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Everything posted by non_nothing

  1. @karkaore Would you say you enlightened? Btw I'll keep advertising my main post about all kind of similiar posts that I'll find, because I reference some reads there
  2. You can contemplate on who runs the giant machine? Really think of it. As a universe, who runs the giant machine? Second question is, is that giant machine also runs your body too? Or you take actions to e.g move your hand and write comments down here? Where can you put yourself in this scenario?
  3. Thank you for pointing your idea out, It was a long time before I thought about this. It's effortless. The precious gem that I've found in my life experience that It is effortlessly projected every millisecond. This point is EGO I'd say. Who concludes betterness? You create that duality. You lose the battle over this point. From this point on you continue building your story. Do not get me wrong, I really enjoyed what you've written but you missing a lot of points about Enlightenment. First you gotta discover who you really are then a lot will make sense. Btw You only live one life, that is infinite.
  4. What's your potential story in mind what would happen for excessive cardio? Why do you perform cardios anyways? Why would you performing cardios everyday?
  5. Is cheese a cheese?
  6. LEO covers this in his LPC. Yes you're right about a lot of motivation can occur within EGO. But saying that is the only source is wrong. When you discover your life purpose, and more importantly who you are, the motivation and momentum occurs naturally in one's self.
  7. Lol everything is effortless, I am effortless, I am as everything effortless, I am as body-mind-ego-thought-desires are effortless LOL What LOL HOW Why this is ridiculous and funny Why can't I have two heads?
  8. Add the: Self-approving on the top of characteristic's list, it is very important.
  9. Why Leo is a smart guy (in a nutshell) He had very basic and logical statement at the beginning of his journey: What would be the most profitable for me to pursue in this life? That's the most simple stupid yet bizarre logical question to ask for self. He got double kill by choosing self-improvement. Why? You accomplish the first and foremost important thing in life: You non-stop will grow yourself and scale yourself on every mastery on life by committing yourself to the path of self-improvement. Then he also generated value for other people as well. By generating valuable information, he got successful in his business by making a living. This follows tremendous results not only money but such side effects as: approval in society, feeling of worthy, motivation. The key question is: How did he succeed? He had NOTHING TO LOSE. He literally had NOTHING TO LOSE. Even the worst case is he would got self-actualized and that would be all.
  10. People get this wrong. You people out there seek enlightenment because most 99.9999% of you wants to end this mental/physical if any/ suffering going on. Look, You can't suffer. First of all, excluding mental, physical suffering won't ever be gone anywhere even after you achieve enlightenment. Can "you" be physically suffering while all there happening itself? You can't be suffering while everything happens itself. You're aware of the nerve cells firing, but you put the meaning and reaction to it. You may choose to simply be observing it. I'm not telling it's pleasurable thing to do (actually it might be, but you won't get this: do self-inquiry if you want to get it) . If you choose to identify with the physical pain, you double the pain by adding the mental suffering to it. That's all you're doing. Why to double? If you were smart, instead of bitching about pain, you'd choose to observe the pain as a wise would do. Or even wisest thing is to seek help about it. That's IT! Second all mental sufferings excluding headaches and so on, are all illusions by mind/ego what the F you want to call it. That's it. Read self-help books if you want to resolve your mental sufferings, rather chasing some magical experience, It's better and easier that way. YES IT'S A BETTER WAY. Fuck some ninjas lurking around and telling you stuff "Who said that?, who thinks that" They're just mentally masturbating over you. EASIER WAY GO READ BOOKS. 1) Solve for happy 2) Feeling better by David burns, both would be found online with a search. For headaches, in my experience, It's about 99%.99999 of the time occurs from some blocked chakra, did you know what a painkiller do? It numbs your nervous system at basic to relief the pain. What's a chakra you might not know? Breathe in to the chakra while you meditate and master breathing and self healing skills. DON'T FUCKING GOOGLE healing. Breathe into the area and observe. Imagine the breathe as energy makes flex/tight area unwinding/relaxing . That's the healing skill. Yes you got it. Now go master it. Enlightenment is about discovering your true-self and nature. Discovering heart (not physical heart)/ center of your body's natural desire. This is not mean to grant you any life purpose or some profession to make money. What's true-self? It's you without your mind/body. Now stop chasing enlightenment, go fap if you will and drink some water. Case closed.
