Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Jesus Daniel hi Jesus, nice to meet you. The side your probably talking about "dimming" is your left brain which controls logic, reasoning, math, language etc. The right brain is responsible for creativity, imagination, awareness etc. There is actually quite a bit of significance to this. There have been repeated cases where individuals have had some sort of damage take place in the left hemisphere of their brain, and as a result they have a spiritual experience of sorts. Below is a test talk with a woman who literally had a stroke because of something in her left brain, and as a result she felt expansive and one with everything. She's also a brain surgeon I think or something. Not only this, but *I myself* have had a direct experience of this. I have what is called a "low grade glioma" in my "left temporal lobe"...or in layman's terms, I've got a benign brain tumor in the left side of my head. Luckily, it only caused me a few seizures before I grew older and bigger and my skull had more room to allow it's presence safely. Now it does nothing. But after I had a second seizure...it felt like everything was brand new. My consciousness had been boosted dramatically and unintentionally. And within 4 years I discovered the path. The first piece of advice I'd give to you is this, if you are in any way worried at all about your health (especially regarding your fuckin brain) go get yourself checked. You don't need to tell them about the drugs. It's important. While your in this form, play by the rules of this form. Get yourself checked out. ****Now, this is probably another very very important point. *WEED IS WORSE THAN PEOPLE THINK*. It makes you feel incredibly anxious (of course it's an invisible anxiety), it *IS* cognitively addictive...very much so. And also, it makes you feel overall worse and worse and worse. It's the same with any other regular addictive substance/experience that releases dopamine into your brain. Gambling, sex, smoking etc. Not only that, but researchers have said that there is 4 times the amount of tar in a weed smokers lungs compared to that of a ciggy smoker. And that tar causes lung cancer. Weed is not ok to smoke every day, at all. This was also my experience with marijuana. I smoked every day for a few years. My diet was all fucked up to. And by the way mate, youve gotta be honest with yourself. When. I started using psychedelics, I just used actualized.org and Leo's teachings as an excuse to get fucked up. I perverted Leo's pointings. Just be sure your taking the likes of DMT, with the sole purpose of finding truth. If drugs are a problem for you, then just stop it mate. Seriously, you can get fucked up. Just stop. I remember I couldn't get out of bed at one point because of drugs. I was a shivering wreck. Just watch and see how hard it is to stop smoking grass...that'll show you that it's more than just something you have, it starts to have *you*. I've stopped everything except DMT. And that's only to discover god. One positive point, obviously the DMT has helped you realise that you don't need other drugs. Very good
  2. @EvilAngel make sure that your actually doing the practises and doing them correctly. Using powerful techniques like neti neti and vepaasana along with retreats and phycedelics. The moment you get enlightened you will laugh at the idea that it might not have been worth it. However, also look at Leo's video "the dangers" that video. It's actually quite dodgy in a way. For example, if you go at this work "half-heartedly" there's a chance you might practise and practise and practise using slightly incorrect techniques and waste 5 or 10 years of your life. God revealed to me that, with this work, it's either all in, or not in at all.
  3. When I merge with reality it feels SO fucking weird. To literally not be a human. The confusion was what worried me at the start, always trying to make sense of things, work it out, understand it. I'm only now starting to see with authentic seeing, that I am what witnesses confusion and clarity. I am that which witnesses the mind and thoughts. It's such a bizarre sensation, it feels like I get pulled out of my body and warped into what I'm looking at. I become Everything. For the first time ever today I felt my suffering release for about an hour and I entered into bliss it was after I heard a girl singing beautifully. Then i felt like all floaty and stuff and heard the word "awaken" in my mind. So coooooooooollllll haha
  4. @The Don aye similar thing happened with me. Except I wasn't depressed I was just psychotic. It's an incredibly strong motivator to continue the path for me. If I stop, I suffer
  5. I don't have a personal experiential realisation of any of this yet but I have a feeling everything happens for a reason. During peek awareness, everything is perfect I find. So I think everything happens for a reason. Duno tho
