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Everything posted by Aaron p
Aaron p replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah I'm doing an hour a day and I'm seeing myself die quite quickly. I've only been practising for a year. I was really good at doing an hour every single day for the first 6 months, now it's getting harder but I'm getting more and more motivated. That koan seems a bit strange. Meditating for long periods of time in single sits is like intensity training...with exponential results. If you meditate for one hour a day for two days, you'll grow less than if you were to do a 2 hour sit in one day. Exponential. Momentum. If I had 100% financial freedom I would buy so many phycs and go to all kinds of wise teachers. However, I am stuck with myself...but that's all I need now @zeroISinfinity thats pretty comforting to hear. I'm scared of the idea of not becoming enlightened. -
I l love md, ket is another one that I like. I find very little anxiety with them and I am connected to God when I'm on them. It's just a pity they are dangerous and addictive. Everything in moderation. I'm getting a Q if MD today for£90 not bad
Aaron p replied to RobinOntwikkeljezelf's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well with this particular method, there is literally no way to do it wrong. If you notice yourself thinking, do nothing about it. If you become enlightened do nothing about it If you start sniffling, do nothing about it. If you start wondering how to do nothing, give up and do nothing about it. -
Aaron p replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Good and bad are like water and fire, both need to exist in harmony simultaneously to create an equilibrium in reality. You think you hate evil so much..."evil" is necessary. Would you go to the cinema and buy a ticket for $7 to watch a movie in which there is no bad guy? And no robbers, or thieves? Where this really really powerful superhero sits and chills out, eating Cheetos and watching Netflix all day..? An hour and a half movie about this superhero relaxing and enjoying all of his *good* stuff in life. After all, all you seem to like is good. The truth is, you crave evil...you need something to fight against, otherwise you have no sense of purpose. I guarantee you, you would get up and leave after 20 minutes of watching a movie that has no evil. You'd be so bored. You evil bastard haha ? -
Aaron p replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fuck it. Here's the answer. "Good" and "bad" are defined by what is good and bad for you (the ego). Money is good, only because it's good *for you*. Poverty is bad, only because it is bad *for you*. Death is bad, only because it's bad *for you*. So what would happen if you were to, say, disappear. The knowledge of good and evil would also disappear. Good and bad are contingent on your ego. Why would death be bad, if there is no "you" to die? Or why would poverty be bad, if there is literally no "you" to be poor. And enlightenment is of course the realisation that "you" are an illusion, and therefore good and bad are also an illusion. -
Aaron p replied to Ibn Sina's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ibn Sina first of all, congratulations you have not fallen into the trap of believing leo. Most people fall for the old "belief" trap. However, an element of truth that you are missing, is in regards to what *defines* what is good and bad. What's throwing you off is, you believe good and evil are absolute. However this is not the case. You may say, "money is good, poverty is bad. Food is good, hunger is bad. Shelter is good, homeless is bad. Intelligence is good, ignorance is bad." Etc. And most people will agree with what youve said. But ask yourself, what is the defining factor as to whether something is classified as "good" or "evil." In the story of the garden of Eden, the tree that Adam and Eve ate from was called "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Leo said this, "There isint a book some place in the universe with all the bad things written in it and all the good things written in it." Before you ask me why God let's bad things happen, tell me...what makes something "bad"? -
Aaron p replied to IndigoGeminiWolf's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@IndigoGeminiWolf aw nah bro, there are definitely shortcuts to enlightenment. Absolutely lol. It just depends on how you want to suffer, suffer lots and quickly or suffer little and longer. You snort a couple of lines of 5meodmt every week for 5 months solid and you'll make some serious progress. There are always shortcuts. I mean, what's wrong with shortcuts. A higher consciousness person usually always takes advantage of them from what I've seen. -
Aaron p replied to IndigoGeminiWolf's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@IndigoGeminiWolf for me psychedelic are the minds worst enemy. The mind loves pretending to be enlightened and pretending to meditate. Lots of the time I catch myself thinking about meditating as opposed to actually meditating. Psychedelics feel uncontrollable and strangely pointless however, what's actually happening is, it's breaking through the conceived mental and psychological notions of what enlightenment actually is. For me it feels like I'm further away from enlightenment after a good hard trip, not closer. However what really happened was, my conceptual ideas of enlightenment we're broken through. So it's all good. For me, LSD especially is extra confusing and baffling...it's brilliant, confuses the fuck out of me and makes way for authentic experiences of enlightenment instead of silly ideas and thoughts -
@Girzo oh shit I forgot you could do that
So I just snorted 15mg 5meodmt hcl about an hour ago and it did very little...sure I felt empty and I got a few cheeky insights, but no infinity.....not even close. Now, I am a little bit of a bigger lad but not by much, it wouldn't affect my tolerance that much. And that was the first time I ever did it. I know it was real stuff because the same dealer I got it off online had loads of 5 star reviews and I tested it with hoffman. One of my mates said I looked really healthy and glowy after it. But I was expecting to meet God! Not get a glow. I know your not meant to vape hcl, and I usually don't like smoking phycs anyway, cuz it's easy to do wrong and they're expensive compounds but should I try smoking my hcl and see how that goes?
