Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @winterknight I agree. It seems as though, the more simple the better. This one technique exposes the observer. And you can't get stuck! Who is the one who is observing you being stuck?
  2. Fuck guys, I'm trippin balls on the #reg like. Been meditating reallllll strict and long for the past 4 months now I think. I feel like my whole perception of reality is just getting absolutely double dicked like. Everything feels weird and really really fucking uncomfortable and fucking blissful. My body feels so cool HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Anyone else feel like their reality is getting quadruple dicked in the face by meditation?
  3. @Nahm I was just stirring a little controversy ? lol. Just a wee joke, I'm Irish.
  4. Anything other than meditation and self/universe enquiry is distraction...if your looking for absolute truth. @OneLittleHumanMind also see what you said here...do not believe that you are or aren't what you are perceiving. Do not lean into intellect, is the intellect being observed? Who by? This is the only thing that matters. Do not become involved with knowledge. Especially true spiritual knowledge.
  5. Welcome the inability to progress. It's not only good, it's necessary as an obstacle for you to overcome and grow stronger. When your sitting there "stuck" is it being observed? Who is the one who observes you being stuck? No matter what happens to block you from spiritual work, ask "is this being observed" check direct experience (the answer will be 'yes') then ask "well who is the observer." "A knife cannot cut itself, a fire cannot burn itself, eyes cannot see themselves. Do you think the one who observes can observe himself?" See, you can't actually be stuck. You can only believe that you are stuck by misunderstanding meditation. Remember, we aren't doing anything with knowledge here. We are only working with the observer. Anything other than god is imagined bullshit.
  6. @Rilles he is saying that suicide and shit like that are things that all things that a first world mind will consider because of how spoiled it is. Notice how you don't typically hear of people in Africa or a lower economically developed country, committing suicide. They hold onto the idea that life will be better in the future. But that's always what the mind does, the person is always waiting for the day where they life is fulfilling. But it never does. Because of the fallen state of the mind, happiness will always be "somewhere else." And it's just that in the developed world, where money, sex and relaxation are plentiful, there is little else for the mind to believe in. So it's a bit of a brat. But meditation is suicide. Everything that is painful and depressive in you is imagination I'm pretty sure. But yeah, outside of "spirituality" and wisdom...my philosophy regarding suicide is that if I was really going to put a bullet through this thing I call "my head", then i would probably do some mad fun shit first. Like, if I'm prepared to do that, then I'll be prepared to say fuck it and go on 5 holidays, do loads of drugs and crash my car. Like why would you just kill yourself. You'd be better to have a bit of fun. Just change your life dramatically. But Leo's advice is the best. Anything that isint the one who observes is, by definition, not you...including wanting to die. But yo, you wouldn't get a chance to be enlightened if u did. So for my it's just not logical, even if I were to feel like doing it. At least have some fun and go nuts first like
  7. @Inliytened1 that's so cool. I've started to really get a grip (or lose a grip) of meditation recently, but I'm super pumped to get enlightened. I have a few questions. 1: are retreats super important or just useful? 2: is it really pure clarity, knowledge and bliss 100% of the time? 3: how old are you and how long did it take to get fully enlightened? 4: is it hard to get offended, and do you find yourself living "holier"? 5: do you have a relatively "normal" western life, filled with social interactions and a job etc? 6: Is it true that you possess all knowledge and wisdom when your enlightened?
  8. For maybe 4 months now I've been very successful in raising my consciousnes and I am now experiencing very real physical sensations. I experience what I can only describe as a firy-cool sensation in my throat and upper chest, and the longer and more specific I meditate the more tangibly intense it becomes. And yesterday a voice was talking to me telling me what to do. It told me to put my head back and relax and to prepare myself and I started tripping balls like my body was vibrating like crazy and forgot where I was. And just today I felt like such an incredibly heavy "weight" of...something?!...on my whole being. It felt very very uncomfortable, I had experienced it as a child and hated it. Felt like my mouth became a gaping cave and my tongue became a snake. And it feels like that. Does anyone else experience this kind of raw physical manifestation shit?
  9. @Hellspeed i thought this to but I wasn't sure because I was confused why it was just in my upper chest. I've noticed that it got more intense with meditation every single day in a row but it's only been there really noticeably for about 1 or 2 weeks and I haven't noticed it spreading just yet. I suppose these things are meant to take time tho.
  10. @Rinne well before I got fully introduced to spirituality I was communicating with...something...that I called God. So I got really good at communicating with my subconscious. I have a philosophy, that is this: "Its important to pay more attention to the *tool* carrying out the job, rather than the job itself." Ie, spend most of the time making sure my technique is absolutely perfect 100% of the time. Accuracy is better than quantity. I practise 40 minutes self enquiry, followed immediately by 20 minutes breath meditation. And I have meditation beads that I use to meditate anytime I'm driving. The subconscious does a good job of driving anyway. I do chanting meditation then with the beads. I also smoke marijuana right after a good meditation (which is pretty much every time now) which dramatically reduces resistance from the mind and enhances the effects of the meditation. But I am never high on anything when im experiencing the "fire-cool" sensation all inside my chest and throat...or the heavy weight. It's super super palpable like, tangible. I've found myself being extremely emotional and if I spend a long day without meditating I start to feel the suffering of the ego coming back (intensified by the meditation). And it's more like an addictive habit now. The most important thing is to listen to thr voice of god/subconscious knowing/intuition. Mooji baba has a good technique where you just observe something in your life and ask "what is the message behind this thing". For example, if the thing was anger...the message behind it might be "they didn't treat me right." And what I do is I communicate with god this way, and he shows me super accurate keys for using self enquiry and breath meditation. Being able to read reality like the matrix is a superpower for climbing over obslicles efficiently. The good thing about being able to communicate with the subconscious like this is I can just be 100% confused the whole time. It's pure suffering like but it goes away eventually. But I barely hold on by my fingertips, I have no idea what actually is happening when I'm meditating. No clue haha. Being able stay confused like that is useful af.