  6. I'm speaking a lot less, thinking a lot less. It feels as though there is nothing to say, only that there is my self to realise. I've been so quiet on the form here I didn't even realise I hadn't posted in 3 or 4 months. Every now and again my consciousness shifts and I feel everything in my perception bow down to me. In these moments all I can describe it is like a "deepening". Starting DMT retreats soon (Sunday). I'm also noticing all of my evil side. It isint the nicest thing to have to see but I feel as though it's necessary. One other report; I'm becoming very knowledgeable and far wiser than I was before. It feels like I have childlike wisdom growing inside me. And my presence is becoming..."heavier". For some reason I seem to dominate social groups without even saying much. It's like when I walk in, something about my presence makes other people want to impress me for some reason hahaha. I'm a little bit scared of not being a person for much longer. The longer I practise, the more I want to practise. **I have a question as well... (Context; I was a completely psychotic person and still notice my tendencies to become psychotic and flip out at people. Over very little. Attention seeking, inappropriate, crazy head kinda guy.) My question is this, if I go to the doctors to get antipsychotic medication, will this in any way affect my path? Thanks guys, love you all
  7. For me, the best way to do it is start by using shrooms. Increase the dose gradually then hit the DMT. (Darknet is the safest way to get pure DMT. I'm pretty sure my stuff is like 95% pure at least. It's a £100 a gram though. Worth it. DMT is my favorite because it's not too strong for anyone to not be able to handle it. It's fast, extremely powerful and smells like metaphysics lol. It's nickname is the spirit molecule
  8. Hey, good to meet you I'm aaron. I've been on the path for about a year now. Self enquiry, kryia yoga, psychedelic retreats etc. One thing I'd say to you straight away is this, the very fact that you've found your way to this website shows that you're path has started. Those experiences are very good your having. You'll learn to hear the voice of the creator more and more. Try not to focus on intellectual question and answer based thinking. Try to sort of feel what it feels like...this "thing" that you felt. It's kinda like falling in love, the more you think about it the more you interrupt it. Your thinking mind will not be able to progress in this work very far at all. You have to go with the feeling. But it's strange, counterintuitively...when you surrender the thinking mind, the thinking mind becomes more powerful! And dynamic. Yeah my recommendation is to listen to the voice and start your hardcore practice today. I'd start by establishing a concrete conceptual understanding of what self enquiry is meant to look like. Look at Leo's videos on self enquiry. Self enquiry and "neti neti" are the same thing. Different names. I recommend getting the kryia yoga book (private message me for info on how to get it). Then just do like 5-10 mins self enquiry, sat on a chair with your back straight and not leaning against the back of the chair. Followed by some kryia yoga. The yoga can be hard to make sure your doing it right. Just give it a shot and let it fall into place. My personal report on the path so far; My favorite part of the change so far is, I am far less psychotic, I am more intelligent, wiser, more powerful, more fulfilled. And at times during peak consciousness I feel what your describing. For me it's just a sense of everything bows to me it's quite interesting. The most important thing is finding out what you are. I recommend safe and moderate use of psychedelics for a starter. It'll peak your interest, and you'll probably have a fun time on the way. Your eventually to a have to completely surrender logic and just *fall*, in *love*. There is nothing logical about love. It just Is. So....fall
  9. @Pernani OH MY FUCK HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA??????????!!!!!!!!!!
  10. @Bittu mate that's mad. It's such a torture isint it. I've definitely noticed a considerable change in my mind. I knew that if I didn't take up the path I would literally end up some kind of twisted guy. Like, legit twisted...things that I'd rather not say here. Being psychotic is literally shit in and of itself...but I wouldn't have found the path if I wasnt so I duno, I defo wouldn't change how I've lived up until now. 2 things I've realised are; 1 - Psychotic people are absolutely fucked without spirituality...very very little can help. Trying to stop thinking, by thinking...never works. 2 - Only those who suffer more than anyone else, are attracted to the most powerful healing teachers. Leo is the most powerful teacher in my opinion, my low latent inhibitive opinion. These two truths I had to face. I find bring my awareness to the palms of my hands helps when I feel my mind becoming psychotic. It's scary to think that this is literally related to being psycho...literally. I'm just fucken glad I found leos teachings for God sake. Fucking close one
  11. @phllip103 yo, I'm really sorry bro but I didn't understand a single fucken thing you just said hahah?
