Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Freakrik beware the egos interpretation of enlightenment. By all means follow your heart, but I'm telling you...true enlightenment, is something else entirely. Just don't do drugs and it'll come at a much more manageable rate (prolonged however). Don't get punked...buttttt, don't go against your heart either. I think if you look deep in your heart you will know. And if you don't bullshit yourself. Let the peace of God rule in your heart
  2. @OmniYoga @Leo Gura I think truth is like a strong detergent/cleaning agent. While you absolutely need it to clean things (like clothes), you need to remove it afterwards...otherwise it will dissolve the fabric. Or like mouthwash, use it and spit it back out after it's job is done. Wax on wax off bitches, na'mean
  3. Ok, I'm just saying...whether you realise it or not, enlightenment is the only thing you desire. Js
  4. @kieranperez what made these ancient mystics different? They are you, you have never been anyone else except for you. And you are the only one who has ever existes ever. Period. They are special because they are all pointing to you
  5. @tecladocasio no...but there are genetic predispositions towards the way an individual must think/act/know/believe/behave to become enlightened. Look up what "low latent inhibition" is. This is a genetic phenomenon that will subjectively make it easier for the possessor to attain enlightenment.
  6. @cena655 yeah I know my motives are quite selfish like. I want to be good and experience peace so that I can enjoy life. However I know this part of me will die eventually and that I will be reborn as something much more humble. If the practises are working and powerful, true enlightenment will burn away the sinful nature and release the seeker into the clarity of their own existence. I cannot WAIT
  7. I definitely find weed hightens my consciousness. Unfortunately weed is the only drug I'm comfortable with because of my mental health. So I'm glad it works for me a bit ? this path is quite, emotional though...like especially cuz of my mental health. It's beautiful though
  8. This is out of my depth but I like the analogy of the infinite mirror reflection
  9. @Wisebaxter ok first point...asking these kinds of questions is DEFINITELY a good sign. You get people who just like how spirituality sounds and all the "chilled-out-ness" about and "awwhhuu mannn I feeeeel the universe let's to drugs." Asking these kinds of questions reveals that your actually looking for truth and your not pretending...perfect starting grounds! Ok...I wouldn't recommend talking to other people about the "teachings" of spirituality until you understand them from your experience. You will know it plainly, and you won't know it like you "know" mathematics, you'll know it like you know your mother's touch, deep, unspoken "non-knowledge knowing" more like being. So the way your talking to your gf about the fact that she doesent exist won't accomplish much... especially because you do not realise what you mean. When the "being-knowledge" comes you won't need to ask other people if they exist or not. For now it's important that you neither believe or doubt spiritual teachings. Because technically there are no real spiritual teachings. Do not lean unto your own understanding at all, in all of what you do, acknowledge god and he will direct the path himself. If I give you the answer you must not believe it ok. Do not assume I am right or you'll be trapped. But this is why your girlfriend does not exist. This is how it works, when you search and search and search for yourself until you realise that there isn't one single point that is "you" (and yet you still exist separate from your human qualities), you realise that you are the consciousness by which the human (you) is perceived. This also means that everything is you because you then realise that everything is consciousness and any context or depth is just your mind adding to it. Theres a lot I still don't fully grasp experientially yet myself. But one rule I think is good is "don't talk about spiritual things until you understand them experientially." The "other bodies moving around" that your talking about are random movements of shapes and colours that your brain is adding information to. Even the idea that you have a brain is a concept constructed by a mixture between the sensations within your head and just pure concept and imagination. But mate...I'm doing the same thing, I don't have an experiential revelation of how "other people" and "reality" isint real. So technically I still don't believe it. It isint something that is meant to be believed, and once it's seen it won't require belief. The only thing the matters are the practises...making sure your doing them well, fully...making sure your not wandering into imagination and concept. Doing retreats and stuff.
  10. @dimitri when I was a child I lucid dreamed naturally...it was quite fun. I know that certain people apparently have more of an inclination towards spirituality/truth/god and this was definitely the case for me. I was always weird tho ? anywayyyyy... The thing about this dream (reality) is...the method of actually *waking up* is quite strange and backwards. I have an insight that removing the "self" from this reality, collapses the entire dream and that's why so much attention is paid to the discovery of the higher self. Removing the self is like removing the bottom support brick of a Jenga tower. Also another insight I had is that the question is the answer. So in other words (while you do need to actually be looking for the real answer) in the likes of self enquiry, it is the question that eventually sets you free not the answer. The answer (I'm pretty sure) is the realization that there is no answer...which of course leaves only the question. So when your trying to wake up in self enquiry, just allow the question to really separate you from the human reality...while still fully embracing the human reality. Also, do not "look" for separation...do not seek any kind of answer, only see what is in front of you and answer the enquiry questions logically. It's much harder to realise that this is a dream...because for that, we must realise that there is no solid ground called "reality." It's just a good job this all isint meant to fit inside your head ?
