Tony 845

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Everything posted by Tony 845

  1. Are there any confirmed cases of either of these or are they folklore? There is also a theory phscosis isnt real? But then again I've never been in a physc ward so what do I know... also leo if you read this don't be afraid to make a video breaking down Kundalini, would of loved to have known about it before energy shot out of my crown chakra unexpectedly, I thought I was the damn Buddha for a minute..??‍♂️ Not sure the level of which my kundalini is awakened but it's for sure awakened, both of these topics have me a little concerned though...
  2. its an interesting topic, obviously they are both very young, but I also don't want to see them suffer, I was thinking once they are 12/13? Go ahead give me you're thoughts on the matter...??‍♂️
  3. @RawJudah it's almost easier to become enlightened when you know nothing about it, he did self inquiry without knowing it was a technique.
  4. @Gabriel Antonio are you enlightened yet? 1st time my crown chakra blew open, I thought I was enlightened haha ? I know what you are saying...I couldn't believe it, after dealing with this kundalini stuff the best part about it, now I know there is enlightenment. Like no more questioning it. I had no clue the human body did this shit lol ?
  5. I've had this sensation about 20 times now, it scared me at 1st, I think it's kundalini related but im not sure, very little info on it online, can anyone help me with this one? I used to be very scared of this, but I just let it be is strange though...I just wanna know what it's doing clearing chakras or something?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
  6. @Gabriel Antonio i battle with an extreme case of OCD called pure O if that can't break me I'm not sure what's literally nuts, diving deeper into non-dual teaching has toned it down though like 80%
  7. Just tried looking it up, didn't see anything...
  8. @Gabriel Antonio I've had some kundalini that I honestly couldn't stop before, once it's awake there is no going back. Thanks for the heads up though. I really gotta email Craig Holiday i believe his name is, he trained under adyanshanti & is enlightened.
  9. @Gabriel Antonio lovely, but who's the "I" that will go nuts? My kundalini woke about 6 months ago, I would have told someone they are crazy if they tried telling me energy they couldn't control was rippling through their body lol ? Prior to this.. Ive read Kundalini books, nothing about spinning sensations, almost 100% sure it's Kundalini related, just wanted to see if anyone knew anything else about it & why it keeps happening to me.. have you ever delt with kundalini?
  10. @Enlightenment How do I find a good mantra? I just try to concentrate on my breath while meditating...
  11. @DocHoliday kids are closer to enlightenment then most adults I agree, I was driving somewhere 6 months ago, lost in Neurotic thought & my 3 year old at the time said daddy look birds, there were pigeons on a telaohone wire & he was amazed by them! Utterly in the moment, that's when it hit me how fucked we are as humans lol ?
  12. @sarapr maybe 18 is a good age lol & I don't want to force it on them unless they are deeply suffering I will bring it up to them.
  13. @Mezanti my 6 year old mediates a little already 2 mintutes here, 2 minutes there, it's cute
  14. @Aakash defiantly an interesting topic, that's why I put it up today...
  15. @Rilles I was deeply suffering due To my ego by the time I was 8?‍♂️ Having a drunk dad and an oblivious mom sure as hell didn't help lol ?
  16. @Aakash just don't want to see them suffer like I do with this anxiety bull shit, it's dramatically dying down the deeper I get into self inquiry/ mediation/ sds sits but it's still a battle at times. I just don't want this for them.
  17. @TheAvatarState i self inquire all day long, my Kundalini woke up during a Sds sit/ self inquiry combo, energy shot of out of my crown chakra, the experience so was crazy I thought I was of the most mystical profound moments. From that day forward I tasted a tiny bit of something mystical, enough so that I know Enlightenment is real. This may sound crazy but I feel like I am close to a big awakening very soon without them, or that just be my ego ? im scared of them, with my luck something would go terribly wrong, again my ego probably just trying to scare me out of it.
  18. @TheAvatarState like Leo has said, it should be one of the most important things in you're life, if you are trying to attain it or become aware of It. I believe I am at an early stage of awakening myself, like a very early stage, my kundalini energy roars all day long. Maybe a stage 4/5 on the ox tail..."I" still have a lot of work to do..
  19. @TheAvatarState I'm not trying to bash tripping on shit, but there have literally been thousands of people who HAVE become enlightened without LSD & 5MEO or whatever Subsatnce you are willing to try, so why should i if there if there has only been 1 comfirmed case? Then again there are different degrees to enlightenment, so it's hard to tell, guys like baba ram das & Leo I believe they are enlightened to a certain degree, just not at the deepest levels one can attain, JMO...the only good thing from an outsider looking in (I've never tried them) is they can speed up the process.. to higher levels of consciousness.
  20. @TheAvatarState how many people have legit become enlightened through pschadellics??? The only that I've heard of is the guy that Leo did an interview on about 5MEO other then him who else???
  21. Become enlightened? ive watched a couple of the documentarys on them, they really are hardcore as fuck.
  22. @Dan Arnautu kyras are like body jerking & twisting, I've only experienced the jerking, not the twisting (yet)
  23. @Dan Arnautu you'll be fine, amazing what the body can do huh? My initial Kundalini I didn't know what it was for like a month??‍♂️ Then Leo broke the news to me, remember just let it do its thing, it's smarter then you, it may be good to find a guru as well, adyashnti & one of his deciples Craig Holiday i believe his name is have been through kundalini & they are both enlightened & no just read the whole damn book, you'll feel a lot better.tou can also email the women who wrote the book, she's now enlightened as well & she's a therapist, pretty cool combo ? Just relax bro, there are people out there who have become enlightened & they didn't now anything about it! Imagine how freaked out they must of felt! I heard one lady went to like 5 physiatrist till she pieced it together lol, it took Echart tolle 3 years till he figured out what happend to him, you're lucky you're on this forum.