So I have conceptually grasped the idea that we are all one thing (the universe), and one day I hope to actualize that as a realization...but one thing I cannot grasp in my mind, is why this would mean that what I'm experiencing is a dream? I know that these things aren't meant for the mind, but I'm still interested in how the two are connected. I know nothing is real, only because God told me...and I trust God. But how the fuck does the realisations that I am not a human correlate to the idea that nothing is real?
Aaron p replied to LucyKid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LucyKid work your way up to 500, but most importantly make sure each batch is tested -
Aaron p replied to khalifa's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@khalifa i think you gotta be straight up careful with drugs mate. They are drugs at the end of the day -
Aaron p replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Schahin im pretty sure everything is ultimately a reflection of you -
Aaron p replied to Matt8800's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's interesting to ponder what a "spirit" is -
Aaron p replied to ilyasseconomist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah the little voice inside keeps telling me to be quiet and not to create ideas about nonduality etc. I think it's very tempting to believe in nonduality, very dangerous -
Aaron p replied to AlphaAbundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AlphaAbundance become enlightened -
Aaron p replied to AlphaAbundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AlphaAbundance it's culture -
Aaron p replied to Billy Shears's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Billy Shears you sound like a psychotic. I'm a psychotic to. The thing is, I know your suffering...and I do. And the thing is, the suffering won't go away ever. Also, people like us have a bit of an unfair advantage. When someone suffers from any kind of psychological condition, the pain flows through all of reality and it exposes the spirit realm. Someone who is in constant pain is pretty much guaranteed that they'll have a higher consciousness than average. They have something something that seekers wish they had, something keeping them constantly aware of the present moment. Even if it's pain. Keeps you constantly aware. I don't mind it. Don't smoke grass, it makes the anxiety worse. Trust me, you'll Wana quit that -
Aaron p replied to AlphaAbundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Who can't get where? Where is there to go even? Remember, what your looking for cannot be seen, it alone see's. Anything that is seen is not what See's. -
Aaron p replied to MsNobody's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In northern Ireland everyone's drunk all the time haha. I think once enlightenment is attained, it is realised that one cannot meet another...for the two are the same -
Aaron p replied to Avi Tal's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Avi Tal "I have a (very close) relative which is (hopefully) recovering from high grade cancer. I would like to help her get enlightened, mainly (but not only) because I assume it will help her recover quicker. A little about my (objective model) self: I am a software engineer, 51 years old. I consider myself "mostly enlightened", since I still have negative thoughts from time to time, mostly around financial issues (which I concisely know they are fictitious)." Ok, I can tell straight away from your phraseology that you have a couple of wrong ideas about enlightenment. It is extremely hard to become enlightened and takes an incredible amount of effort, work and dedication. Most people will never become enlightened, and for those who do...very very seldom is it that they lead many others to complete enlightenment also. However im guessing that your just trying to help her... meditation has been shown to enhance physical health. (Also, bro, enlightenment isint measured by how many "negative" thoughts you have haha) If she isn't responding well to all of this stuff then maybe it's not for her. Try keeping it more simple, and "down to earth" sounding. Instead of jumping straight to the nonduality card...just tell her that you've been doing some research about meditation and how it helps. It's all about gentleness and wisdom. You have to please her ego to reach the Spirit. And you have to remember, this is just God playing with God... From the sounds of it, you need to do a shitton more actual work for yourself. This is what I had to do. Your mind will make all kinds of bullshit up about enlightenment. I listen to the still small voice that tells me "stay quiet" -
Aaron p replied to Nemo28's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you discover that there is no single thing that is "you", you realise that this is the case and yet...you still exist. Through self enquiry it seems like less and less "things" can qualify as "you" until there's nothing left...and which point, you are forced to discover that you are infact, everything. This is what will make you understand the answer to this question and all questions. Trying to find the authentic answers without this authentic spiritual experience, will only dig you further into deception. You want to know why you are you? Tell me, what exactly are you referring to when you say the word "me"? The thoughts? Personality? Body?...and which part of the body exactly? And who is the one who see's this body of yours, as well as you yourself? Its being watched is it not? -
Aaron p replied to LucyKid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LucyKid ive got up to about 350 ug. Gonna go for 400/500ug then push for 600/700