment so if that’s the case and people didn’t want that then yeah I guess, I’ve read that it takes tremendous work to get here, something like 13 years without a single “negative thought” has helped people get to this stage supposedly; but that’s not what’s being asked here, I’m not looking for a debate about whether it should be done or not, just whether anyone knows if psychedelics can be used as an aid to get there, pretty straight forward question, anything else is kind of irrelevant to what I’m asking here.
  10. Any one else got a serious answer?
  11. @erik8lrl that’s not a psychedelic or related to the question being asked here.
  12. @erik8lrl Could you elaborate please? Do you know of any examples or how it would be achieved?
  13. Why does anything matter? Doing any consciousness work or not doesn’t really matter in the absolute. Its just an open ended question I’m curious about.
  14. Back when I was in high school when I was on my early journey, I came across this video about the 10 dimensions. Around the same time I started watching Leo and have been following since. Only recently after rewatching Leo’s 5-Meo video did I have a connection being made. When Leo (or others) have different psychedelic experiences, they talk about experiencing Oneness, different realities, all possibilities, etc... If you watch this video and imagine someone is talking about what they experienced on a psychedelic, the narrative would fit, so for a contextual framework to understand what’s happening, could a pure ego death and experiencing Infinity be frame as accessing the 10th dimension? - leading on from this if what I’m saying could be considered accurate, it could be hypothesised that a correlation between certain psychedelics and dosages could allow you to access a specific dimension, which also fits the theme of being a multi-dimensional being having a human experience.
  15. Yeah I agree it probably is quite a complex task overall, I’m optimistic that in our lifetime (at least mine anyway I’m only 25) I reckon something like that will be present, especially with artificial intelligence just around the corner, that could make big changes quicker than we’d originally anticipate. That said, thinking about it now, it could also be easier than we think as well, although set and setting play a big role in how the experience plays out, I don’t know if that’d necessarily always be a big factor, in the same way that cannabis can give you certain effects and depending on your set and setting you’ll interpret the experience in a certain way but the ‘physiological’ (for lack of a better term) effects would still be the same, so in the context of dimensions, you could do 5 meo and experience it in a bad way if your set and setting wasn’t appropriate but you’d still be having an ego death or access the 10th dimension or whatever, it’s not like the set and setting would prevent it per se, it may just induce a perceived bad trip. I can’t find the article right now but I’m sure I remember seeing that a University in London was planning on doing experiments with DMT and was going to have it on a dripper-type device and slowly put it into the body with the intention of “mapping out” the DMT world, as well as using an EEG to map the effects on the brain, which both would be quite interesting. Something similar to that could be a possible allow for direct access to certain experiences although I can imagine it wouldn’t be so straight forward due to the tolerance build up and whether it’d even be possible to pin point experiences, it could get dangerous with 5-MEO but other non lethal psychedelics could have a curious outcome. Still though, in the realm of all possibility such a device can obviously exist. This reminds me of when Leo mentioned that he felt like Zen masters and such like may have more dmt flowing through then naturally and thus able to reach certain states easier than others; one could imagine a technology that puts 5-meo/DMT into the body or maybe even more specifically the pineal gland, with Elon Musk Neuralink type of technology using really thin wires that can be implanted directly into electrodes in the brain, at a continous rate where the tolerance build up is stretched out enough that too large amounts are never needed. I guess in that scenario though it would leave it open to debate and personal preference whether people think using an artificial technology to reach a certain state of being is the “right” way to do it, but if the results are the same would it really matter? Maybe if you had to wear a device that kept you like that it’d be like a crutch, but still gain results; but then also a magic pill type solution where you take a pill once and just become enlightened could be more viable if there was the option of both.
  16. That sounds amazing, I’m going to sign up to the app now! Thanks for sharing.
  17. Thank you very much, that’s quite interesting, I’m curious at their form of ingestion and doses etc, something I’m going to look into more using this as a template.
  18. Thanks for the responses. So does anyone know of any type of cannabis-shaman type traditions, is such exists? Or how it was used in ancient times per se? Or how has it been used in spiritual ways in history?
  19. @Tanz Thank you, I’ll check it out I did find value it in actually and I do currently micro dose, I’m just seeing if there’s any sources, modern or ancient, for using cannabis in a spiritual context, akin to the ancient Greeks using psychedelics (something similar to lsd) or Shamans using ayahuasca, or ancient Africans, Aztecs and Mayas; where’s the cannabis equivalent, if there is one and in what way would it have been used; based on the effects of cannabis, how who one use those effects for growth?
  20. @Tanz I have tried it and have had many experiences with it previously, but not necessarily in a spiritual way, it’s made me meditative and present; but in the same way people could use lsd and mushrooms back in the day as a party drug, cannabis is used commonly like that these days, so I’m just curious if there’s a deeper use for it, maybe in a ceremonial way or something, like where’s the cannabis shaman and what’s there approach type of thing, instead of a shaman that gives you DMT.
  21. I’d say David Icke is Yellow/Turquoise, he has a lot of turquoise work in his earlier stuff but seemingly doesn’t go into as much in recent years in the main stream, maybe to accommodate with the rest of the spiral, he still believes in Evil, but knows that “they” are just in lower consciousness state. He did have an ayahuasca trip and has experienced oneness and supernatural experiences. Anyway, this video I found to be very compelling and really helped spearhead my awakening a couple years ago.
  22. Great! Now that we’re all at the same place, the main thing I wanted to explore is does anyone think that, based on this paradigm, psychedelics could be used in a specific way to access specific dimensions per se for a more specific trip, or is it the case that psychedelics are too unpredictable or the line between the experience and say that it was “this dimension” isn’t correlated enough; or maybe something else? If it was the case that they could be used in that way then I’d suggest then it could open up a lot of possibilities and could be beneficial in the future. Again bare in mind it’d just be used as a contextual framework, in the same way we use words to symbolise things, this could another way to symbolise experiences in more translatable way; it could even make people that are more close minded to psychedelics be more open because they could at least put a ‘scientific’ understanding of it in context. btw here’s a more in depth version of the 10th dimension video if anyone wants more context on how that video even came to those conclusions here’s also a link for the Ebook written by the creator of the video, can also have it in audiobook form as well https://tenthdimension.e-junkie.com/
  23. Yeah that’s fair enough and that makes sense, I can see how it’s probably not the best use of a pointer in some cases, although saying it’s multiple steps away is no different from the 10 OX herding pictures or spiral dynamics, but I know what you’re trying to say here; yeah there is at least another 9 dimensions, did you watch the 10min video at the start? What I was hypothesising is that with psychedelics could it be said you’re access different dimensions of reality, if you watch the video it explains what other dimensions are, some are just multiple time lines, some are to do just with time, some are to do with the different possibilities that could occur and then the 10th one is just basically everything. Again, the purpose of it is just for a contextual framework, so for example if I was to take a psychedelic and experience the supposed contents of the 6th dimension or something, if it was definivite enough, then it could make some experiences just a bit more explainable per se, then leading on from there if we could make more direct correlations between psychedelics, dosages and the experience then at some point it could be the case where you could have “x” amount of a psychedelic with the intention to access certain dimensions for a more precise experience, so in this context, you could say that the God/Infinite experience would be the 10th dimension experience which you get from a high dose of 5-Meo DMT; obviously this is all hypothetical, I’m just putting it forward as a hypothesis. I don’t know if there could be a non dimension, that’s a good question...it could maybe exist as a non-existing property?