Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Ok when I first watched Leo's video "how to do self enquiry" to me it was very simple...leo said that you have to "look for yourself". "Am I the face, am I the heart, am I the images in the imagination." "Where am i?" These are the kinds of questions included in Leo's practical guide to enlightenment. He said that self enquiry is not like a meditation. I did this for around a year. Sat down, tried to locate myself. I would imagine my leg and ask "is this me" and then imagine it being removed and say "no this cannot be me". And this is how I did self enquiry. Very rigid, very active. But then someone told me I've been doing it wrong this whole time. One of the moderators on the site here told me "it's not about asking yourself what you are over and over again...it's about being quiet and when a thought arises, only then ask who is perceiving it. Someone else told me that I "shouldnt ask the question 'what am I'." Then, someone showed me a video with a guided meditation where she keeps saying "identify a characteristic of your observer...now, who is the one who observes this? Focus on this new observer. Then who is observing this? Focus on this second new observer." But to me it just feels like it's just me there, one observer, staring into darkness trying to see these other observers? Really confused. Don't understand all the mixed messages, should I sit in silence and wait for a thought? Should I actively seek out what I am with thoughts? Should I focus on these "observers" (that I'm pretty sure I'm just imagining anyway)? At one point someone actually told me that I shouldn't even be looking for myself in self enquiry at all. So....I really need some clarity up in this hoe Someone tell me what I'm supposed to do. After the moderator told me not to repeat the question "who/what/where am I" I resonated with this advice. But this contradicts Leo's video where he tells me to try really hard to locate myself. ??????
  2. Mate I'm tired of being in the "spiritual seeking intensifies" shit. I Wana have the shock of ego. I'm gonna have to get my ass in gear and start taking this seriously
  3. @FuriousGeorge i usually just blab it out whenever I want to. If someone has a problem that I know a spiritual truth that can help...I'll just tell them straight up. Of course, depending on each person and truth you have to be very clear with how you present it to them. Funny, my father (a strong Baptist/Pentecostal mix christian) is always hearing mad shit come out of my mouth and just recently he's started perking his ears up Everytime I go "philosophical mode." Haha. Today I was sitting in class, getting a beating from the ego....worry, anxiety, pain. And it was making me think about how I'm a human. Anyway I just turned round to my mate and said "so mate, what do you think about all this business?" He said "what business, our (college) course (he's my college buddy)?" And I said "nah, I mean all this human malarkey...being a human and all.....do you like it?! I dunno." ? And he just didn't know what to say back. But I think, when your open and forward about the things you contemplate...it opens others minds to new flexibilities and consciousness. #FreePhilosophy
  4. Yes this is good advice. Remember that it's about letting go. I myself was more focused on doing the techniques correctly that I was on letting go. I was robotic and linear with my practices. I would say something I've realised is, the most important thing is remembering to forget (letting go). It should feel like your a sand castle on the beach, and the tide is slowly coming in. It should start to wash you away. Try lots of techniques. Try talking to the Great Spirit. See if it talks back. If you want to know what your doing wrong, go buy some nice, clean DMT, test/weigh it, smoke it and ask the Spirit for yourself. Remember, the techniques are only templates...once you realise what this spirit is, the practices become more fluid and nonlinear...like a dance. Nearly, improvised intuitively.
  5. Ok, a retreat is meant to be solid, back to back, no breaks, meditation. That's what gives it it's power. Also, I've found it's not as easy as leo makes it look. Meditating for 5 hours alone proves to be quite a challenge for me. I would personally start with an aim of 3 hours then 5/6 hours, then 8 hours etc. Don't run before you can walk. On top of that you need to work in some zazen (walking meditation) otherwise your *ass* will cease to exist before *you* cease to exist...trust me. Check out zazen. You also need to make sure your practices are on point. I only found out recently that I wasn't doing self enquiry 100% correctly. The most important part is sinking down deep into the meditation and losing yourself in it, it would appear. I know leo would also say "take psychedelics at the end of the retreat not at the start". Psychedelics usually throw me off my pattern, hence why I use them at the end. With regards to the techniques and alternating them...keep this in the back of your head: the longer you do *one practise* the more powerful that one practise will be. I feel as though it would be more powerful to do vepaasana for 4 hours, then self enquiry for 4 hours and keep switching them ever 4 hours....rather than doing 1 hour of each and switching ever hour. You want to build momentum. Also prepare some food, you don't want to be doing hardcore meditation while driving McDonald's and ordering a big Mac ✌?
  6. Don't get too caught up in the detail. Remember, the only reason the Bible exists is because it is a story about you, and your death and ressurection in the end times. When God will roll up the universe like a cloth and destroy it, then bring a new heaven and Earth into existence...heaven *on* earth forever
  7. The only people I have seen who really take this shit seriously are those who have suffered incredible pain. I myself have suffered immensely and deeply, I remember one day I was in a doctor's room so confused and bewildered...trying to quantify and put into words the amount of suffering I was experiencing. Really, I am the lucky one...I find it easy to be motivated towards spirituality, it heals me more and more. When I stop I suffer. Brilliant, brilliant fuel for spirituality. Really makes you take it seriously. I feel for those who turn to religion, those who aren't wise enough to perceive what religion points to. I would say it would be very hard for a "happy" person to discover God. Of course nobody is really happy without God...not permanently. If you have someone who thinks they're happy, and who isint wise or conscious...chances are, that person will only become God at their physical death bed. And that's shite, I wana be God in the flesh! I want to see infinite beauty while I occupy this body. God mode lol. Suffering is gooooooooood for spiritual shit.
