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About FakeEnlightenment

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  • Birthday October 3

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  1. Theres no possible way Leo could be a solid Stage yellow and even close to Turquoise with the immature stuff he wrights on here, still has a lot of development to go through... he is still mostly Orange that thinks he's yellow, trying his best to transition into Green. Which i why it's ironic that he criticizes other people for being stuck in Orange. I recall Leo saying in his spiral dynamic videos that people who are in the Tier 2 stages, ( Yellow and Turquoise) don't get triggered as much by Tier 1 stages because they've passed through all of them and understand how they think and why. If he was truly Yellow, he wouldn't get so butthurt and defensive about people questioning his techniques. Just look at spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Sadhguru, Mooji, etc.... look at how they interact with their followers / students. It's with a high amount of compassion and subtlety. They don't get mad at the audience members if they ask questions they don't like or say something they disagree with.
  2. @triadne I think this is pretty normal to be highly irritated by this because you don't know when it's going to happen. Especially if your meditating sitting in silence or something like that. Part of the anger might be stemming from not having control over the situation and not knowing when the door might slam. I had a similar situation where my family member would constantly be whistling really loudly, and it bugged me so much. I realized I needed to accept that I can't control it, and fully embrace the sound whenever I hear it. What you're doing when it gets you mad is fighting the present moment and reality, accept the present moment and let the noise be. If it's disrupting you sleep I would play some white noise or something and wear earplugs which it seems you already are. Next time the door slams, just try to remain clam and monitor your reaction to it. Don't judge it, but just watch your reaction to it slamming. It can be a test of self control, try not to let it anger you for that moment.
  3. @blazed @Joseph Maynor Welcome to the dark side of Leo Gura
  4. @Leo Gura Leo, you're just reiterating the exact same thing you said in your first comment, that were too dumb and underdeveloped to understand and do yoga properly and were stage orange fools. How about addressing something, ANYTHING, people said in this thread about Chakras or Kriya yoga? Instead you just want to waste time in proving you have the bigger intellectual penis and we are all plebians beneath you.
  5. @111111 This is what cult leaders / religious figures do when you question their teaching or doctrine, they will just say you are being too skeptical and to not ask questions / or "feel the need to have shit proven to you" as Leo put it. Pretty sad to see Leo, a man I respect a lot, be so disrespectful to people on his own forum he started. Just take a look at his guidelines page, where it says what NOT TO DO: "Calling members names like: stupid, idiot, moron, asshole, retard, etc. Trash-talking, trolling, chronic criticism, blaming, and finger-pointing" Don't get me wrong though, Leo is the man. But you can't just put forth you own fantasy reality that not many people agree on outside of Leo's followers, and then get mad at people when they question it and just accuse them of being a stage orange materialist fool. If you stand behind the reality you propose in your videos, you shouldn't have a problem defending it in a logical argument without using ad-hominem attacks. Debating this stuff is useful and not a waste of time. What he wants to do is shut down the debate, not a good sign.
  6. @rorghee Hi, I do this too a lot during meditation and it becomes quite a big distraction. I've promised to myself now that if I sit down and start with one technique, do nothing for example, I have to finish the session with that technique. Usually the techniques which bring you the most irritation and or suffering are the ones you should practice the most. If you're using the first technique you described actively releasing thoughts, you are directly manipulating your experience. It probably feels good to switch between the two mid session because it gives you a break in a sense, from manipulation, to letting go. If you start to get frustrated or bored with a technique, I would say to find new ones as backups so you don't get burnout on your meditation sessions, or try using a guided meditation. Leo's video "The next level of meditation" is my favorite. Also, its ok to just abandon the meditation session for the time being if you feel frustrated, nothing wrong with that. Sitting there just for the sake of completing the session isn't going to help you in the long run if you can't meditate at all. Just make sure to do it later in the day.
  7. @Jonson Ya I had that feeling the first time I smoked shisha, and a few times after but then it fades away if you do it a lot or take in nicotine from something else. It feels like it pauses everything for a few moments, and everything is alright... because of the dopamine rush.
  8. @see_on_see You'd be surprised to find out that I'm actually a deep, solid Turquoise on the spiral, and have been transitioning into Coral for quite some time, working as a Yogi / Mystic instructor for an extremely nuanced version of Kriya yoga I devised myself. I'm not trying to debunk anything, just trying to clarify what reality is and what we can agree on, because we obviously have different paradigms or world views. In all my years of practice, I've never felt energy fields around my body that people label as Chakras, nor have any of my clients, which are among the elite Buddhism monks.
  9. This is the problem with using this kind of logic just because you heard it from Leo and following it blindly like a sheep. Just because you haven't SEEN something in person for yourself doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Does Australia not exist because you have personally never been there? But there is pictures of Australia and documentation about it from people who've lived there for hundreds of years. Same with your organs. You can feel your heartbeat, and when you cut someone open you can see their organs. Comparing the existence of organs and Chakras are completely different, because there is no evidence that Chakras exist as energy fields, and as you concede in your second paragraph, the only thing that makes them real to you is the continuous imagination that they are real. Well isn't that surprising! Look up the confirmation bias in psychology. If you continue to imagine something, day after day, it has an effect on your belief in that something. Think about it like affirmations, if you say your confident over and over, you will eventually start to feel more confident. Does it mean you're actually a confident person just by making yourself feel like you are? Probably not, but it will help you. This is the way I see Chakras, it's all basically made up in your mind but they do have real emotional effects on us because that's the power of the placebo effect. So does that make Chakras REAL because imagining in them has real effects on our body and mind? No! They are more so ideas you create, but if they help people, I don't see anything wrong with them.
  10. @Leo Gura Wow, great job at twisting what I said into what you think I said and meant, and putting what you wrote into a quote box with my name. Did I say Chakras and non-material phenomena were impossible? Just said that there is no good explanation as to what they are or examples... Oh and i love the part about me projecting my delusions just because I picked a username. Get real man... For someone who preaches non-judgement and not to make assumptions, I would expect more of you. Guess my mind is just too enslaved in skepticism lmao
  11. @MrDmitriiV I have to agree with you Dimitri, there is no explanation or examples of what Chakras are and you are expected to just accept that they exist when people talk about them. If you already presuppose that they exist as energy fields around your body, then you will start to feel them in your awareness because that's what your looking for. After a while you will really feel like they are there and real because you've duped yourself into believing in them.