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Everything posted by dalink

  1. Looking for feedback. Will be presenting following subject to collegues in the near future. Much appreciated! "The reticular activating system (RAS), a part of the brainstem, is a crucial component in regulating consciousness and attention. It functions as a filter, determining which information reaches our conscious awareness and which gets filtered out. RAS serves as our internal sieve, effectively sifting through the vast amount of information we encounter daily and focusing on what is most relevant to us. Furthermore, our mindset, internal dialogue, and beliefs are essential for how RAS operates. Mindset represents our overall attitude towards life and our thought patterns. Internal dialogue consists of our inner thoughts, often entirely unconscious. Beliefs constitute deeply rooted opinions or assumptions about ourselves, others, or the world. Concerning RAS, our mindset, internal dialogue, and beliefs influence the type of information the system prioritizes and sends to our conscious attention. A positive mindset, constructive internal dialogue, and healthy beliefs tend to result in RAS filtering out positive and constructive thoughts, feelings, and experiences. On the other hand, a negative mindset, destructive internal dialogue, or negative beliefs can lead RAS to focus on negative thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Thus, our subjective experiences of life are shaped by the information that RAS chooses to highlight. With a positive mindset, we tend to experience life more positively as RAS prioritizes positive stimuli. Conversely, a negative mindset can lead to a more negative experience as RAS focuses on negative stimuli. In summary, our mindset, internal dialogue, and beliefs play a central role in how we interpret the world through the filter of the reticular activating system. By being aware of these factors, we can actively shape our subjective experience by working on our mindset and internal dialogue. Additionally, we can examine and potentially adjust our beliefs to create a more favorable experience of life. By taking control of our thought patterns and beliefs, we can influence how RAS filters and processes information, which in turn affects our perception of the world. Actively working on these factors gives us the opportunity to create a more positive and rewarding life experience. To understand how our mindset and beliefs affect our reality, we can delve into another important concept in psychology: the self-fulfilling prophecy. This psychological term describes how our expectations and beliefs can shape our behavior, thereby making our predictions come true. The self-fulfilling prophecy clearly illustrates how our thought patterns and beliefs interact with the reticular activating system (RAS). When we feed our senses with information and our internal dialogue, RAS filters this information based on our expectations and beliefs. For example, if you have a strong belief that you will never find your keys and your internal dialogue is filled with negative thoughts like "I will never find them," it can influence how you act and what you pay attention to. Your negative belief may prevent you from actively searching for the keys or paying enough attention to your surroundings. As a result, you may not even consider the possibility that the keys could be right in front of you. RAS filters information based on your internal dialogue and beliefs. If you believe the keys are lost and don't even consider the possibility that they might be in front of you, RAS may prioritize other stimuli and filter out the information about the keys."
  2. Also how can we help people who believed in conspiracy theories that turned out to be true?
  3. Just started watching this series after hearing about the inner circles claiming Owen hasn't got the jab and that he hints that he is against forced vaccination and vaccine-mandates.
  4. Following youtube video is a conversation between Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss discussing biology, cosmology, religion, and a host of other topics. I'm gonna watch this now, perhaps leading to an interesting topic!
  5. Objectively speaking it would be morally fair if homo sapiens were the be completely wiped out the way our race have treated this planet throughout history. Imagine all the plants, mammals etc that our race brought into extinction, the negative effect on the climate, the immense sufferering our race have created here on planet earth in general. In the end we as species will probably nuc ourselves out of existence anyway taking every other life form with us lol.
  6. Am I on the right track? When you sense that you are on your way of waking up and realizing who you truly are, I always feel TERRIFIED and I'm having difficulty in getting beyond that point. The idea that all of my belief systems, worldviews etc are a mere sketch and ultimately not real and to see 34 years of conditioning just vaporize into nothingness kinda makes me loop into the idea that I'm on my way of getting a psychosis and not an awakening experience. I suppose I'm curious to know if I am on the right track, and that pushing beyond will not lead to a psychosis but rather to an unbelievable peaceful presence.. Thank you for reading this and thank you for any inputs.
  7. Hi. Since reading is advocated in order to grow and learn I've been trying to build up my reading habit and so far I've obtained the more or less classical and recommended "self help" books. But how does one continue to learn if what is being read doesn't get comprehended nor remembered? Trying out audiobooks is by the way very similar to reading in my experience and thus no difference really. I've had this issue since I was a child. It's not unusual that i read a whole page and once I turn page I realize that I have no idea what I just read. This happens more or less every time. So reading 5 pages can sometimes take 30~ minutes and then it's not even sure that I comprehened what was just being read. So I suppose I'm looking for a diagnosis or someone who recognize what I'm trying to describe here and hopefully some tips how to get by this difficulty. I've been reading on and off for 7 years now. On and off because it takes up so much time and energy and I dont really recall anything anyways. But now I've just started it again. Just spent 40 minutes reading 10 pages in "the mind illuminated" and if you asked me to summurize I wouldn't be able to give you a fair explanation. Any doctors here who can say what is wrong with my brain/mind? Lol
  8. Thanks for the replies. I never really read much when I was younger. I clearly remember studying before tests when I was around 10. I used to litteraly copy 20-30 pages by writing word by word on an empy A4 with a pencil. And I did this sometimes twice in order to just get the information to stick. But most of the time it didn't. I was wasted HOURS while forcefully studying with no really interest in the subjects whatsoever - I suppose that is an factor. Yet some of the information must stick. I knew people who just read a whole section just once and even if they had zero interest the information staying with them. I suppose it partly has to do with lack of interest with reading generally, but more accurately my inability to stay focused. My mind drifts off after one sentence, so often I need to re-read the same page 5 times and so usually spend 15 minutes per page. Maybe I stress through books hoping something will stick. Maybe I should just continue and accept the fact that I need to spend 30 minutes reading one page? This issue keeps me from studying. Because I'm afraid I will fail. Back in my mind I'm thinking there is no point taking a degree, cause you won't make it. And I have the experience that this is the truth. Really annoying and desctructive. With that said. I have had moments where I'm reading and I'm soaking in every detail of the chapter. Usually when this is the case I'm flowing in some kind of state where every page is being translated into pictures/videos inside my head or imagination.
