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Everything posted by Cortex

  1. Sometimes you have to rest from your body, identify with your mind not the body
  2. There are pleasent glitches and there are not so pleasent glitches, there are great times when I have a lot of luck as if it was impossible, and sometimes I am fucking furious because things don't go my way, then I escape this piece of shit reality into my lovely substances, and that's great, megalomania must always be present no matter the cost
  3. I know, but it would be great if it had, it is really underrated
  4. Joseph Maynor, exactly, Coral will be great, it would be even better if it was some sort of stage orange on steroids, with all of this nondual knowledge
  5. It's time to discover stage coral, even if it means just speculating about it for now
  6. That's True, nothing can be wasted
  7. You should take lots of medications if they make you hallucinate, disconnection from reality is one of the most importand thinks
  8. That's Right, Injaculation is amazing, and you can ejaculate more quickly, you will be ready to come faster, because the vital fluids are still inside you
  9. That's one way to do it
  10. It's like asking if sex is suppose to be pleasurefull, it depends, you can be nervous, you can have ericticle dysfuncion, a lot of stuff can happen, don't expect to be a beast in your first attempt, you can, but most people won't, psychedelics will be like a viagra, or steroids, it will boost your meditation gains, keep meditating and don't give up, enlightnment will be an equivalent of orgasm, you don't stop to chasing orgasm because of one ericticle dysfuncion, you keep going until you get it, same with meditation and enlightnment, never give up
  11. As long as you have sex everything is great, sex actually boosts your testosterone levels even if you ejaculate, if the only thing that you're doing is masturbating and coming by yourself then you've got a problem and you will fuckt all of your energy and hormones and vitamins and minerals, after masturbation you will feel like a wasted piece of shit, but after sex you will feel like a great animal and everything will be amazing for your health, for me I like to drink a grapefruit juice after sex for better health and minerals, grapefruit is a superfood in terms of sexual health and semen
  12. By reading the best quality books
  13. But, it's time to talk about Stage Red
  14. That's even better
  15. Decide for yourself
  16. This makes a great rational sense of course I do
  17. No fu*king way, I would rather kill myself
  18. Yep, I feel that way all the time
  19. The best kind of solipsism is that you can do whatever you want since everything is just an illusion
  20. Red is great, the more egoistical the Stage the more I like it
  21. Because they are still dumb and stupid, enlightnment is a waste of time, and btw Stage Red and Orange is the best, and this gurus were raised in some shitholes without any education, without anything, so you know, It is really a big shame that enlightnment is represented by such dumb individuals, that's the reason why there is no point at persuing it