Tony 845

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Everything posted by Tony 845

  1. @FoxFoxFox even if they talk once, they could create in the future 5 new people in the world to become enlightened (maybe) that would be a good thing. Trying to think greater good for the world & bigger picture + I wonder the questions Joe would have for Leo. Also I have ties to mma & things that Joe likes & enlightenment & things that Leo likes so for me it would be like two of my boys shooting the shit.
  2. @AstralProjection the world needs to know this truth of no-self, it would stop selfies in their tracks! ?
  3. @Aeris I’m a Brazilian jiu jitsu purple belt (high level submission grappler) but I’m also on an enlightenment journey myself, doesn’t mean after enlightenment I’ll stop doing jiu jitsu & even if i do stop I’ll be Happy either way. Theres that young guy who is enlightened & he still rock climbs...?‍♂️ I think Leo can help Joe Rogan if anything, just my opinion. P.s. when you are fighting in front of a crowd, there isn’t much more being in the now then that ( unless you are enlightened) I’ve been in the ring myself & not because of being angry, but because “I” enjoyed it. It’s fun a weird way. My jiu jitsu journey has played a key role in my enlightenment journey, I’ve been tapped out by women & lower belts, it teaches you how to keep you’re ego in check, just today I was tapped out by a lower belt, some people will quit after That & some with healthier egos will stick around & one day become black belts.
  4. @AstralProjection people can say whatever they want about Leo, he explains enlightenment better then anyone walking the face of the planet.
  5. @Peo I bet 1-2 years of every day mediation like a 1/2 hour & an hour of self inquiry every could get you there, also doing self inquiry all day long, I think many people make it harder then it needs to be, then again I’m not enlightened...
  6. Ram das said once he gave his guru LSD & he was completely un fased by it... not sure how true it is ?‍♂️
  7. @lostmedstudent natural purging especially if you heavy into enlightenment work, to me it’s like an ego backlash.
  8. @Conceptually-made I’m sure he isn’t poor, that’s why.
  9. I know I’ve said this before, but if it wasn’t for you I really don’t know where I would be today. The Echarts, Adyashantis, sadgurus, Ruperts, moojis, shinzen young’s of the would are great, but without stroking what’s left of you’re ego too much, you explain it deeply & more thorough then they all do. So again thank you from all of us even you’re haters. P.s. I know one day I will be fully enlightened & it will be thanks to you. ?
  10. Like what exactly does that mean??? liie just cause you are in there presence you can become awakend?
  11. @Markus damn & exhart didn’t move from a park bench for like 5 months & he’s only around 600, I’ve heard before he’s not that deeply enlightened (whatever that means) damn I can only imagine what the 1,000’s feel like. You currently enlightened may I ask?
  12. @How to be wise looking forward to the day I’m full blown enlightened & I can get off this forum ?
  13. @cetus56 im still fucked, just not nearly as fucked, maybe once I’m full blown enlightened I’ll be hopefully as close at peace as possible ?
  14. @cetus56 Leo saved my Ass! I was in a fucked up spot then I came across his material, looking up meditation, his vidoes popped up & transformed my life.
  15. @Truth Addict fuck awakenings I’ve had one already, Enlightenment or bust.
  16. @Markus my kundalini awakend about 8 months ago, I’d like to know where I stand on his scale & if I’m even at the point where he or any guru can help me. Ive only had one awakening & many kundalini side effects from it. I’m also meeting Rupert Spira in 2 months for a Q & A session group meeting for 3 & a 1/2 hours (pretty pumped about that) this guys soul mate lady, what’s her deal? Is she enlightened? where would these main stay guys Rupert? Exhart? Adyashanti? Shimzen young? Sadguru? Where would they be on this level list?
  17. Obviously it’s a chakra opening & closing (anja) but what the fuck is happing in there? & why? ?‍♂️ Anyone have experience with this or details that I should know about? Its been happening on & off for 6-8 months but seems to be getting stronger & stronger. only asking just cause it’s getting a bit annoying at this point, no I don’t fight it when it pulsates.
  18. @Gabriel Antonio I’ve had some pretty crippling fear my friend.
  19. @Serotoninluv just trying to make sure all this self inquiry, reading, mediating, sds sits, kundalini ripping through me, books I buy from Leo, videos I’ve watched, research I’ve done is worth it & $ I’m now starting to spend on talking to gurus is all worth it...?
  20. @abrakamowse it’s kind of cool & kind of freaky all at the same time, not sure what’s happening in there ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
  21. @abrakamowse @Salvijus my kundalini awakend on a sds sit about 8 months, crown chakra blew the fuck open, it pretty much started then & hasn’t chilled the fuck out, only gotten stronger.