  11. Well the small "s" self (human) is just an idea. There is no reality behind you being your emotions or personality or memories or habits etc. So all that truly exists is the true self, the big "S" self which is the observer (you) who is also god. Enlightenment isint actually desolving of the self, the the desolving of the wrong *idea* about what you are (emotions personality etc). The reason an enlightened person can still walk and move is because the only thing that has changed is that they realise, on the deepest levels, that they are not human or alive or a person. They subconsciously realise that they are not the mind that thinks or the body that moves. Once you submit consciously realise your not the person that things are happening to, but infact are the observer. You can still experience pain and happiness, but an enlightened person is like a blank screen that has a movie projected unto it. The movie puts fire onto the screen and yet the screen is not burned...the projector puts water on the screen, and yet the screen is not wet. This is what is feels like. (I only know this cuz I've got a small taste of it, I'm not enlightened)
  12. Self enquiry is bomb af. The way I see it...trying to use breath meditation to get enlightened is like trying to slowly dissolve the whole fabric by using a stable, consistent, weaker acid.... Where self enquiry is like stabbing small holes the fabric with a fucking pencil. I prefer self enquiry's more "active" approach.
  13. I think we value a dead body in the same way we value an alive one. Valuing memories, thoughts, mental functions...I guess it's all imagined value isint it
  14. @Joseph Maynor Fuck you and fuck leo, I'm here for truth and I don't give a shite about being nice or not being nice. If you want someone to talk nice to go to church
  15. @Emanyalpsid I can tell straight away that that guy is massively misunderstanding what Leo is saying. It's actually quite arrogant of him to be that aggressive, especially when he thinks Leo is wrong because he doesent understand what he's actually saying. In the first few minutes leo is stating a very simple insight regarding the subconscious protection of the ego. That's why you feel a physical "jump" and and an emotional recoil if anyone says something against something that you strongly believe in. It's a protective mechanism...I have them as well. Anything your heart wants to protect. And that guy has his mind made up that Leo is wrong and he's Gona prove it. This guy sounds hasty, overdramatic, manipulative sounding...be careful. But the good news is you don't have to believe leo anyway. Test it! Especially when it scones to meditation and enlightenment work...it actually works against you if you believe something about it. Leo says himself not to believe him. So infact I agree with this guys motive...question leo! Don't believe him, see for yourself
  16. @Nadosa yo mate I'm pretty sure that's a good thing
  17. @Wisebaxter but yes mate, I experience strange manifestations every time I meditate now. It's so weird, I can feel the inside of my throat opening cooling is how I'd describe it best I think... I know it's a direct manifestation of the meditation because I feel it becoming more intense after every question during self enquiry
  18. @Wisebaxter yo dawg, just be careful. The idea that there is "something to be good at" is actually a sign that you have subconsciously created an idea about what meditation/reality is. Which is of course the thing we are trying to avoid (per say). Think about it, how can you be good at something...if you don't know what it is your trying to be good at? The answer is, you can't. And so to believe that your getting better at something, is to have created an idea about what it is that "your" "trying" to "get better at". The spiritual ego is necessary, but it's crucial that you remember that, during meditation, the only "thing" "your" meant to be "doing" is mindlessly observing...whatever it is that takes place.
  19. @Flammable Mr Watts is some man. He has a very composed and "hyper-logical" feel to his lectures.
  20. fuck me sideways boys, this insight hit me square in the face today and I near shite ma'sel. Ok so, think about it...to attempt to "let go" would be to create the idea that there is something to let go of...therefore, to "try to let go" would be to cause us to solidify, in our minds, the ideas (that we've created) about what we're letting go of. THEREFORE the only way to truly let go is to not let go...to hold tightly to that which we are observing and to do absolutely nothing about it. just remember, don't believe me Jesus guys, I had my first split second of raw consciousness the other day...felt like fucking lightning for 0.3 seconds, & for 30 seconds after I FULLY realised that consciousness is the only thing that exists. for 30 seconds i had it!!! i had a smoke of grass the help raise the old consciousness to so that helped. I also realised that Leo and his band of physical outlaws here...what we're actually doing, is literally creating prophets of god...people who will change the groundings of the future of the entire human race. The knowledge we possess will shape the future generations until the end of our existence. When this information (or lack thereof;) ) becomes global, we will be known as the forerunners, the founding fathers. anyone who takes on this work becomes transformed, and subsequently, lead others to transformation and so on and so on. We hold in our hand the keys to truth, death, peace and God. Holy.fucking.shitballs
  21. @Serotoninluv yes! No expectations...because if I'm looking for "reality" what I'm actually looking for is my perception of reality. Because how can [I think] I know what I'm looking for unless it is an idea in my mind. And so to "seek" anything would be to seek an idea and not true reality.
  22. super refreshing to hear this being talked about on camera, knowing that loads of people are gona be exposed to it!!!
  23. @robdl i havent got a lot of the answers yet, im onto it though. I can understand everything your saying but i still have to get there myself. But i know it'll come