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Everything posted by non_nothing

  1. Without without without without >>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. <<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>> WITHOUT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. <<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WITHOUT <<<<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. <<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YOU
  2. Take warm hot tube showers
  3. start taking cold showers. look google for practise
  4. you don't need money to be happy, you don't need happiness to be money
  5. This practise might help you (:) Whenever you see people, try to tell the common things of that person and you. Like you both human, you wear etc. Then after, exaggerate on the differences in between you. I.e s/he doesn't do enlightenment work, you are more clever/ noself whatever. With time and practice, your mind will be exhausted and you will peak into the grand silence you have been seeking for. A step further is to try to compare everything. Like you and a tree. You and a rock. A rock and carpet whatever.
  6. 1. Stay around on forum. This would be the most importan thing second after considering professional help. This community is all about helping ourselves grow. 2. Read books on self help Recommended: Solve for happy by CEO of Google?(can't remember name) Feeling good by David burns 3. You have just taken one step further in the path of you becoming happy This matters. This thread means that you believe you can be happy. This is something amazing just yet beginning. Every journey is unique. Blessings and speed for you
  8. Cut it to most plain: "Safe" "Love" "Worthy" "Blessed" Just repeat these words. No need object, subject, sentence or anything else.
  9. Where's that "itself" you're talking about? No answer needed, try to find it
  10. When you experience "you colliding into nothing" and feeling what it means to be "empty", you'll understand this unity of one. One shall to be not rely on these kind of falseyhood experiences. It could work. But cannot match with a strong desire committed from the heart to seek the truth of "who you really are". As I understand from your lines, you're trying to capture this with your mind which is almost impossible. Your mind is not your enemy. I'd say your mind is like your child. And you teach your child to do things. You would with "your heart and best wishes" guide it, focus it to the truth. I'd say, use your mind as a tool to discipline yourself. The thing you don't understand is neither you are human. You begin to fall right after creating this duality. And I, as writing these lines pushing you towards that pit you're falling through. You should experience it yourself. Discover the unknown, that noone knows about. For your own good You're not consciousness when you think that "you think" Stop smoking weed and bashing your balls. Seek the guidance within your heart. Many blessings and speed for you.
  11. Gentle reminder: East-west is yet another duality
  12. I've been meditating more than 1 year, almost 2 year. Minimum 40 minutes with a few exceptions (days can count with fingers). It starts slow, then reaches to a momentum and you keep going with the speed you got. Sometimes you don't gain any speed, sometimes you accelerate nicely. Recently, There was a book called "Ask and given". I followed exact methods to help me, asked for "enlightenment", "no-self experience", "ego death", "who am I" somehow this stupid trick flipped the coins for me. At least I feel huge amount of acceleration and changes recently. I felt what It means to be empty and no-body. Mystical experiences are happening.
  13. I'm streaming live now, welcoming any fellow member of the forum
  14. This makes a lot sense to me. Actually that's what I needed for me at this level. But this being said, your explanation of habit needs an extra pillar stone. That is; you can't skip steps. First one has to know what's it like to be holding an habit of doing. When this no longer works, that now makes sense. From my personal experience, I used to be not productive person when in my teenage years. Then I Identified myself with strong habits going on for years. Then this collided into nothing is meaningful to pursue but only to identify self with doing. The I see is there exists a meaning beyond this understanding of mine now (and your holistic understanding too) And the thing beyond your understanding of habit would be the there's the only thing matters in this life in order to live a fulfilling life is self-discipline and development.
  15. I don't really buy into the statement you've presented. Actually It's none to do with rich people. It's to do with the middleman. Thus you. We. The middle-class. Because in reality, we're the consumers and wasters. But It is very hard to see the truth in that. That being said, It is not only to do with us. It has to do with the behaviour of those poor and starving people overcrowding themselves to death. This is a darwin-race and one generation will win meanwhile one another will fall. Any authentic homeless people can live their lives being poor on streets. S/he won't populate because knows that no point in populating without being able to provide the primal needs on the triangle of maslow's. Your approach to economy and society is very naive.
  16. Enlighten me about holistic understanding of habit.
  17. Do you have meditation habit?
  18. Okay so I suppose that you know understand It is possible to create this little space for even a second of time. Even it does not completely nor it has to eliminate all the fear. So we would say you have a tool now. We must trust in this tool. Now we will just imagine and try to understand the following: (spoiler: this has nothing to do with the tool above) imagine you had a magic wand and you could magically do whatever you want to do in this life. (repeating again, this has nothing to do with the tool above, nor such a magic tool exists) Would it be possible for you to use that magic wand to cast spell in order to vanish all the fear? (Last: nothing to do with tool above) We're just trying to establish some logical constructions here. Please don't just rush and say "yeah of course are you a dumb or something?" rather try to get in the idea even if you will close your eyes and think for a second how would it be to use such a tool?
  19. Look, this is why I write you a response under this thread because I think this of your fear and state needs to be absolutely taken care. It is the fact that very exists in your experience right now. Anyone who denies this fact is unable to help you. They might be true or not in what they are saying but neglecting your experience right now is total ignorance. What I'd like to offer you is, say yes to the question of "can we eliminate fear completely?" yes it is very possible. Great news isn't it? The thing is that is your journey to discover. Throughout my experience, I've seen lot of examples and spoon-feeding does not help any. But that does not mean also I won't show and tell you what is a spoon? in order to help you. The spoon is the following method: Even for a second, tenth of thousands of one second, for an instance, you can for sure tell me that you can find a space where you feel safe. Alright? Well what do I mean? I mean I claim that you have the power to put everything for a second aside, then feel safe for one second. Try this. Yes It is perfectly fine that we still have troubles and fears about past future and even now. You can still have those but I just want to come to an agreement with you that you can tell me that you can create even just for a second that safe imaginary unicorn sunshine rainbow whatever you might wanna call space that allows you to feel somewhat safe without fear. This being said. I want you to experience this for yourself. Try to do and see if I'm right about what I've said. Then we can move on further steps. Mention or quote from me, in order to proceed with the next steps. Till then take care.