  8. @Jesus Daniel interesting, i havent done much research into what happens in that case. it could be completely unrelated. Well anyway, have a word with a doctor just get checked...and then if you're sweet go ahead with the weighed and tested 5-MeO-DMT
  9. @AlwaysBeNice leo is by far the best teacher. He is extremely powerful in his teaching methods and extremely dynamic. very wise
  10. @Jesus Daniel hi Jesus, nice to meet you. The side your probably talking about "dimming" is your left brain which controls logic, reasoning, math, language etc. The right brain is responsible for creativity, imagination, awareness etc. There is actually quite a bit of significance to this. There have been repeated cases where individuals have had some sort of damage take place in the left hemisphere of their brain, and as a result they have a spiritual experience of sorts. Below is a test talk with a woman who literally had a stroke because of something in her left brain, and as a result she felt expansive and one with everything. She's also a brain surgeon I think or something. Not only this, but *I myself* have had a direct experience of this. I have what is called a "low grade glioma" in my "left temporal lobe"...or in layman's terms, I've got a benign brain tumor in the left side of my head. Luckily, it only caused me a few seizures before I grew older and bigger and my skull had more room to allow it's presence safely. Now it does nothing. But after I had a second seizure...it felt like everything was brand new. My consciousness had been boosted dramatically and unintentionally. And within 4 years I discovered the path. The first piece of advice I'd give to you is this, if you are in any way worried at all about your health (especially regarding your fuckin brain) go get yourself checked. You don't need to tell them about the drugs. It's important. While your in this form, play by the rules of this form. Get yourself checked out. ****Now, this is probably another very very important point. *WEED IS WORSE THAN PEOPLE THINK*. It makes you feel incredibly anxious (of course it's an invisible anxiety), it *IS* cognitively addictive...very much so. And also, it makes you feel overall worse and worse and worse. It's the same with any other regular addictive substance/experience that releases dopamine into your brain. Gambling, sex, smoking etc. Not only that, but researchers have said that there is 4 times the amount of tar in a weed smokers lungs compared to that of a ciggy smoker. And that tar causes lung cancer. Weed is not ok to smoke every day, at all. This was also my experience with marijuana. I smoked every day for a few years. My diet was all fucked up to. And by the way mate, youve gotta be honest with yourself. When. I started using psychedelics, I just used actualized.org and Leo's teachings as an excuse to get fucked up. I perverted Leo's pointings. Just be sure your taking the likes of DMT, with the sole purpose of finding truth. If drugs are a problem for you, then just stop it mate. Seriously, you can get fucked up. Just stop. I remember I couldn't get out of bed at one point because of drugs. I was a shivering wreck. Just watch and see how hard it is to stop smoking grass...that'll show you that it's more than just something you have, it starts to have *you*. I've stopped everything except DMT. And that's only to discover god. One positive point, obviously the DMT has helped you realise that you don't need other drugs. Very good
  11. @EvilAngel make sure that your actually doing the practises and doing them correctly. Using powerful techniques like neti neti and vepaasana along with retreats and phycedelics. The moment you get enlightened you will laugh at the idea that it might not have been worth it. However, also look at Leo's video "the dangers" that video. It's actually quite dodgy in a way. For example, if you go at this work "half-heartedly" there's a chance you might practise and practise and practise using slightly incorrect techniques and waste 5 or 10 years of your life. God revealed to me that, with this work, it's either all in, or not in at all.
  12. When I merge with reality it feels SO fucking weird. To literally not be a human. The confusion was what worried me at the start, always trying to make sense of things, work it out, understand it. I'm only now starting to see with authentic seeing, that I am what witnesses confusion and clarity. I am that which witnesses the mind and thoughts. It's such a bizarre sensation, it feels like I get pulled out of my body and warped into what I'm looking at. I become Everything. For the first time ever today I felt my suffering release for about an hour and I entered into bliss it was after I heard a girl singing beautifully. Then i felt like all floaty and stuff and heard the word "awaken" in my mind. So coooooooooollllll haha
  13. @The Don aye similar thing happened with me. Except I wasn't depressed I was just psychotic. It's an incredibly strong motivator to continue the path for me. If I stop, I suffer
  14. I don't have a personal experiential realisation of any of this yet but I have a feeling everything happens for a reason. During peek awareness, everything is perfect I find. So I think everything happens for a reason. Duno tho
  15. I'm speaking a lot less, thinking a lot less. It feels as though there is nothing to say, only that there is my self to realise. I've been so quiet on the form here I didn't even realise I hadn't posted in 3 or 4 months. Every now and again my consciousness shifts and I feel everything in my perception bow down to me. In these moments all I can describe it is like a "deepening". Starting DMT retreats soon (Sunday). I'm also noticing all of my evil side. It isint the nicest thing to have to see but I feel as though it's necessary. One other report; I'm becoming very knowledgeable and far wiser than I was before. It feels like I have childlike wisdom growing inside me. And my presence is becoming..."heavier". For some reason I seem to dominate social groups without even saying much. It's like when I walk in, something about my presence makes other people want to impress me for some reason hahaha. I'm a little bit scared of not being a person for much longer. The longer I practise, the more I want to practise. **I have a question as well... (Context; I was a completely psychotic person and still notice my tendencies to become psychotic and flip out at people. Over very little. Attention seeking, inappropriate, crazy head kinda guy.) My question is this, if I go to the doctors to get antipsychotic medication, will this in any way affect my path? Thanks guys, love you all
  16. For me, the best way to do it is start by using shrooms. Increase the dose gradually then hit the DMT. (Darknet is the safest way to get pure DMT. I'm pretty sure my stuff is like 95% pure at least. It's a £100 a gram though. Worth it. DMT is my favorite because it's not too strong for anyone to not be able to handle it. It's fast, extremely powerful and smells like metaphysics lol. It's nickname is the spirit molecule