Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Joseph Maynor I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT CONSCIOUSNESS IS! Wtf. Shit man this is so hard
  2. @Leo Gura I'm finding it quite challenging to piece all the pieces of the puzzle together. Everything you say, it's hard to...interpret. I think I know what you mean...but there's a lot of confusion that's hard to push through. And everything seems to just add more confusion. While I stick with the practices I know it will eventually unfold
  3. It's strange...I'm discovering that I need to somehow connect myself to reality...but all of my self enquiry feels like I'm being separated from reality. Something is connecting and something is disconnecting at the same time. It feels like I have had an insight about it but it's unclear as to *what* is connecting and how it's connecting. I think a few of the answers have helped me. Possibly that, in embracing reality (rather than trying to distance myself from it), I have discovered that, to transcent reality, you need to first embrace it. This was forgin to me before today ..waw
  4. I'm still getting to understand the testing processes...can you guys tell me what you think of my results here? (Picture included)
  5. @tecladocasio bro...what part of "don't believe a word I say" do you not get? DONT believe me. And I'm not being spiritual or figurative. I mean, literally do not assume anything I'm saying is true.
  6. @tecladocasio ......sometimess I find it best not to overcomplicate this stuff. At the end of the day, your right. Conceptualising everything will not help you get enlightened. But worry about yourself not leo. You don't need to get him enlightened. At the start of the video, Leo reassures any critics that he encourages them to go and find whether or not he is telling the truth. I am going through that process right now. Remember, don't believe a single thing I say, and definitely do not believe anything leo says. This will severely hinder your experiential growth. Am I saying you should disregard what leo says? No. Test it. Find out. And at the end of the day this is just more crap your mind is coming up with to distract you from doing the *practises* that will reveal the answers. The less you think about it...the easier it is (or so I find). So...you disagree with what Leo said? Cool. We aren't interested in your opinion. We are interested in getting you to look directly at the source to see for yourself whether or not Leo is talking out of his ass. We have nothing to sell, and no1 is stopping you from leaving. Use psychedelics, get a few glimpses, feel yourself become inspired by *doing the practises* daily. Don't over think it. I don't think about meditation when I don't have to. I ignore most of the thoughts about it...reflecting upon the many hundreds of hours of meditation and devotion does not greatly enthuse me. Then once the motivation comes...latch onto it like a motherfucker and don't stop holding on. Then, give me your *Experience* not your opinion. Remember...don't believe us. We don't use our opinions either
  7. Yo it doesn't matter... enlightenment is the only thing that matters. This is all still the ego. You wanna be just like the other tens of billions of people who have chosen the measly human life with depression and confusion and loss. You need to ask yourself, are you gonna be one of those tend of billions of people who are ghosts...they fucked their once chance and there never ever ever ever gonna be alive again...one chance and then you NEVER...come back. I don't think you can adequately appreciate death if you are considering quitting your path. However, you don't want to quit your path. The phraseology of your question suggests you seek affirmation of these truths...that you simply want to sooth your conscious. I had serious doubts about my path when I started and I just remembered my authentic glimpses and powered through and now I've reached a point where I can feel my entire consciousness lifted noticably after each hour long sit. Do not pretend that you do not ***feel*** the deep, unprecedented knowing that the path is ALL that matters. The suffering your experiencing is a good sign dawg. Jesus had to die slowly, painfully, lose everything...and die the worst death, bearing the ENTIRE WORLD...all pressing down on his pain. But he endured for the eternal joy that layed before him. Salvation of the entire world, salvation available you YOU/ME. Even if it took 100 lifetimes to find...it would be worth it to taste it for 5 minutes. I have no IDEA how I found this and realised it's absolute important so young. It just so happened I was born in the right year in the right location and was somehow raised to one day discover these truths. The idea that I may never have discovered this freaks me the fuck out.
