Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Optimise your set and setting: Get some nice colours and music going and really ease into it and be gentle. Like @Flowerfaeiry said, don't go too far too fast there's no need to do that. Ease and enjoy. Meditate with trusted friend in safe and loving environment. Breath, focus, relax and enjoy <3
  2. The frame of your question implies that elements of the universe themselves pose questions and that these questions require answers... I would adopt a more neutral view in seeing that all aspects of existence simply: are. If your talking about understanding everything in reality...I think the answer to your question is yes. Leo sure makes it seem like everything can be understood. But even theoretically it should be possible to understand everything in existence in essence. By this I mean that if you understand one grain of sand, which is the essential element, then you, by default, know every sand based structure in existence no matter what shape it is, no matter how large it is. Also, understanding the grain fully means you understand the entire beach...it's essence.
  3. Ohhh this is such an episode. Good motivational one Good for cultivating the intuive sense of the magnitude of true awakening. Exciting af
  4. The opposite to this is true. Most people born into wealth have way less opportunities to become mature. They can coast and live in the Bahamas until their dead if they so desired.
  5. However I think the idea of predeterminism can become a trap if allowed to influence motivations to do anything at all or make any decisions at all. Also predeterminism itself is a stance and an ideological postulate which should neither be believed nor disbelieved as either are ideological. I would say that the idea of free will being real or unreal is probably already an incorrect premise....possibly linked to the underlying true premise that there is nobody there to have or not have free will. Ironically its nearly like the question of free will itself becomes its own involuntary mental trap, similar to any philosophical theoretical questions based in the premise of the inherently existent self. And then at the ultimate level even believing that the question of free will is its own trap (and the belief in the existence of all traps) becomes one of the final ultimate traps (that also does not exist).
  6. It's interesting because it sure feels like I'm making a free will decision when I'm deciding what to do with my day for example. Like today I could have chosen to go to multiple different locations for a drive but I chose to go to this location. It could be argued that this was the best location to come to and that my preexisting capacity for logic predetermined my decision. However it could be further argued that if I really wanted to (having been exposed to the idea that my logical processes predetermined me to come to the best location) I could choose another location just because I wanted to prove that the decision is free. However it could be further argued that this response would be equally predetermined as a meer behavioural reaction l to the idea that I have selected the best location automatically and that this reaction is similarly predetermined by mental processes depending on the preexisting characteristics of my mental faculties (just at one level higher). However it could be further argued that having seen all of these positions I decide randomly to do something completely unpredicted, maybe I go to jump in the ocean naked today completely randomly to prove that the decision is mine and mine alone. However it could be further argued that even this is only a reaction to all the previous presentations of logic and decision-making capacities and that no matter how unpredictable I try to be, the only reason I'm trying to be unpredictable at all is because it is a response to having been called predictable initially, which is of course itself predictable.
  7. There are very real rewards. Most notable ones Ive been able to grasp is 1-superknowledge 2-perpetual bliss (and we're talking untold levels of bliss) 3-Immortality. Also it solves all problems in existence. But don't try do it if you aren't ready, you'll just fuck yourself up.
  8. Actually mate this is what law enforcement does all the time, they tell your victims to play it cool before they send you to jail.
  9. Here's an extreme example of a 16 year old who was a female and converted to a male. It's obvious that this individuals (Alec) teachers affirmed what previous generations would have called mental illness. This of course is not representative of all gender problems, but I didn't even go looking for this, it just popped up on my YouTube. I would say that if alecs teachers and guides spent less time affirming that everyone else and all external reality is incorrect and that ...he?.. should take offence at everything...and spent more time familiarising him with the idea that it's ok to be wrong himself, and that he should be more accepting of other people's ideas...then the entire school shooting could have been avoided entirely...Alec said he shot up the school because he was offended at people calling him by his original female name...like if this isn't bastardisation and perversion of the nature of femininity [in this instance]...then I don't know what is. It just feels like this child has been confused and fucked up so badly with weird ideology that they've just blown up and shot up a school... I could be deafeningly wrong here, but I sense undertones of truth that reverberate through the entire gender madness movement being directed at young people today. I have no doubt there are rare cases of real gender problems, but it's become trendy to get irreversible sex changes for people who are not adults yet
  10. If it feels like getting trapped then rethink your approach, it should feel more like release. Your probably doing it wrong somewhere. Something that's become bafflingly obvious to me atm is the fact that Enlightenment and in particular, psycs can be approached correctly or incorrectly. Show yourself more grace and love and explore avenues that are less harsh. Possibly try phenethylamines over the likes of tryptamines and lysergemides, they are less heavy and difficult. Use your intuition to discern good pain and bad pain like when working out. If you feel bad pain, stop and rethink approach. I've had to completely overhaul my approach. Become graceful with yourself and skillful with your use of drugs
  11. I have a feeling these questions can only be answered by becoming immortal
  12. "Why I'm here in the first place ..is to sell ya 5meo.."
  13. Dumb situation. Although I won't lie and say that I haven't found myself in dumber lol
  14. Research what lord Krishna advised Arjuna to do in relation to violence in the bagavad Gita
  15. You Wana see the most talented rapper I've ever seen check out harry mack on the tubes. He was so dedicated to his craft that his head turned white. Although, in my own humble, humble...humble..opinion, his powerful speedy free style bars and spitting on the cuff venom is eclipsed only by his seemingly nonexistent appreciation of the downgrading effects of what appears to be excessive neurosis and a lack of flow in his tonality and overall presentation. His improvised articulation would be optimised if combined with a sense of verbal flow and relaxation.@integration journey
  16. There is no way your going to the joint for defending yourself against a dog that lunged at you homes. Take a chill pill in your grill and still pay the bill before you kill will with a drill that you found on the window sill