  11. I've been having some interesting "things" happen to me the past handful of days. Firstly I receive the message in my heart that I'm entering a phase of "fruitfulness" I just got it in my intuition. I somehow knew it. Then today I was doing manual labour for my father and the whole day I didn't take any drugs or anything...I felt high. I felt like a I was on happy pills, or something like grass that lifts your emotions. But i still feel it right now I was scared in case it was going to go away I still am a bit. I have noticed that I'm also feeling how I felt while I was on LSD like a feeling of a low gague euphroia and also an unexplainable sense of presence. It felt like the happy feelings were the presence. I was working all day and usually my mind is shit, and I usually hate manual labour...but I put my earphones in and I really felt deeply happy. It feels so powerful! Like I don't have to be careful with it. Like it knows what it's doing and that it's better at doing it than I am. I really really like this. What is this?
  12. @herghly what puts me off is the fact that there are weird preparatory exercises requiring you to close one nostril with your hand while your hand is in a particular shape...like how is that gonna help me get enlightened? I dunno...might make a post asking if the preparation exercises are important for kryia.
  13. @Dodo 40 mins self enquiry with 20mins vepaasana every day. But I contemplate and use my intuition all the time. I'm going to implement kryia yoga and retreats into the mix...get the enlightenment train on the tracks and going know what I mean
  14. @clouffy a theory of mine is that Leo's methods lead to a more dramatic outburst of enlightenment all at once, as opposed to something that builds up. Notice how diluted and prolonged all of the teachings are from other gurus. Even (my 2nd favorite teacher of nonduality) mooji baba has quite an indirect and contextually rich presentation of the nondual path and when someone enters nirva after 10-25 years of practising with weaker techniques, it's possible that this is why some people experience a slow, gradual enlightenment. I mean, imagine staring at your breath for years and years and years until your enlightened...holy fuck like. My theory suggests that, because it is more common to find teachings that will *slowly and gradually* guide the seeker on their path, usual enlightenment experiences are also more slow and gradual... Whereas, Leo doesn't teach us weak techniques. Leo did his homework and handed us a fucking RPG each. Big guns. Sure leo had 1 experience that the recoredee entitled "my live enlightenment experience" be. So you never know, but yes! That's what i love about this FUCKING WEBSITE. It's awesome. This is like...my dream come true. Spirituallity...it fucking beast. And I can't wait to get enlightened af. I remember thinking "aw shit, I don't like this life...fuck" HAHAH FUCK THAT...E.N.L.I.G.H.T.E.N.M.E.N.T. is so cool. And way better than a normal stupid human life. Then I'll return to my human life with an awesome mind, as God. ?????????Fuck ye
  15. I once heard that creativity is "the ability to join things together"
  16. @ivankiss bro...watch Leo's video "the radical implications of oneness" you don't understand what enlightenment means. It's not empty blackness, who is the one who observes the empty blackness? True emptiness isint even "emptiness" it's that empty. You are stuck my friend. Stuck in *your own* egos trap
  17. "Could it be that you are the most delusional of them all" ....ohhhhhhh, damn... You are what you eat my guy
  18. @EternalForest when you really realise that the atheist doesn't exist...you don't argue with him. Knowing is enough, especially when your trying to convince a dream character that he's in your dream. Ok I'm going to give you a few examples to show you the illusions that trap you. Alright, from *my* point of view, it seems as though others have consciousness. I believe they have consciousness, they're just like me in every other way so why would they not also have consciousness like me? Notice, this is STILL only a concept within MY CONSCIOUSNESS. And from your point of view, the idea that I am conscious is still only a concept within YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. The most rational answer is still within your consciousness. And the idea that it is NOT within your consciousness, is a concept within your consciousness. The idea that consciousness does not exist occurs within your consciousness. Do you see the way this shit goes? You can't beat it. You can only see it. You must use wisdom and deep understanding. Trust the techniques
  19. One of my insights... "Keep an eye out for nearby breakthroughs, things to look out for are; unusual, and *especially fluctuative* emotional and mental patterns, including difficulty to practise all of a sudden, sweeping depression...and apparently a dead giveaway is the natural intuitive sense that you are going to die." However it depends on a lot of things, you, your mental health, your technique, your social life, family life, stress, horemons etc. For example, the natural resting place of my mind is a place of irritation, which becomes torement when it gets worse (when I try to fight it) and if I was to forget to meditate for a day it would come back. In which case it's a good sign, but not a sign of a nearby breakthrough
  20. It's hard to answer that...in short, nah we don't. But also, you don't exist. And also somehow I don't exist.
  21. @OmniYoga once appropriately interpreted, Christianity and the Bible are some of the most powerful tools. Many lessons. God showed me many things from the Bible, but I'm only really tieing them all together now. I remember the first time he told me he was me ?
