Tony 845

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Everything posted by Tony 845

  1. @tecladocasio this is what I’m saying, not sure how much it’s helping anyone get to the end goal, which is to be liberated.?‍♂️
  2. Look maybe will just chalk this all up as a tool that can get you to enlightenment faster. ?‍♂️ Just like mediation, Leo made a good point once it’s like holding a piece of steel rod in the sky during a storm, you at least have a better chance of getting struck by lightening then by staying in the house.
  3. @tecladocasio just what people that are Enlightened have said, such as Mooji. its all tongue & cheek though, really can’t say, I’m not enlightened, just going off what others have said.
  4. @Key Elements shinzen young became enlightened through sds “an awakening” I guess, then self inquiry drove his enlightenment “home” from what I’ve looked into (some one correct me if I’m wrong) although his “tripping” in the 60’s may have raised his consciousness to help him get there, I’m not sure, we would need to ask him.
  5. @Nahm kundalini is nothing compared to enlightenment, kundalini is child’s play, but it is certainly something, energy blew out of the top of my crown chakra for 2-3 minutes for Christ sake. Not a whole lot of people walking on earth can say that. kundalini (in some cases) is a great prerequisite towards enlightenment. Enlightenment is the end all of suffering but there are different degrees of it, the rabbit hole is deep. Many people go in & out of non dual states, that are in or on the path. Youre putting words in my mouth.
  6. @DrewNows my kundalini is awake, my process is speeding naturally everyday as we speek lol
  7. @DrewNows I would need to hear of more then 1 confirmed case of enlightenment to try a pyscadellic, shit if I heard of 20-30 cases I would have probably taken it myself already?
  8. @DrewNows my brother did shrooms a few times, he loved it & said that when he was tripping he could hear multiple conversations going on at once & he said that’s when he realized how deep & strong the mind can be ?‍♂️
  9. @Preetom a ton of deep self inquiry! Really looking for this “self”
  10. @Preetom not indentifing with the ego on any plane, the ability to stay in the present moment & not get caught up with stores of the past or stories of the future. Realizing deeply there is no “I”
  11. @Preetom well my kundalini is awake as fuck so I’m getting somewhere I guess, but kundalini doesn’t guarantee enlightenment either.
  12. @Good-boy it’s not as bad as it was in the beginning, the beginning was weird, now it comes & goes some weeks it’s intense & some weeks I barley notice anything, the 3rd eye pulsating is an everyday thing but that has its highs & lows as well, the most important thing for me has been not to put kundalini on a pedastul, it’s not Enlightenment.
  13. @tarax same my kundalini is awakend, so how does this correlate to enlightenment? Even in the old they do a terrible job at explaining this topic.
  14. @hundreth now look we are all looking for "enlightenment" so if he's enlightened why is he still suffering? Let me guess the rabbit hole of enlightenment goes deep & he's not at the deeepst stages??? Just wondering is all?
  15. @Identity let's be real here, Leo is the closest thing to a guru that many of us have, he explains this shit better then 99% of the people who are enlightened & if it wasn't for him many of us on here would be absolutely fucked. Thank you again Leo! sincerely, Tony.
  16. "I" though of this topic the other day, when during our evolution did the ego take a turn for the worst?
  17. As soon as I think the levels of this chakra opening reaches it limits it goes to new heights, to be honest it's getting annoying at this point (But then I'll do self inquiry & say who's annoyed? Lol) any views or thoughts on this topic, my Kundalini activated about 6 months ago & some things see to be getting more & more intense as this goes on. yes I've read enlightenment through the path of kundalini, it answered some of my questions but not all. also does kundalini awakening guarantee enlightenment? (Over time) No one ever seems to answer this question @Leo Gura
  18. @Alex (strong determination sitting) it's a form of zen buddism I belive that was brought to the forefront by shinzen young an American ordained monk, hes enlightened, shinzen young & Leo both have videos on sds sits if you would like to watch them, it's a fast track way to get enlightened (so they say) In my personal experience it's the only thing to awaken my kundalini & give me any kind of mystical experience. The only bad part is (they say) supposedly there is a risk for phscosis doing it. but I've only found 1 confirmed case, but the whole case sounds sketchy so who knows...
  19. @Rinne message me you're # we can talk over the phone like normal people ? I'm about to do some self inquiry right now!
  20. @Rinne that's how my Kundalini awakend sds + self inquiry cocktail.?