Tony 845

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Everything posted by Tony 845

  1. @Mikael89 I sit on a couple of pillows probably 2-3ft from a blank wall, it took me 30-40 sits to get this 2 hour + mark..even a 5-10 minute increase in a sit is very hard.
  2. @PsiloPutty the 1st hour & 1/2 I inquire then after that the pain starts in & the inquiry goes out the window for the most kundalini feeling that I got came when I stopped trying to fight the pain & just let it happen.
  3. @PsiloPutty I'm at 2 hours & 15 minutes, that a huge amount for someone only doing this 4-5 months, it really is some powerful stuff, 3 weeks ago it felt like energy or fire was pouring out of the top of my crown shakra for like a minute or 2, kundalini is starting to awaken!!! I've only been on this enlightenment journey about 9 months, pretty happy with the results, thanks Leo!!!
  4. @Privet I'm at 2 hours & 15 mintutes, if I haven't lost my shit yet I should be good ??? defiantly my ego doesn't want me to keep pushing forward, it knows I'm making progress & will do anything to sideline me.
  5. May have been an awakening "experience" take the whole dog for insance & its hair, you got one hair on its tail, not the whole shabang.
  6. @dorg in sds sits the body is still but you can inquire at the same time, Monkey mind is still there anyway, may as well utilize it.
  7. @MrDmitriiV I keep hearing about these color stages what the hell are they please fill me in ?
  8. People use both of these terms very loosely "I" lol feel, some people say they are the same, some people say awakening is prior to enlightenment thoughts? Some other words used: Bliss. nirvana. liberated. kundalini.
  9. @MrDmitriiV oh my ego is fighting back alright, that's for sure.
  10. I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but the Buddha sat under a bodi tree all night long & didn't move to become enlightened isn't that the same a strong determination sit????
  11. @Mikael89 yeah I've looked into it a little, one lady went on a vipassana retreat then went through psychosis after apparently, but who knows, for me I'll take my chances at this point, I deal with some shitty anxiety..
  12. @Leo Gura could you make a video one day on detailing the degrees enlightenment, is there a difference between awakening & enlightenment, I feel like across the board many people that are seekers are even confused, also do you still dream after enlightenment? Or get scared or nervous about anything anymore? I have soo many questions still?
  13. So if you aren't familiar with it I guess there is a bad side to enlightenment (Dark night of the soul) apparently you can awaken to a dark side, pretty much you become awakend but you realize deeply that nothing matters & you don't care about nothing anymore from what I'm gathering. My question is does this only happen to people that don't know about awakening & it's a shocker to them or does this happen to people that are seekers as well? & how often does this happen? This sounds pretty shitty.. also is it the same as a kundalini syndrome? Everything about this topic seems kinda vague, anyone out there have any legit info on this??? @Leo Gura
  14. @Mikael89 yes that's what I do, makes it much better for concentration reasons.
  15. @Girzo way more intense, it was only a minute, but a life altering Mintute, put it this way, I don't question enlightenment anymore minute. Like a damn fire bursting out of the top of my head, extreme pressure, it was the craziest thing I've ever experienced, while mediating
  16. I did a strong determination sit last night for 2 hours & ten minutes, the last 2 minutes of the sit got crazy, for about 1-2 mintutes it felt like energy/electricity was pouring out the top of my head (crown shakra) I guess, I've only been mediating for a year & I have never experienced anything like this, is there was any questioning about enlightenment left in me it's now forever gone, that was crazy, anyone else have any experiences like this & if so what the hell does it mean?
  17. @Leo Gura if it wasn't for guys like you, echart, adyashanti, ram das, shinzen young & the Buddha, this wouldn't of been possible, you have no clue how much you've helped me over the past year my friend w/ you're vidoes. "I" lol battle w/ OCD-Anxiety & enlightenment/ awakening I feel is the only thing that will one day demolish it. P.s. May be a stupid question, but is this an enlightenment experience?
  18. @luismatos my 3rd eye is buzzing all throughout the day, especially since I've started this strong determination sitting.
  19. @PsiloPutty I do them 3-4 days a week, sometimes more, this enlightenment thing can't come soon enough ?? & on my off day self inquiry & regular mantra mediation.
  20. @PsiloPuttyThose last 15-20 minutes are hell, I feel like I'm not gonna have a big breakthrough till I get to the 2 & 1/2-3 hour mark, hope all this pain is worth it one day??‍♂️ I did 2 hours & 10 minutes last night, it's amazing how hard it is just to gain another 5 minutes on you're sit, seems like nothing till you try this shit, when you think about it, it's basically what the Buddha did, he sat under the bodi tree all night long, sounds like a strong sit to me ?