Aldo Marchand

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Everything posted by Aldo Marchand

  1. How to keep the balance between the things you want or believe for you life/future and the common tasks that drains alot of energy of ourselves. Any suggestion here ? (I work as musician and teacher and feel the lack of energy been the main cause to get stuck sometimes with skill progress or long term schedules)
  2. @Leo Gura I see this concept relating to the learning process. When we assume we don't know something we discover new possibilities of knowledge levels. When we think that we know we are living by the ilusion of the real wisdow.@tryingforfreedom @Pinocchio
  3. @Elemental There always will be alot of options of points of view around every topic. The spiral dynamics helps us to see if the solutions are more civilized or primitive
  4. Try to focus on your favourite areas, this way the learning process becomes more natural and aligned with the skills you'll really need for the future. We have to think that is impossible to master everything. Is very good to keep a learning journal.
  5. How is the best way to deal with desonest and criminal people ? Working with tolerance and modern approach of correction or using rigid laws like more traditional civilizations ? I particularly prefer more rigid ways of correction that gives less space to impunity.
  6. Do you prefer positive thinking about the future and chalenge instead of realistic or even negative forms of dealing with the unknown ? I personally prefer to be guided through the light of positive expectancy related to my future even with alot of limitations and chalenges that I have to overcome. Going forward positive is better than carrying excessive fear around. What is your point of view about the future people ?
  7. @Leo Gura @Guest The big problem with drinking is that it can lead to an weak state of mind where you can go to heavier drugs when you are getting crazy and unaware about your gradual lost of consciousness.
  8. @Myke Your line of thinking is really close to my process. I think discipline is useful to polish the content that is coming from nowhere. In music we have improvisation skills that Allies both concepts in real time, when you get rid of use of knowledge and technical skills at the same time that the creative process is going on. Othere great thing around that is the use os the senses like hearing and touching. Everything is conected and flowing from inside out and outside in.
  9. I think that physical exercises at moderate intensity are great to increase the energy level. Watching some news on tv helps alot and it's very good to keep up the information. Playing some games for less than 20 minutes a day is also okay from my point of view.
  10. I work with guitar teaching and playing so i'm doing all the work via lessons, the 6 books i wrote. I'm also running an educational and artistic channel on youtube. I think that facebook and twitter also helps alot to improve the marketing of my business with no costs.@Eddy @MIA.RIVEL @T1r1on
  11. @MaxWare1997 @jjer94 Talking about creativity: That's one of my compositions:
  12. @MaxWare1997 I believe that for creating in music you have to allow de infinite to manifest through you skills, senses and knowledge. As i see the discipline here can help this process by augmenting the lenght of the creative session. Improvisation in music is the great proof of not having total control. Some content rises from the inside, other ones are taken by influence.
  13. @quantum I believe life cares a personal meaning that's very peculiar to each individual. The countries that we live and the kinds of life experiences we have influences what we recognize to the real meaning of life. For me life has it´s most important value in fighting for a better future for ourselves and the ones that we love.
  14. @rrodriguez11 I see the personality as balance of what we know, believe and some kind of instinctive components are also present. Is really hard to define one complex human being by one word.
  15. @MaxWare1997 I see this as a musical composer, when it is really possible to create things from nothing. It can flow from inside out on an artistic level.
  16. What do you think is most important ? Creativity to find new paths or discipline to improve what already exists in terms of skills and knowledge.
  17. Indeed, but sometimes we have to switch the pendulum to one side or to another side. For me Creativity works as a sword and discipline as a shield.
  18. But we can agree that' s also possible to only work with existing content and have a lack of creative power ?
  19. If you are better it's a signal that you can help those ones that are lost through your leadership and wisdom. But i believe no one is better or worst, there are slept and awaken people. I prefer to approach this by a positive way, if we think we are on a better stage so we have to help !
  20. Indeed ! I'm a music teacher. Is very hard to improve stuff, even studying alot. Help is always very important in terms of new approaches and strategies.
  21. The level of selfishness depends on the awareness level of the human being combined to the options os survival that envolves them. If you are struggling to survive there's a great probability of being more egoistical than someone that already Have everything under control. In a general way it all depends of a combination between the internal and the external condition of the person.
  22. I think one easy way to find you life purpose is going into the direction of that seems kinda natural for you. Our natural abilities are important to find the correct path on the long run and also to keep a consistent Pace through the direction of our bets into the future. Try to find out what you really believe for the future and combine with the possible activities around that.
  23. This seems be an utopic new model of society that can be implanted withing a territory control or delimitation. This kind of things are only tested and evalueted on a practical real world exercise. It's focusing more on rasing funds to start the test than something already going on right now. Kinda utopic on this stage, but it's a great idea.
  24. The patriotism is oriented by the necessity of protection demanded by a group of citizens of an nation. Liking your country values is okay when you agree with the direction that all those general values are taking the future of you nation. The patriotism is only really possible on nations that gives the feel of protection to their citizens.
  25. Start going to an environment you like, doing some relaxation activity ex: going to eat on a place you like. You have to focus more on what makes you feel alive and good rather than putting pressure on yourself to be happy. Happiness is an natural state that's awaken by simply following you heart. Try to make new friends, going to new places e experiment new funny activities on this stage.