  11. This is like telling the dog after long hours of chasing the tail, you're the tail and the dog
  12. Quick tips: - Eliminate mast all together especially when having a GF that performs sex - Quit watching porn (if you quit already, the counteractive thing would be to watch porn together? and when things get hot just keep the focus on the action) - Start working out/ going gym - Eliminate sugar - Eat healthy - Do intermediate fasting/ (from personal experience, my libido sky rockets when fasted state, if not goes to jupiter after workout with fasted state) - Talk to your GF about this/ be open/ - Don't talk to this your GF/ don't be open/ - Do dangerous things, maybe try doing public sex or do naughty things in public with your GF having in mind fear of getting caught.
  13. What's your fear? What would you think that happen in the woods while meditating? What are the scenarios your mind come up with?
  14. You are making progress that's all the matters. Not the pain you're feeling right now. It doesn't mean pain does not exist. you have to go through it. Meditation will help you to guide you for sure. Schedule a 40 minute meditation session for yourself. Choose to do it, and help yourself.
  15. You have valuable keys held. It is been seen that you now going to achieve the life you want. On the path, stay tuned in and keep seeking the truth in heart.
  16. I haven't seen any human being able to somehow discard all material needs for the life. or I did not really understand what you mean by enlightenment? You'll always need food, shelter and safety. If you know exceptions please share.
  17. Please consider watching short video which will give you power
  18. It is not like you have to go to cave and live rest of your life in that cave in order for that, I'm happy that you've chosen such thing. First thing is let us answer some basic elementary questions We'll use a formula to calculate the most profitable and logical decision. Formula goes like this: B / C = P B: benefit C: cost P: profit So for instance lets test this out, say you pay 2 dollars for something that gives you 10 benefits. so its profit by then calculated by 10 / 2 = 5. you get 5 profit from that. So lets say for 2 dollars you get 20 benefits. 20 / 2 = 10 profits. as you can see the more benefits you get it's more profitable. even if say for instance you pay 1 dollars to get 20 benefits its more even profitable. so 20 / 1= 20 profit. we can see that when cost decreases we get more profit from it too. So what I'll offer you is that you gotta start doing everyday what I'm suggesting you to do, the best thing is that It's first of all free so you won't risk anything and whatever benefit you gain, you can observe it for yourself free. So the thing is you gotta start doing meditations. The thing underestimated over here is that its free so the formula above explodes when you plug in zero there. but what if you've paid 1 dollars for that? now we can talk about it's profit and let me tell you, whatever cost you pay, I'm claiming that, you cannot find any other activity near closer to meditation for any profit ratio. even you had to pay 100 dollars, the profit ratio would outrun everything by of it's benefit. commit doing meditations everyday, watch leo's video about no bullshit guide to meditation. and stay tuned in on forums' spirutality sectio n
  19. Did not read the whole thread, you have to get the ego death by first to make sense of it, without this, your ego will try to understand it as it is, like you have no free-will and ego tries to wrap itself around the idea of illusion. What I'd offer is ignore the question continue pursuing ego-death
  20. How come you can know anything? How happens that you are able to know anything? How it is so that you, your mind is functioning that so you can know anything? How it is possible that even the first place, for any information, including guru teachings, including simple words as you read know, you can get to know anything? How it is possible that you are able to make sense of any information? How come that it is happening by all itself without you? How come it is all happening you not doing anything? How come it is so that everything just happens itself without you. How come there was "it is" before and after you? How come then you know something about anything?
  21. In the thread "don't chase enlightenment" what that was all about and I also included with fix books for those people instead of enlightenment masturbation. Hopefully after fixes one can achieve enlightenment with steady clear intention