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Everything posted by non_nothing

  1. If some good boobs before the surface why not
  2. There cannot define GOOD, BAD, EVIL. There cannot define DEATH, ALIVE There cannot define EGO, HIGH SELF Self cannot have EGO DEATH Ego cannot have ego death There cannot exist anything There exist everything There cannot define doer There cannot define observer There all inter connected There cannot separate There cannot help, there cannot find need, there cannot find peace since not exists opposite It's enough to tell there silence There enough to say the flow
  3. @Baotrader EDIT: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 the 1
  4. No there are 5. Count again. I very well understand what you meant there but you cannot do it in such way. You'd say there were fgiache(gibberish) fingers. If you use numbers(human invention) then you have to stick counting rules. By definition the cardinality.
  5. The problem is right there starts with it. Yes. Sorry to tell you It's all again about the "YOU". Yes it is blocked by intellectual minds and has given as that answer thousand of times. I I I, who are you who types this etc. yes? You're sick of it right? But if you really want an answer, go meditate for 2 hours eyes-closed-self-inquiring-properly and see it for yourself. Till your self-identity melt away, you don't and won't make sense any of this. Because you're asking questions implying no-self but standing at a place where a self GENERATES questions.
  6. think about something you want to do, go dig straight in and ask questions when you stuck regarding how would you do it
  7. Nice one. Tbh It was my first programming environment. But I highly recommend checking out V-play
  8. Go google V-play, thank me later
  9. My main stage is yellow-turquoise. I strongly disagree on part ------------------------------------- I guess you're mistaken with green stage. You asked for career path, your main concern is money. Not the stage itself. Your answer is in my personal experience (being a poor-artist), My art does not bring any penny to me. It produces high output in art form. I like what I do. I do it while not being conscious of how hours! are passed. The output is highly complex art and I haven't been seen anyone close to the complexity of what I do, after-all that's what makes artist, the distinct definition of characteristics of an artist. My valuing of art system is not dependent on how many fans or people like my work, I simply enjoy doing it. That what matters to me. Not money. Money is something on it's own to be meditated on and to have concerns on. Separate.
  10. Incredible please take a look how Mooji explains (please at least stay for 24:40 approx 4-6 min watch) (starting at 20:36) EDIT: Made title a bit click bitty
  11. This thought, you should investigate further. Why do you believe this is a miracle? What specie? Why are you thinking that humans are granted? When these moments come and pass, I always think of myself as a RPG character that has gained experience. Hopefully just got stronger and one step closer to final level, freedom and joy of enjoying the game all together without less suffering/boring parts of game i.e leveling. ... Latter applies to rest of your post too...
  12. Proportional to the size of hemorrhoid that's been developing of long hours sitting
  13. I didn't watch the whole episode but our memory is not only about the meat part "brain" Our brain is simply responsible for linking part. Actually the whole memory is stored on the what is perceived, literally. If you see a tree, that you know it is a tree because you see it. That's where the data stored, on the tree itself. Your brain is just links thoughts and thoughts and concepts all together. That's what it is! A huge cell collection linked to each other. If everything was stored on inside our brain, can you imagine how bullshit this is? Everyone of us had to have a huge copy of whole world. This is not like this, the knowledge is central, not decentralized. Experiences are.
  14. One can go beyond this! Just a note to self. Thank you for your post
  15. bite the bullet If one identifies itself as observer. Three conditions should be met. There exists one The action taking place The objects affected by the action [1] There must someone or something exists as doer of the action aka subject [2] There must exist the action that takes place in time space [3] There must exist the objects that are affected by the doer, subject (1) Observer (2) Observing (3) Observed (things are, objects are) [1] Person, body mind, brain, soul, ego, <yournamehere>, nothing, everything [2] [3] Senses, thoughts, objects, world, sound, colors, cars, trees, time, space, bullet, forum, actualized.rorg, Leo, bald man, hitman, monkeys, anything, everything nothing To be continued
  16. Are there an such thing that an observer observes the things or there's just the things that being observed? Is there a such thing that an observer exists to observe and is observing things OR there're just the things there to be observed. Is there such a thing that an observer observes the things OR there just exists that things being observed Are there such an observer that observing things OR there're just things existing without an observer yet they are observed and observed is the things that are itself Duck yeah
  17. In one of the videos of satsang by great master Sri.Mooji, used to say that "It'll be uniquely experienced for everybody. The experience will be unique" Asides: It's like a flower, bloomed and petals started to shine colors. Once It was not bloomed until it becomes and experiences the whole spectrum of colors.
  18. Well yes and no. The yes to your question. No as for my stomach. I feel better I experienced for my gut health. I do not fear eating flesh. I did exceptions even once or twice.
  19. Let's see where this goes, I bet you missed some answers from EGO Background: Meditating everyday more than 1 year min 30 minutes, approx 45 min Eating not animal flesh for more than 3 months Peak experience count: 3
  20. [1] If I cut my hand, I will suffer for physical pain, If I cut you, I won't be suffering from any physical pain, maybe I'd suffer mentally that I cut you and made you suffer but this suffering is not physical suffering as like suffering appears on cut surface. Thus this really is not same thing. [2] Doer can be identified as body but observer is cannot be known. [3] I am divided from all. Refer to [1] [4] I like this, gonna contemplate on it. I did nothing, your welcome.
  21. Look no offense at all, If I cut you and make you suffer, I'd bet you can find a sufferer and tell me things to stop. Now who tells things to stop if no sufferer is there? If there's no one there, who talks about an headache? If there's even no one is here on this forum, how we come have seperate accounts and experiences?
  22. OMG THAT ONE GOT ME, WAIT.. did I even exist for a second or am I thought? Wait no fuck I am very real I felt that laugh!!! Wait do I cease to exist when I sleep or ? It's the same... Taada!