Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. When you go to bed and close your eyes and eventually drift off to sleep and begin to dream dreams, tell me...what is the point of those dreams?
  2. He already made a video debunking the allegations. And also....eh, who gives a fuck. I have no time for religion. I don't care if the man is a murdering psychopath, if he helps me get enlightened then hey, I like em. #FuckMorality
  3. This is where sadhguru talks about the aghori, one sect within Hinduism, who express zero regard for morality or good works and yet are devoted to finding the self
  4. @Keyhole yes mate god told me I had LLI one time
  5. For a while now it's been a growing insight of mine that there is an authentic connection between certain forms of insanity and genius. It's the old stereotype of the crazy scientist who makes all of these insane, groundbreaking, unorthadox discoveries. Anyone who knows anything about enlightenment will know that it really takes a personal experience to thrust someone into the path of a devotee. I have also observed and discovered that people with certain types of mental disorders show are far greater inclination towards spiritual word (which is of course the highest work, only a genius can become a devotee, just not the kind of genius that the world would recognise). For years I sought answers regarding why I suffer so much with my mind and It was recently revealed to me that I am a psychotic, as is my mother whom I inherited the gene from and that, that was why I have such an inclination towards spirituality and the Divine. Low level psychosis presents the sufferer with a slightly warped and changeful perception of reality, fluctuative and unpredictable. However this also exposes God to the person and thus provides him with a massive advantage over other seekers. It is easier to see god as a psychotic.
  6. @DrewNows definitely mate. What I'm pointing out is you don't need to be weak and timid to be loving and compassionate. And commonly, the more unrestricted you are the more understanding and loving you are to. Sometimes the biggest, most fierce giant has the biggest heart. That is the true kind.
  7. @DrewNows It's too dangerous to turn it into a "good works" religious group where everyone pretends to be happy. That's how religions easily start
  8. Sorry guys it didn't post correctly. Enjoy and drop some opinions down
  9. @BestLifePossible the best guru is the Spirit, and sometimes I feel like I know him so much better because of the religion I was brought up in. It feels like I've been reading a foreign treasure map all my life and then one day Leo hands me the key to interpret what it means, and all of a sudden everything makes sense. By far, God is the best guru and learning how to hear his commands is imperative. Leo is by far the best human teacher I've ever laid my eyes on. You've got some good teachers like Eric, mooji, sadhguru etc. But the thing I hate about those guys is, they're quite fake. There's a really easy way to tell if someone is being fake. If they're constantly nice then they're being fake. Not even Jesus was constantly nice. Love in it's purest form is very aggressive and heavy handed... extremely heavy handed actually. Am I saying those other gurus arent accurate? No, especially not mooji, what I'm saying is this...I'd rather have someone like Leo who doesn't give a fuck about my opinion, who only gives a fuck about the truth. Trying to be nice is the ego's method to try to win you over, because it does not trust that what it says will win you over. This is a mistake...by speaking the truth loudly and bolding without giving a fuck, you will attract people who are true seekers and who are ready to die for the truth. That's a very interested insight indeed...if someone is being confident, blunt, bold and heavy handed with their words, they are the most humble ones. The others have been duped by Satan. They feel as though they're message is not pure enough, so they compensate with kind, gentle, words that are lovely and affirming etc. Fuck 'at, gimmi the truth or get out of my way
  10. I've discovered that if I'm in a socially awkward situation (for example) and I just start watching my breath and surrendering to it...I notice that the socially awkward situation literally ceases to exist because I forget it. Truly forgetting something is beautiful as opposed to ignoring something that is still there. Humans cease to exist when I watch my breath lol
  11. I actually Invision little soul stones with coloured cracks like that infinity stones from endgame to represent each if my chakras
  12. Fuck morals. #distraction #religion #satan The ego's attempt to reach God is useless and infact only separates him from God even more. The ego will say "I will ignore my authentic nature and force myself to do good things, that will get me closer to God so that when I reach Nirvana I will be so happy." This is the exact pattern the ego follows in most cases. Notice, the ego is only pretending to be good so that he can experience Nirvana! He doesn't care about the person he's being kind to...he doesn't give a fuck. So when the ego does this, it makes him feel even better and in actually enlarges the ego!! Galatians 2:16 "...know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law." Here "Jesus Christ" is an analogy for you when you begin your path. To "Believe in jesus" is to become a devotee of enlightenment. Notice, emphasis is placed in the fact that there is literally no point trying to be moral with regards to God or being right with him. Think about what started to fall of man. Adam and Eve (you) ate from the tree of the *knowledge of good and evil*. It's the ego's attempt to be like God. Check this out, here a wee verse combo, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says we "have been made righteous with God" and 1 Timothy 1:9 says "...the law was not made for a righteous man..." So 2 Cor 5:21 + 1 Tim 1:9 = the law was not made for us. We do not need to monitor our good or bad works/morality. Hebrews 10:1-5 is an analogy that talks about how the ego needs to keep on coming back and trying to be good over and over again, but how those who accept God and Jesus "should have no more conscience of sin (good/bad)." This is huge. Stop eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and eat from the tree of life (the other tree that was in the garden). Become Jesus, die like Jesus, ressurrect like Jesus. And like Jesus, you will rule with God forever
  13. Most serious spiritual seekers warn from using phycs *instead* of meditation as opposed to using phycs *with* meditation. Phycedelics are explosive and powerful, but to really create stable growth you need to have a regular practise in my opinion. Also, consciousness doesn't exist. Also don't believe anything I say or anything else anyone here says. Trust me, don't trust me.
  14. @ActualizedDavid food that doesn't need refrigerated, plenty of drinks/water, a few charging bricks, pillow, tent, meditation equipment, phycedelics, earphones/speaker, toothbrush, dry-sprayable shampoo, under arm, fresh clothes, sleeping bag, phone wallet keys, warm clothing, clothes for the cold as well. All of those things and some sort of plan of meditation including zazen and walking meditation to keep your ass from going numb and becoming painful. My personal favorite compound to meditate on is methylenedioxymethamphetamine, it keeps you awake and able to meditate for wayyyyyyyyyy longer than usual and you feel amazing doing it. When I do walking meditation on that compound it literally blows me away every time I take a breath in. I walk slower for a second every inhalation it's on point ??
  15. Looks cool. I am interested in all methods, since everything is true
  16. You gotta find out who's suffering. As long as there are thoughts that there is a "you" there will be a you to suffer
  17. If the skin that is your face was surgically removed and replaced with a different face...would you be removed also? Or would you remain as the observer of both faces?
  18. Stop using those words if they're confusing you. Self enquiry is simply looking for yourself and vepaasana (breath watching) is simply breath watching. No need to overcomplicate. But, the important thing is actually DOING it...a lot
  19. @Garuda the only thing that makes something powerful is intensity. I love it