Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. My philosophy on dodgy shit like this is; If your gonna break the rules, make sure your better than them. Don't meditate while driving if you feel like you are already a crap driver. Also consider future possibilities when driving. Like a kid or a dog around that sharp left turn your going around at 35mph. Then again, a lot of people don't do this normally anyway so. Meh
  2. There's a way to get instantly enlightened. Just take a double barrel shotgun, put it up again the bottom of your chin and give that trigger a littttttttttttle pull. Boom enlightened. But, you aren't human either so...bit shite. Best way to become Jesus is kryia yoga self enquiry and most importantly your own voice as God. The more I practise the more I realise how much the "great guru" guides the seeker to his death in invisible ways. And a connected point related to that is foresight and ability to sense the importance of enlightenment. That's my list
  3. When I mix it with meditation and enlightenment practises it gives it a boost. Gonna get into lsd, DMT etc tho.
  4. @theking00 bro...harden up. If you can't take suffering you might as well not do spiritual work.
  5. Ok one lasttttt point. You said you don't "understand enlightenment". Yeah good. Don't try to. Only look for yourself. What doesn't move? Your face can be replaced, your lungs... replaceable, liver, heart, intestines...all replaceable. So what is this thing that isn't being replaced. What isint moving? Your arms and legs could be removed and yet, you would still be here, no? This should be your only concern. Literally, the only question that you should be asking is "who am I" or "what am I" this is the key. Anything else is distraction. Your wondering ok well when will I know to look at other videos about spirituality and enlightenment? You'll know when the time has come. I'm not saying don't want spiritual videos, they keep you motivated. Only look for yourself, for all of the questions you could possibly ask all stand on the assumption of there being a you. Do not believe anything on this site. Do not believe me AT ALL. This is a huge trap. I'm not just saying it to be spiritual and wise looking...if you believe me, you will not succeed in your search for yourself. Remember, every time you think "aw shit I don't get any of this nonduality shit" just do the practices and look for this "I" you mentioned. That is all. Literally..no more. Look for yourself. Bye
  6. I will say one last thing ok. People don't just end up on this site, or being aware of nonduality without having some kind of mental or physical ailment (something wrong with them). It's just an observation of mine...just a very consistent one. Sometimes it's a personality disorder, sometimes it's someone who has massive depression, maybe someone who's just a real loser or anything else that causes you pain. The kind of suffering that is usually constant (every day). It might even be something as small as not being good looking and having low self esteem or something. So then a further point I would make to you mate, is this...if you are suffering on a daily basis with anything...any mental health issues or anything...is this life better than the life where you discover that all of this shit is actually true? If your suffering is it maybe worth it to give it a shot. Sure you've heard that meditation is good for the mind anyway, what do you have to lose. Then just allow yourself to melt into God's presence, you won't know what that means, but that's exactly the point! You aren't meant to know it, your meant to EXPERIENCE it
  7. My friend you should definitely watch less of the videos if all they are doing is confusing you. But before you do, go learn how to do self enquiry (authentically), kryia yoga (look up book on Amazon "kryia secrets fifth edition" it should be the big square book with the star on it), form a hardcore combo meditation for about an hour a day, do that for 3 months and just lean into the simplicity that is, you. You see, the thing is...with 'you' leo isint the expert...only you know you. The only one who is experiencing you, is you. Not leo. So in a way, really ignore what Leo says when it comes to actualising truth for yourself. Seeing it. Then come back. This is for everyone, if you are under the assumption that this is not for you...then cool. But I highly recommend giving ear to the voice that has been speaking to you...to make you end up in this site
  8. In pergatory you just sit in limbo playing GTA 4 on an Xbox 360 for a hundred million years before you reincarnate into a slug