  22. @Shaun I've had moments recently where I've felt completely and absolutely trapped in a fucking living nightmare mate...feeling like I was schizophrenic psychopath...in tears in front of my dad. Part of it is not knowing whether it's from the meditation (ego backlash), just my head (since my mental health past isint great, neither is my mum's) or a mixture of both. I think my most helpful insights regarding emotions and mental health is, I know we are taught to embrace suffering when it comes...but do not mistake this to mean "welcome suffering". You don't want to be actually creating energy that will cause the suffering to come back. We should embrace all of reality as is *naturally* is...including your nature to want to be happy. There is a difference between experiencing actual authentic transformation and denial of reality. This is a trap within Christianity, the Bible says the fruit of the Spirit is; love, joy, peace, patience, goodness faithfulness, kindness, gentleness and self control. But because Christian's don't know how to actually contact the spirit of God authentically, they need to force themselves to *act* as *though* they have love, joy, peace, patience, goodness...etc. true acceptance is not manipulating reality at all. This includes not minipulating yourself when you notice yourself about to manipulate reality. Allowing, *especially* these subtle meta realities. Go to the doctor is you feel like it. If you feel like you want to blast music and smoke pot to feel better, then embrace it. If you then think "oh I can't do that, it'll make me dependant on grass to feel better" ...accept this thought to. And accept the fact that you want to accept these thoughts also. In one sense god is not within reality, ...so this is a also a subtle lesson about the impossibility of the task of "reaching" god. Subtle. How can you reach for something, that isint something? Hahaha
  23. @Cortex somehow "god" as my Christian religion raised me to call...him.....taught me how to "hear his voice" and he would tell me shit all the time. sometimes I'd know when something was just about to happen, moments where I knew what my lecturers were going to say...in detail. I've also had moments of incredible brain activity where I was able to figure out and entire situation and know exactly what I needed to do within one second. There's also a Christian prophetess I know called Danielle and she does this every other day for people. In Christianity she's know as a prophet but she is authentic, this ability is more rare than Christians realise. I've only seen it twice...but never seen it as accurate as Danielle. I remember overhearing her telling people what was going to happen in their future...one time she said to a guy "ok, well your in Spain and I can see you just standing there" then the guy said "well yes I'm going to spain next week." Then 2 times in particular that really really we're undeniable. The first one was a moment that I vividly remember...I was sitting on my bed in the spot I'm in right now and I was watching Leo, and this was back when I was just slightly interested in his vids, then I remember God impressed upon my heart, knowledge that was beyond me...and I said out loud "how can this guy have more spiritual knowledge than my Christian teachers?" And I just knew something was up. Then the voice came and said "ex marks the spot dig here." And I instantly knew that god was telling me to listen to leo. And this goice is always right... The second undeniable time was when I had just got properly into spirituality and phycs and I went to see Danielle and I told her that god was real and that I had come to discover that through meditation, the previous week I had done my first phyc, LSD and I had smoked grass a number of hours before I seen danielle. She didn't like a lot of the stuff I had to say about "ancient Buddhist meditation techniques." Her religious side was influencing her perhaps. But she turned around to me and said "I dunno I just feel like it's some hippie stuff and that you've taken LSD and your stoned." Now...this was 2 days after I took LSD for the first time ever...that......was an incredibly accurate word. My most influential Christian teachers was a man called Andrew wommack of colerado springs...a Christian spiritualist converted from religion to a more authentic version of Christian spirituality. Apparently god told him one day not to go on his flight to a different country one time and he did what he felt and the entire plane crashed on take off and killed everyone on board instantly. Now I know how rare shit like this *actually* is. Only people who I like to call the "chosen" have these actual authentic supernatural phenomenon. And I know how rare it is because THAT is very very VERY rare from my observation. And even the people who ARE lucky enough to discover these teachings ..I think a lot have a hard time perfecting their practises and getting any real spiritual progress. I think most paranormal stuff is BS tho...I'm sure I'll be proved wrong somehow though ? I know somehow it's all real, everything seems to end up being real when I dig deep enough into meditation
  24. @Serotoninluv how do you get students? Do they have to apply to be your students? And you advertise in the news paper "enlightened guru, $10 an hour for teaching" Is there a place you go?