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About Sidra

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  1. I've read lots of papers to see if one-time, intentional and controlled (set and setting) psilocybin trip could trigger persistent psychosis or schizophrenia in people with genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. The science is very patchy on this esp bec almost all trials screen out ppl w family history of schizophrenia. So I feel my last resort before deciding is looking for anecdotal evidence. Anyone here with family history of schizophrenia who did psilocybin and were just fine (didn't develop schizophrenia or psychosis after)? I hear a lot of stories of the opposite (ppl w genetic predisposition who do psychedelics and then develop schizophrenia). Should this then completely street me away from trying even once? Also if anyone knows of papers of trials before they screened out ppl w family history of schizophrenia (probably in the 70's or 80's) when psychedelic research was less controlled please share <3 Also would it be safer to try MDMA instead? Plz share w me ur anecdotes (for ppl w family history of schizophrenia/psychotic disorders) <3
  2. Wow.. Looking back at this now is amazing. Y'all I found a way out!! lol I put in so much work into applying to universities abroad and now I am going to Princeton to start my studies with a full scholarship in 20 days!! I almost can't believe it's true. No more being restricted. No more feeling physically stuck.
  3. The one where u demonstrated ur vision n also used some cool ass pics of how it looks like.. I couldn't find it lately but it was GOOD ! Oh I like that ! I remember once I heard someone classify values as good/junk values n it didn't really resonate with me.. it was mostly deeming the lower stages' values as juck values.. but I think this is a better suggestion to see it.. anyhow I'm still tryina figure it out N yea I've watched that vid before.. It's one of my favorite ! Thx.. I'll keep that in mind
  4. Super interesting ! I also read some of ur other posts here !! So inspiring !! I even reread a particular one when looking for muse hahaha !! Hats off !! U sound like an expert on yourself (I don't mean existentially , which u might be given that u buy into Leo's explanation of God/reality esp as communicated in his latest vid.. if so I hope it's not just added beliefs for u or even subtle impressions on the subconscious mind.. or confirmation bias.. anyhow , guess ure already aware of that ) So yea I must say it's pretty impressive how well u actually know yourself.. "in terms of self concept " ,seemingly ! I'd love to know what helped u with that.. I'm trying to improve in this area n the lp course is helping so far.. I'm still in the concepts section tho so I dunno if it's gonna be enough as I continue to get to know myself aka my top values / strengths / weaknesses...etc !! So what helped u become an expert on yourself ?! Also another question I've been wondering abt.. we r constantly changing so in say 20 years if u r to look back at this post for instance.. how much of it would u still resonate with n relate to ?! Do our top values change ?! What's the dynamic here ?! One of the stuff blocking the way of getting to know myself more cuz I have that _probably_ belief that we're constantly changing so it's pointless anyways ?! I'd also love to hear ur thoughts on this !
  5. @now is forever @now is forever @Shin yep this I see is the best choice ! I can apply for a scholarship to study abroad so I can get a study visa and in the meantime I can work to pay the pills ! How abt that ? Do u know of other ways to get the visa ? N why would u suggest European countries specifically ?
  6. @Shin I see what u mean ! Yea could be ! But I can't deny that being restricted does drag me dowm I accept them n I don't wanna change them or anything ! It's just too much ! I can't even go for a decent walk if I wanted to !! I don't know if u could imagine how really hard it would be having to live completely controlled ! Esp if ure a person who values freedom and authenticity !
  7. @Shin u r right I'm not gonna rush through anything now ! But hey I don't even want to study medicine ! Let alone it takes at least 7 years to finish studying in here ! Without even having specialized in some field ! I don't want to become a doctor !! Also I don't wanna spend my youth years hating my life ! U see ? U r right.. in no way is arguing my parents abt their ideology gonna make it any better
  8. @Angelite haha don't get me started on Ramadan ! I am exited abt it tho ! Except not in the same way I used to before! How about u ?
  9. @Truth Addict reality checks truth addict !! Reality checks ! I did let them ruin sth so beautiful, sth I didn't necessarily have to lose in my life before ! I'm afraid if I listen to them this time again I will regret that when I end up even more stuck in here ! U see what I mean ?
  10. @Rigel I know ! I think so !
  11. @Shin @bejapuskas thx ! ? Haha okay waitin !
  12. @Maha Nassoum @Shinthx u guys ! ?? I was kinda hoping for advice tho ya know ??
  13. Interesting !! I'd love to ! ?