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Everything posted by non_nothing

  1. (about first video:) I have no idea how they do (maybe very precise sounds (even quiet) that we make that animals can distinguish about when we're approaching home) that but my cat also have the same ability. We (Me and my family) living in an apartment flat and we don't know how our cat can distinguish between a family member or another neighbor living in the same flat. but every time whenever some family member approaches to the apartment gate, our cat knows it, stands up where she was lying down and rushes to the door for to wait family member to come in. (about second) I'd say the same thing I've noticed including, this is yet another thing that they're trying to do. The decay of scent over time etc etc. Yes indeed It would be amazing to show how animals do it but there's a greater thing to be noticed in this video, closer thing to say would be the magnificence of the evolution of species and how each living being is evolved such intelligent creatures. (about the end of video): "Ony the human mind can understand" closing phase is what would drive me nuts. I have been talking about all about this issue within all scientific or rationale minds.
  2. Another enlightenment experience: I was arrogantly forced myself into the thinking of "there only exists ME, throughout this eyes, (you know, everybody without spirituality has ever once thought about this belief). And somehow this random (thanks grace), thought spilled upon: Not two! One, Not one, Two, Not one, Not two, One and Two. Shit. I was repeating this phase over and over again, after a few moments, how would I describe it but my being or the awareness over the body shrank down to almost nothing as If I cannot distinguish my body and outer, my body become external thing! It all became external and I got what others been describing "One unity" A few moments later, senses become aware and It was just "senses" like a display on terminal: SENSES: OK ! INTERNAL WORLD: EMPTY (WARNING! BODY HAS COLLAPSED) EXTERNAL WORLD: EVERYTHING VISUEN : OK ! HEARING : OK ! THOUGHTS: Collection { ... ... } The arrogance somehow both failed and succeeded on some point. Yes it was ALL ONE thing but arrogantly misbelieved to be something else by EGO or mind, person, the personal experience whatever you like to put it.
  3. The missing key or wrong word not only you but used with all others is, you still make observation on wall or how you could even know about it. it is not about observation, rather thing(((((S)))))) you want to observe. This gets expained by own agenda. This experiment shows you cannot know two things at once for certain, if Im not wrong it was the momentum and location? ( @ajasatya ?? ) you can only have one and when you observe other, things collapse. Actually this was not first come upon with quantum physics some early mathematicians had this model about something else. My proposal is to not add more pain on going drama. This does not show or needs to show we're in living simulation, What's our "living" criteria then? Why am I saying this is that one can easily come in front of you when you say like this and answer to you "this is just yet another rule, universe is composed of rules. it's a machine operates". and sound interestingly this now becomes something got more fire.
  4. Personally disagree with a lot going on here especially things said on spirituality. A lot comments are missing the big picture thinking including the OP post, that's why you are feeling that way.
  5. lets use word 'create' then. why awareness creates or watches this lfie?
  6. I have some serious questions in my mind recently, whats or who's interest is on the story of consciousness or the person? Why the awareness is interested in that
  7. Anybody who has chronic pain or some sort of pain in particular area on body, please consider some workouts. Yoga, plates, all group workouts or fitness do the trick! Almost all pain comes from having no movement throughout the day. We sit and do our desk jobs and forget about our body-health.
  8. It is very important to have that burning desire inside your heart to seek the truth. This is something. Now that being said let's look at what you actually did there with your post. Now I have marked some sections as bold. This is to show you something that I will explain now. Think the bold sections as the inside of the ocean. The non-bold statements are when you take your head out for breathing. It is like you dive into the ocean for your all personal experiences and do whatever you want to do there. "I am that I am this but I cannot thus I feel..." And when you take your head out from water, you breathe and get the taste of the truth. You see this even is observed and done by you consciously by being aware. It's like you're swimming in the ocean. It is to experience how swimming is. And you desire to take a breathe is what makes you seek the truth. Actually it's been all there done by you. You are swimming. Diving into ocean and taking the breathe by being aware Thank you
  9. How do you receive answers than, if difference? .
  10. Okay guys I admit it, Its been me asking that question to you all over the time. Sorry for that and your time.
  11. You are not enlightened. Let's go back to your normal life. You are not crazy. I am helping you.
  12. I am all-forgiving I am all-wise I am all-silent and calm I am all-loving and caring Words are spoken
  13. Th8s 8s str8ng! Ear99est kek0ry 9s the s08nd ! Earp9est kek0ry 9s the s08nd!!!! Sh9t sh9t 0kg 0kg what th9s p0ve 9s? Wheere d0es the s08nd ha--ej: Where does the sound happen? Earliest memory is the sound!
  14. Yes It is, also what I'd propose to you is to access the knowledge within higher states. Discover it for yourself. The effortless memory and power of wisdom residing in there.
  15. You're focusing on wrong points. You the cherry picker actually. This shows that your ego is in drive. Let go of it.
  16. There's a certain truth in that. I have noticed that too. But the transcending experience was for me, after a while having myself identified as "weaker mind, weaker memory" I gained a lot experience. People around me also noticed this too and I had very hard times going through this. I also intentionally were identifying myself as this role of "weak memory, more stupid person"... It was hard to go through this. My proposal to this experience is the theory of mine which is: "Ego creates/allocates space in memory via tension" It's hard to put it in few words for me. But that sentence is all the fact I've discovered. So as you dissolve your ego, the tricks of your ego what have made you think of memory in the past also gets dissolved. You feel comfortable when you're in flow with EGO, while ego is driving you. You feel safe with egoic patterns. It created all kinds of patterns in your mind to respond to people and situations quickly "yes I remember that, also I think bla bla bla"....It was on the drive for vehicle for a long time. Meanwhile as you progress in spiritual path, you were dissolving the false memory EGO has created for yourself too. Now while you're getting off of egoic patterns, you also still need to go on, on your life. But there's vast new space and no patterns are installed. So when you're in situations or with people and whenever you need to respond, you get blank because this is new to you and so this experience gets falsely and naturally identifies as "something wrong, memory weak, I cannot remember" etc etc. I have great news for everyone going through this from the future. As you can see, this is just yet another experience you have to go through. It is the mind who will attack you back with false identities and will try to make you feel bad about it. It is not an enemy. When used and understood wisely, it kind of helps you to notify the things and gain experience from those things. The twist is and THE MOST GRAND BENEFIT IS, now you can learn new things within the space you've freed via removing ego's space in your mind. Everyone has to go through this on it's own. You'll go mystic about it and do wonderful things with the new life that you're building from now on. You are now, can remember things very easily and effortlessly because It all happens without needing of "YOU" as a thinker. Yes, here, take this gem and move on. Remembering, memory and wisdom are effortless. Blessings.
  17. To be honest your post is all about but LOA. The right question to ask would be "why you take others opinions so granted and get mad about it?" LOA isn't defined absolutely on anywhere. As nothing can be. Everyone says something about it. The truth is what you think and what is your experience is. I would further recommend you reading an interesting book which was changed my opinion about LOA. Also noting the fact that you need effort to bring and activate LOA. It is not about just throwing random wishes in outer space and waiting for a miracle. Now do you see? This is yet another idea about LOA that I had added on. The book is: Ask and It is given. Teachings of Abraham
  18. First of all, you can for sure confirm for yourself that you are in control in the present moment. Test it out. Check. OK? That was an experience and it is beautiful. It is gone and you have gained experience and skill. You are now in the present moment which you allow and choose what you want to do. Which is all good.