  9. Find yourself (in your direct experience) you are there aren't you? In your direct experience?
  10. I'm pretty sure all of our perseptions and experiences are just our brain projecting and re-projecting different frequencies of existence. But remember don't believe this. Only shelve this knowledge and assume it's neither right now wrong (when secretly you know that you will eventually find it). Really the only thing you can do to help your own path is literally be quiet and silent....consistently. one aspect of my path that I find helps me grow quickly is the fact that, even when I find a concept that really makes sense and fits well as an answer to a question I've been asking...I never believe it. Even if it's right. Especially if it's right! I would seriously consider dropping heavy questions like the one you've posted until a later time. The way I do it is as follows; With big existential questions i never ever search for the answer...I only search for me, the one who asks the question. This is why silence is truly the answer, because the answer is, the questioner does not exist. And of course this, for me, is still a concept. That I try not to believe. But then again "trying" to do or not do anything, is still just a distraction. *Utter silence*
  11. Aye yeah i know what you mean homes
  12. @abrakamowse for me this is a very distracted question. And very distracting as a question itself. The one who asks the question does not exist. And this isint something to be believed or doubted, both are huge traps init?
  13. I'm starting to feel really good about my path. It feels like reality is finally starting to dissolve...it feels like you guys are all still separate from me (I'll get there though). Now, something very cool has happened recently. Last night I had this incredible feeling that I was god and that I created everything and that the entire world was me. I also had a dream last night. Leo was in the dream, he was enlightened and he was walking on the earth and he had an unspoken power over all the other people. He had infinite power, infinite wisdom, his fingertips were golden. He spoke to the sky and lightening appeared. Now I have this unexplainable knowing that spirituality is truly the only thing that matters. And enlightenment is the only thing worth working towards. I've been suffering a lot recently. I'm starting to feel revelations come to me, that the world is me, that my phone is me. This is truly the only thing worth chasing in life. I'm super super glad I didn't decide to do engineering instead AHAHAHHAAHAH. yo, here's a shout-out to the man himself, leo, your a gangster mate ??? guyssss tell me about when you started realising this stuff
  14. I just close both and keep my back straight and head up
  15. In the procedure for "kryia pranayama" it says step two is "close eyes and perform tongue raises (kechari Mudra or limited kevhari mudra)" What is this? I haven't hear of this before. "Tongue raises"
  16. I think knowing that their full being is entirely God makes me love them even more. That everything is God...and god is oneness and Oneness is love @Shaun.
  17. For me the important part of prayer is me hearing what God is saying to me as opposed to god hearing what I'm saying to him. The only reason I listened to leo was because god spoke to my heart about him. Legit.
  18. @Robi Steel I know that God will protect me and guide me as long as I work with him. I know that it is completely worth it. I know that I will have to undergo tremendous pain and suffering...I really hope I can bare it until I realise that there is no "me" that needs to bare anything. I've dedicated my entire life to this path now, if I fail...I will wait a week or two and begin again. I plan on developing my kryia yoga practise and I plan on starting regular phyc retreats. Im willing to feel like I'm dying and losing my mind. I know what awaits me
  19. @Shaun (didn't mean to tag you again, can't delete it) @TheAvatarState HAHAHA
  20. @Shaun havent got there. And I refuse to believe any of it. That's a big ass trap if I've ever seen one. For me it still feels like they're there. And I don't know how I will perceive them after I realise that I am nothing and everything. From my I sights and glimpses, I know that I have to die to save the entire world just like Jesus did. I created this world, and I'll be damned if I don't awakening to it by the time "I" die
  21. Be careful, your ability to judge can be helpful. Don't think going insane is a good thing. That'll turn into an excuse for your mental illness if you have any. Just acknowledge that your going through something. These practises bring change to one's life, and like giving birth, it can be quite painful but it's worth every drop of blood and sweat and every moment of suffering. From my glimpses, this isn't something mearly human. Imagine *actually* walking into the real presence of the actual God that created everything. And it didn't matter what you believed or what you thought, the raw, exposed presence of God, so powerful that it isn't something you observe, it becomes you. I've had a few visions of it lately
  22. @luckieluuke thats awesome man. Trust me it's worth it, all this world will turn to be a complete illusion eventually. My path went like this; Baptist>Pentecostal>non-denominational (Christian spirituallity) >leo>Buddhism>advaita vedanta. And now moving into nonduality I'm starting to see how important it is. I wouldn't even say it's "important" as if it should even be questioned as non-important. It is the only thing that exists!