  9. I'm not sure what your pointing at now?
  10. Bumping this thread because I might get myself a computer to play videogames with, but for some reason looking for objections why I shouldn't. Does playing videogames increase or decrease the likelihood of reaching "enlightenment" is what is currently keeping me from swiping my card. I suppose I'd have to give up EVERYTHING in order the reach that level. Give up reading, give up meditation and just surrender to what is. I also suppose I might reach that level spontaneously meanwhile playing Diablo 4.
  11. When my thinking subsides, I begin to notice and experience the ringing in my ears which is psychologically laborious. So in a way it is a relief to have an over active mind because it takes away my attention from the tinnitus, but at the same time it moves me further away from actualization. So I'd appreciate any advice or insights how to overcome this unbearable obstacle and bear in mind.. the tinnitus I experience literally blocks out all other sounds when I put my full attention on it. It's unbearable...
  12. New studies show us that the universe is finite, a giant loop. Like an expanding balloon. Anyone with insight who can elaborate these findings? https://www.livescience.com/universe-may-be-curved.html https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-019-0906-9?utm_source=commission_junction&utm_medium=affiliate https://www.salon.com/2019/11/05/astronomers-think-the-universe-is-a-sphere-heres-why-that-claim-is-so-controversial/
  13. Did he really commit suicide though? #lookintoit
  14. Hi myselves. I feel a bit confused and would really like some clarity in my meditation practise. Would any of you be willing to share some tips or ideas? So, I usually observe the breath. Trying not to force it, but to simply let it arise spontaneously. But usually it takes up to 10-15 seconds between every breath/inhale. Is this normal or am I unconsciously holding my breath? I've been practising meditation for nearly 3 years now and I'm starting to feel a bit frustrated because I would really like to see some results interms of inner calmness/insights. Basically anything. This has been much like a sticking point for a very long time now.
  15. @Nak Khid Everyday, 1-2 times a day with a minimum of 30 mins per session. Lately I tend to sit up to an hour. Focusing on the breath is such an universal way of training the mind because the breath is always available. So it seems convenient to use the breath as an anchor. I've got some inspiration from Vipassana after a 10 days retreat awhile ago, so the first couple of minutes I try to have my intention/focus on the sensations at the tip of my nose, feeling the air going through the nostrils. Let's say I have solid focus for 3-5 minutes, then however, my focus gets sucked away in thoughts and the monkeymind takes over for a couple of minutes until I recognize what is happening. This is the first half of my session. The second half of the session I try to witness how my breath is spontaneous. But doing so, it appears to me that the first half of the session I was consciously making an effort to breath because the interval between each inhale is 1-2 seconds. The second half as I mentioned is up to 10 seconds which is quite a difference. So I'm literally observing/waiting for my lungs/body to do the work. I notice this strategy is immensely boring and it sometimes feels odd like I really need air, but since I want to avoid making a conscious effort to inhale it sort of feels like, for example imagine you're caught under water and you really need air, then suddenly you reach the surface of the water and your body takes a massive huge and deep breath that goes all the way to your belly. It's somewhat scary and i'm a bit confused if this is right. I've never had a profound experience meditating. The only thing I've noticed is that it's getting easier and easier to sit for longer periods. I've had insights while on Peyote, LSD, shrooms and even pot. Also tried Ayahuasca, but that wasn't too profound because I had trouble letting go - it was just scary.
  16. Yeah sounds like Tinnitus. I have that too and it's beyond madness to NEVER EVER be able to appreciate silence/stillness.
  17. Hi. They say that one shouldn't make an effort to breath, but to let it arise spontaneously. My current obstacle is that when I intend to observe the breath as a happening, as a spontaneous event I experience it as if I'm holding my breath til my body suddenly forces itself to breath. It doesn't feel right.. Is this a plateau that will go away or what's going on here? Thanks in advance.
  18. Eckhart refers being in a state of flow to being present to the moment. That is very conscious of your experience. Imagine Alex Honnold not being in a flow state / present to every moment of his experience while free soloing El Capitan.
  19. Good morning, First I'd like to mention that I've had these kind of experiences on several occasions, so I'm curious if anyone here can recognize what I will try to explain. So I'm sitting on my cushion with eyes wide open, literally with my attention/focus on one visible object in the room. At this point I'd say I'm aware of that object my attention is focused on and not so much aware of the surroundings of that object. A few moments later, I close my eyes and observe the darkness that unfolds and try to keep my attention there. A few more moments I slightly open my eyes again and now my focus/attention is kind of observing the space of what seems to be literally right infront of me. So my attention is no longer focused on a specific object in the room, rather my attention is focused on the space itself in the room. It kind of felt like I went cross-eyed for a brief moment haha. It's very similar as to when you're observing a window itself and when you're looking through the window observing objects. You may notice there's a subtle shift in your perception if you pay attention. It's a very tingly and interesting experience and I noticed that as soon as I tried to get back to it it just went further and further away. So, anyone who have had similar experience who care to explain what this was?