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Everything posted by non_nothing

  1. @Leo Gura I remember you quit game design which was your dream, so once you've believed that was your purpose, was it? So what or when was the point so clear that made you have it distinct on your path? @Firmament Very good, I really like your post. even with a few minutes of contemplation on your recommendations, I've get some points. I'll have a meditative session for that.
  2. @ajasatya To be honest, there're certainly ways to transcendent the humanity. But after a lot spiritual work and non-dualism thing, I see no problems. It's just life. But I get what you mean totally. When I put myself to that, I can find one or two things that I could contribute to humanity.
  3. There's none when you think about death. Either way you die. Meaningful life sounds like you did accomplish what you want to do in life.
  4. @tsuki Wow yes there's none. I guess I get the point. I lack the power of "choosing"
  5. @tsuki I could say I'm precisely standing in the middle of two definitions.
  6. @ajasatya It's not huge debt but still would equivalent of my half of salary. I have no idea what I want to offer to the world. I have computer scientist skills, musician skills, doing some digital music too but I don't really sure whether these all I should put myself to make a living. It's kind of hard to explain what's going on inside my head.
  7. Bonus: Do you just go for the actual purpose (i.e have sex) -or- Do you channel this or convert this energy into something else (share your method) ------- Within my experience, I just let it build there. I have little or no desire at all for social interactions. I don't usually get hard urges too which I used to get before. Would like to know your experiences about this.
  8. @Viking go reddit/r/nofap
  9. There're communities out there one is nofap community on reddit
  10. @Outer Please read the following section again:
  11. Hey guys, thanks for your all support. I had a retrospective of the last meditation session that I had. If you're curious about you can read at:
  12. Wow. Yeah. @Leo Gura I get it. Even I should accept that mind dreams, thinks and wanders around. This is so powerful. This time I'll just let him wander around. Just as would you do for your child. Like let him/her play on playground. And observe him/her. Thank you.
  13. @lhamilt18 Good. That's what I've been trying to do. But It has tendency for mind to get easily get off and wander around. The problem with that is I usually find my mind having ended dreaming or thinking about something. I will try this for today. Thank you.
  14. It's pointless because you hide some problems unsolved inside your mind. THAT'S THE UNIQUE WAY YOU PUT IT HERE. Your mind is smarter than you think. It tries to get answers to the problems hidden beneath. Such a unique way as you describe in this post. Be courage enough to admit it. If you didn't have any problem in life you'd just asking yourself how would I enjoy this life since It's all beautiful and such amazing machine, lot's of things to do.
  15. Maybe that's why it posted here. I had this trouble going on for 10 years of my piano playing experience. I really wanted this perfect ears. But I did not have it. I haven't born with it. Not I was mozart. Not I was a beethoven. They were rockstars of their time. But was it really? How did I know them? They died like many years before. The truth is after I really gave up on this fucking ridiciluos thing of having a perfect ear or trying to identify anything played on piano, like for 2 years, I finally got it. I am not a perfect ear. I still can't tell when you press a key on piano. But I will surely get it after a couple of tries. And nobody really cares about if you really tell a key is A or B. The problem was I believed what's been shown us via movies or quotes that other people told us. Fuck it. Who cares about perfect ears. You just gotta go and rock that guitar. After I stop giving a fuck about perfect ear, actually my skills went sky rocket. I started immediately having ability to do almost perfect improvisation any given melody. I can even improvise a fugue at this point. FUGUE dude. And tell you what. I am a self-taught. Nobody gives a fuck about a key is B or F#. If you are able to improvise on any melody, you don't have to get it 100% correct btw. Just if you got the melody on some appropriate level, it will still sound a-like. And the thing is your ability to harmonize it. What chords do I really want to have for that melody. And NO THEORY. I DON'T NOW ANY THEORY. Just go with intuition. It will make sense if you just let it happen. I hope this helps to you.
  16. Another useful tip at this point (voice exercise) is to think about that voice comes and goes. Sometimes there will be blank, sometimes it talks. It comes and goes. You (as I ) can't be something comes and goes. You're not that. Whenever the voice inside your head stops, did you really go into non-existent? Think about it. Ofc you did not. Voice is just one way of getting rid of your fake identity. There're lot of thinks we assume (i.e body, mind, inner voice, thoughts) All of them leads to same thing. They never exists. I just gave you one way of seeing it. Thank you.
  17. I read your PM. The real answer is you got to meditate. You will 99% never be satisfied with intellectual answers, you gotta have the experience, first person experience in order to fuly understand this. You gotta meditate. Setup a meditation habit for 20 min a day minimum. If you can do it, you should go for 40 mins a day at least ever day. The intellectual answer is there's no " I " that you refer. A lot problem arises from here. What really meant is, There's that voice inside your head right? When you type on your keyboard for this topic to explain things like " (I) do this but (my) ego bla bla" stuff right? Now try to find what this voice inside you refers to? A useful tip is: At first assume you're 100% the voice inside your head. That's it. You're totally it. Now listen this voice as it talks inside your head. It says such things as "I do that, I musn't do thi, I have this, I . I ..I" Now think about is it the voice itself is " I "? Or what is it referring to? Actually it refers to nothing, nothing means you can't find a reference to that object. ( I.e null reference exception if you're a programmer or some sort.) It's a voice inside your head just lingers around and thinks it exists. There all your problem arises.
  18. Fuck computer theory go create your game.
  19. I get boners edit: sorry meant cundalini awakeinings
  20. Consciousness is your personal-memory. Like your private space on cloud-drive. The whole cloud is...
  21. Wrap everything you think into a greenbox. Then shift your awareness outside of the box. Imagine if another person is telling those all to you. See attachment
  22. Not fully read this post but the confusion arises from the lack of understanding, or mixing up things, of "awareness" and "consciousness". I'd say within my terminology that the consciousness is very much a brain activity. I use the term "awareness" for this purpose. Staying in your scope, I'd say consciousness is a brain activity. What isn't a brain activity is your awareness. Being aware of your body/mind. Yeah this never helps any. So that's why I don't like to stick or bitch about terminology. It's like dog chasing it's own tail. So that's the way how I explain things: Imagine a tank. Like this thicc iron tanks you use on wars. This tank has a driver. Driver controls the tank. There're many tanks. There're many drivers. But this all tanks and drivers exist in one place. There's no fuzzy or something fancy going on. Literally, It's the universe where It all exists. Your body/mind is the tank. The "consciousness" is set of skills that tank driver has. If tank driver lacks some skills, he may unable to understand or do things on operations etc. The whole thing happening in awareness, the universe. Edit: Bonus, go to a gym, you know, there're lot of mirrors on gyms. stand up and look into mirror in between reps. Try to acknowledge where's that screen, the vision of yours comes from, as you look your body on mirror. I'm sure this experience will give you some insights about this. Focus on where the hell might your vision be in this universe.