  12. Also I think there's a chance its fatal to smoke 5meoDMT if you take antidepressant medication. Or maybe that's Ayahuasca (DMT). Do your research
  13. I'm starting with DMT first. For me, it took me a while before I stopped just getting so confused while on psychedelics. I was like "what am I actually trying to find here?" 5meo will tare through your reality like a hot knife through butter. I've been too scared to try the stuff. But by all means, take a tiny dose and work up. Be careful, you'll probably be sick. Don't eat before you take it lol. I always say, sometimes the best way to learn to swim is by jumping in lol
  14. @Ingit @Ingit if you exist, what are you? Don't leave your direct experience, if you exist then you exist in your direct experience right now. Are you the skull? Are you the heart? Are you the thoughts? Or are all of these replaceable? And what is not being replaced? Are you a collection of bones? Or are these bones also surgically replaceable? And what is not replaced? If you say "I am the brain", what would happen if a doctor successfully transplanted one half of your brain into one person, and the other half into someone elses brain. Which one would be you?
  15. Try to allow the mind to slow down when enquiring into what you are. Is it not only reasonable that I ask what you mean when you say the word "me"? If I was telling you a story about a "holopromo" and how a holopromo is the best thing ever and how it's amazing. You would need to slow me down and ask me "wait wait wait Aaron, what is a holopromo?" Before we move on to talking *about* it. You need to know what something is before you can talk about it. If you are confused about what you are, then do not talk about it. Find out what you are.
  16. When you say "ingit" what are you pointing to? Because I'm assuming you don't mean that you are literally the word "ingit". What makes up ingit? Notice, you will probably say "thoughts" "body" "brain". And yet is there multiple "you's"? If there is one thing that exists, that is ingit...tell me what that one thing is @Ingit
  17. All of those bullet points are ramifications of awakening. When you awaken, everything becomes perfect. But you don't have to fully awaken to improve those points. I've definitely heard that psycs can be extremely cathartic and advantageous if one is seeking to develop himself and his self image. Psychedelics do something very interesting to consciousness and it definitely makes you stronger...but know this, psycs aren't like drugs like mdma, or coke, or ket. It's not guaranteed that will have a *good* time. But it is guaranteed that you will witness what your mind is capable of . The thing about truth is, if you truly seek it...then you should be able to not turn your head away from anything. See everything that is possible, with no bias. If something is happening, watch it. It is truth. Also, just be mindful that LSD lasts up to 12 hours. Also be mindful of your current state of mind, and how much LSD your actually taken. It is measures in "ug". I would always recommend mushrooms for a first serious trip, only lasts up to 6 hours and shrooms also has the tendency to make you laugh etc. But, do not be scared. And don't overthink. Overthinking is what will cause a bad trip, just keep reassuring yourself, try to be childlike and just enjoy it
  18. There was once a large lake in between two gigantic mountains and a village of people who lived beside the lake. In the past the lake was small and it grew and grew over the years. It got to the point where the villagers feared that the lake would begin to grow too large and wash over their land and village. So the strongest military commander arranged for there to be a constant team of healthy and fit young men who's job it was to constantly be using buckets of water to reduce the amount of water in the lake. This was a very constant job. Then one day, one young child wondered off up one side of one of the mountains further than he should have and stumbled upon a tiny little river source. He didn't really think much of it, he moved one small rock in front of the opening where the water was coming from. Turned out, that was the source for the entire lake downstream. And within a matter of weeks, the lake was considerably reduced in size and the entire village was saved by the one child. Moral of the story is, don't underestimate the power of reaching the source. There is no ladder to climb to move towards enlightenment. A bum of the street can become enlightened while you are busy making $100,000 and fixing the holes in your trousers. That bum will become God, and you wont. Reaching the source is the most powerful thing.
  19. Nah mate it's a proper condition. I find it extremely difficult to even socialise a lot of the time because of the mad shit my mind starts thinking. It has it's benefits (low latent inhibition for example makes one extremely creative) Low latent inhibition is a condition where the person can't stop analysing everything, makes for an incredible detective...but crap for being a social being. Having moments of authentic laughter followed by thoughts then forcing myself to continue smiling so it doesn't look weird me stopping smiling of a sudden. It's a proper genetic condition. However, I dont mind one aspect of it. Because I'm psychotic I have an easy time finding truth. Very easy actually. A psychotic person will typically resonate deeply with religious concepts. Someone who is psychotic and very clever/wise/intellectual will discover spirituality. I actually feel quite lucky, I am absolutely perfectly fitted for spiritual enlightenment. Because my mind constantly tortures me, I have nothing to lose. And everything to gain.
  20. The mind always seems to want an answer, its tiring. It is the mind that speaks and Even that writes this comment. It is my desire to become desireless <3