Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Outer I measure my progress by how much I realise what is reality and what is not. Essentially I measure my progress by observing how wrong I was in the past.
  2. @Outer im not sure I understand the question. I was just stating that I think anything outside of direct experience is ideological. An ideology is an ideology regardless of whether it's spoken about or written about, in my opinion.
  3. @Outer well I think an ideology is anything outside of direct experience
  4. @Outer from the stomach breathing, my goal is to still my ideologies as much as possible, for as long as possible
  5. One of the catch 22 problems again. Our minds create reality, and so if we have a certain experiential "glimpse" of how our reality is fake...and then *remember* that glimpse and 'hold to that memory', are we becoming guilty of creating a new reality? Is this one of the paradoxical tricks?
  6. @Nahm wow that's amazing. I can totally remember yesterdays body and yesterdays mind, I can even remember the thoughts that came to my mind when I became aware...but I can't remember the awareness itself. I don't know what it is lol. I think it's nothing
  7. @Feel Good actually I do have to agree with him...I find that it becomes a lot easier to deal with physical pain when I realise that it's not me who's experiencing pain. It's actually quite pleasant
  8. @BuddhaTree why does it cause freedom from suffering, and revelation of peace?
  9. @cetus56 I just rewatched the whole video...thank you. But I'm still thinking about what the actual purpose of awareness is. I feel like it's core purpose is possibly to deconstruct the conceptualisations of the mind.
  10. @Faceless @Faceless I think your talking about something I found myself. I took a hold of a goal in my mind which was "to pursue enlightenment." But I had to let go of that goal to continue my pursuit of enlightenment. Is that what you mean?
  11. @Artaemis how does it dissolve all your physical and emotional pain and suffering?
  12. Ok so I'm starting to understand a little bit about all this enlightenment stuff and how it works. It's quite challenging. My problem is this, when I'm *out and about* im torn between two things. Half of me says "ok I need to be *aware* of everything" and half of me says "NO, trying to be aware will lead to more mental activity. I need to not think." And I honestly cannot tell which one I should follow. Should I be aware, or should I focus on stomach breathing (not thinking)? I'm sure it's a simple question but I'd appreciate the help
  13. Blows my friggin mind. I've only encountered this enlightenment stuff in the last month...it's so hard to get familiar with it. If I am the darkness and my mind is the lamp, the only way to find myself is to swtich the lamp off
  14. So, I'm pretty sure I'm a hypochondriac to some degree. I notice it here and there. My mind is very very stubborn and it's hard to even think straight sometimes. What confuses me, is the fact that I used my mind to figure out that Leo's teachings had truth behind them. But I really don't know where the line is drawn between 'awareness' and 'thought'. EVEN RIGHT NOW IM TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT WITH MY MIND. I try to become aware of my mind when I feel symptoms of the hypochondria, but I just end up digging further into it. The only thing that really helps in the moment is taking my mind off it, by doing something else. How can I develop when, if I take a step in any direction, I am making a wrong step (by thinking). My question is this, should I be using my mind AT ALL?
  15. @Nahm ok it's a bit confusing. But I'm ok with that, I'm not Gona try to work it out this time. Im Gona meditate right now before work. If I don't have time to meditate twice a day I'll just meditate for twice as long one time. Like today, I start work soon and end at 11pm...but I can meditate for 40 minutes right now. Im Gona submit
  16. @Nahm I'll contemplate about whether or not I can think and focus on stomach breathing at the same time. I'm fucking determined to get this shit though man. I seriously don't care how many stupid tricks my mind tries to play on me. I'm Gona fuck my mind up, silence it's ass meditation style. And see how it likes that shit twice a day for 30 whole days. Thanks dude, I'll let you know how I get on.
  17. @Nahm its making me quote you twice for some reason...I have been meditating since about August 7th, most days 20 minutes of disregarding thoughts followed by 40 minutes of self enquiry. I really felt a massive growth when I did that. But then my mind keeps trying to take control and it feels so natural. I only breathe from my stomach when I'm meditating, and I don't know why it's just because Leo said to do it. @Nahmits making me quote you tw
  18. I don't want people's opinions, only speak of you have a well rounded, experiential knowledge of the difference between thinking and becoming aware (if there is one). What is it that "awareness" brings to the table (that "thinking" does not) that seems to cause us to wake up from the matrix of our own mindlessness? What is the difference between 'thinking' and 'being aware'? (No strange, alien vocabulary, keep it basic and easy to understand, I'm not familiar with all the existentialist lingo yet.)
  19. @Arkandeus I agree
  20. I mean think about it, what is actually happening when you become aware of, say, an addiction for example, to make it easier to overcome. I find that any problems I have start to decrease when I become aware of them and I have no idea why? Does anyone actually know why awareness helps so much? (Include examples and analogies if possible.)