  8. I'm so confused...how can you guys talk about consciousness when there is only my consciousness?????? Your all in my consciousness. Your consciousness doesn't exist. Wtf
  9. @Jack Walter Leon I'm pretty sure it's an illusion well put it like this...if *YOU* are an illusion...then your lesser attributes probably are as well. And also from my direct experience I have noticed that I do not control my decisions. Whatever is going through my head the split second someone asks me to do something COMPLETELY determines how I will react. Then I thought..."well, I'm very very aware and deep within my thinking." Yes, that it what will determine the outcome. And if I wasn't very deep and cunning, thats what would determine the outcome. Also, a cross reference with another insight of mine...when "you" become conscious, you look at your memories and become conscious of the *pictures* in your head...giving the illusion that you were always conscious. However this turns out to not be the case. Therefore, I would say similar principals stand with your question...I think it's an illusion. Of course I won't know until I'm enlightened. And I cannot WAIT to get enlightened
  10. I love the analogy of the cinema screen. When fire shows up on the screen is the screen burned? When water shows up on the screen is the screen wet? Or if it's snowing on the screen is the screen cold? I really really like this analogy
  11. Mate...the more I meditate and let go of "trying" (is how I'd describe it) all of these concepts and stuff are starting to merge. Like everything is just floating in empty space and it was only ever MORE floating concepts that creates the illusion of stability within reality. I really like the sounds of where it's going though.
  12. Particularly this morning and yesterday I've found meditating hard (hopefully that's a good sign). Its quite similar to what I had called "mental illness" in my past. It feels like when I think about where I am or who I am...that there is something that I cannot escape and the harder I try to escape it the further I dig down into it. I feel like this may be a very very good sign, but it's quite hard to deal with. I feel like my last LSD trip really exposed how...there is no world and that all there is is my little bubble. And I also know that my ego mind will hijack this insight and that, that is probably what is torturing me a bit now. Anyone else experiencing this? Any advice on how to deal with it? I feel super super trapped. Going to work later doesn't help ?
  13. @Aimblack I have discovered something about the possessors of "Agape" (the highest form of love, divine). They are notoriously abrupt in their presentation, they are blunt and very straight forward. I dont see it in a lot of people but it makes sense...all these people who you see smiling at you and always being in an absolutely AMAZING mood ALLLL THE TIME...are not usually "authentic." Nobody in this world (other than enlightened beings) are *always* in a good mood...these people are putting up a front. Its not a selfish, or negative thing...not really, its just they need to add a whole act to their being...a facade, to compensate for their lack of authenticity. Of course, being blunt and abrupt isint purely a sign of deep authenticity within a person...but when someone is taking the role of "your teacher", abruptness is a sign of deep understanding and farrrrr deeper (and usually, divine) Love. When Leo is abrupt he's showing us that he is so confident that he doesent need people to like him, he doesent need to add anything to make it look good...this is a *strong* sign of leo's motives and a strong sign that he is in actual fact, the most "love filled". No, i can see him very clearly, its obvious for me. This is a man you can trust.
  14. I want to analyse my (little) experience with DMT. When I smoked it I [know now that I] was burning it and so I didn't get a lot of it. But I felt instantly confused and very very worried. I know I didn't take it in the right set or setting AT ALL. But I felt so indescribably strange...negative strange. I also will mention that I had never done DMT before then ever...but it felt very negative. Is this a....common occurrence? To be expected? ...everything turned on me as soon as I entered the trip (I think because I still wanted to be in control, I didn't want to let go.) I defo should have started with a less intense drug...I wasn't expecting it at all. Although, I will say this...throughout my life I have gradually developed the ability to "hear a voice" within my head(consciousness)...a voice I learned to call God, who I still call god for convenience. When I was on DMT I could *CLEARLY* hear this voice. This voice has told me multiple things in my past that came true...so much that I really trust it now. It took a while to get to the point where I could discern when *i* was speaking and when..."god" (I guess) was speaking. I could hear this voice CLEARLY. Now that I think about it, it makes me really want to do DMT again. I've been so disheartened from my laat trip, a bad lsd trip ? But back to my question, does anyone else have the same effects? Everything swirled inward and warped into a horrific picture...the voice said, "don't let him on his phone" then I tried twice to go on my phone, didn't work. Was freaky least I got experience from it Thoughts? I'm just spitballin' here
  15. @Shakazulu for me those words are too general to understand what your asking. Power?
  16. @corndjorn @tedens update! I had the most powerful self enquiry/meditation sit I've ever had ...it wasn't explosive but it was strong. Felt very deep
  17. There always has to be some ideological thinking with everything at the start...otherwise you wouldn't meditate. Everyone needs a little faith, like a scientist has faith that he will find the result. And from my understanding, enlightenment doesent illiminate ideological thinking, it just exposes it. Once exposed, you look past it with a quiet mind.
  18. There always has to be some ideological thinking with everything at the start...otherwise you wouldn't meditate. Everyone needs a little faith, like a scientist has faith that he will find the result.
  19. @outlandish ...assuming the tests go well I guess I will take a miniscule amount of it