Hey guys,
I am a 26 year old man and I look younger than my age. I am fairly skinny but above average in height according to the statistics of my country (6ft/182cm), have a dense, dark beard, consider myself moderately attractive and am usually confident. Looking younger is one of my big insecurities because I am struggling with attracting and getting attention from women my age outside of online dating and mostly attract young party-type girls usually from the age of 16 to 21 whom I reject because most of them are not ready for the type of commitment I am looking for (living together, building an existence, getting children etc.). Another problem is that I rarely get respected by people of my age until they really get to know me because at first glance they always assume I am only 18 or 20 and have no life experience. In fact, I have at least the same or more life experience than most people of my age.
The older members of my family always tell me that I am lucky I look so young because once I hit the 40s and 50s I might look like 30 and the women will love it. My problem with this is that I do not want to wait until I hit the 40s and 50s and it is bad for my self-esteem and confidence when people just won't respect or see me as an equal at first.
So what can I do to appear more mature and according to my age?