Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Justine i personally found the exact same thing. LSD was one of the first psycs I did and I had the exact same experience. Bad trips, long...bad trips. I think LSD is a bad starter drug. Too long. Then a bad trip will last for ages. Although friend, I have a feeling that bad trips are what burns through negative stuff in your mind. All of that stuff is there anyway, it's just being revealed to your conscious mind by the drug. You have to learn, one way or another, to harmonize with the energy around you. To move with it and not try to control it. To not try to understand it. To simply "be" with it. When you try to control it it doesn't like it. Inquire into your own mind regarding any anxiety or depression you may have. Don't think about it just sit with it and desire for your understanding to go deeper, the desire alone will bring you deeper. The problem is, you experience what it's like to lose parts of your mind when you enter a psychedelic trip. Becoming comfortable with that kind of thing isint always easy. You have to give up control completely. Let it do what it wants to do. Also. Don't smoke weed daily that shit makes you anxious and paranoid af. If you can get yourself some clean mdma, take about 100-120 mg of it one hour before you consume your psychedelic compound and your trip will likely shoot in a much nicer direction. However if you've never did MD before try it out someday before hand to get a feeling for it. And watch your gums, you'll chew them. Get a lolli pop or some gum and keep it in your mouth or you'll end up with bloody chewed up gums and tongue. Lastly, I prefer the psychedelics that thrust you into the spirit realm at 500mph. No time for mind to fuck it up. No time to get anxious. No time at all! Dmt is brill. Try just not moving when you see a dark entity moving towards you. Don't fight it or invite it. Just don't move. Don't think don't do anything. And when it feels like it's killing you, still don't move. The monster under your bed is only scary as long as it stays under your bed where you can't see it. Most monsters only want to be loved, they just don't know how to. Tell it that you love it, and mean it. Go up to the monster and give it a hug. Ask yourself why am I scared of this thing? What is it that I am actually fearful of. It can't kill me, it itself is me. Make friends with the demons, that's what I did
  2. @zeroISinfinity reading this after my DMT trip is so funny. Nobody is enlightened because the only thing that people can do is disappear, it is God who is getting enlightened lol
  3. why you bashing psychedelics bro? I got more insight in 15 mins with a 0.05 gram dose of DMT than I got with nearly a year and a half of one hour a day, every day practise with extremely hardcore practises. @Ibn Sina (with reference to the quote^) be careful your not being guilty of what your telling other people... I got a fuck tonn of wisdom after I took my pill. Why does wisdom not come from taking a pill? What chemicals are in your brain that allow you to form wisdom in the first place? This personally just sounds like dogma to me. Why can't a pill grant incredible insight? Who says so? This sounds dogmatic to the point of irrationality ?
  4. @How to be wise and his articulation, application and communication skills are the best I've seen. It's really about how much insight someone has. Christian's call it the anointing of the holy ghost. It's not about how smart someone is. I can see it so clearly on leo, it's so obvious for me
  5. @Flix the most important part is staying empty and letting your intuition guide you and move you. There comes a point where you have to let go of finding it so that it can find you
  6. @Scholar firstly, there is nobody else I have ever seen who has such ability to synergize and compile the most powerful teachings and techniques. So fucken cool, with the wisdom and simplicity of a zen teacher and the power of modern technology and knowledge...Leo's techniques are fucking explosive. To say that they are explosive is an understatement. They are all encompassing. Books can never communicate any spiritual shit they only communicate theoretical concepts *about* spiritual shit. But you can point towards it with words if your clever. I wouldn't be fucken surprised if leo has legit reached unique levels of consciousness that have rarely been experienced by other humans. He is a powerhouse. It's his ability to take things apart and make them work together with other things in incredible ways. Wisdom. Such depth. It's just incredible. The word beautiful comes to mind. It is truly beautiful. Like a piece of art.
  7. How is this shit possible
  8. This is (rather accurate) teaching on how to find follow and full fill God's will for your life. It's all about getting good at hearing that vibration (voice) on the inside of you and moving in the direction that it leads. The voice told me to listen to leo. (Andrew is still a Christian with limited teachings but he is divinely inspired to a degree) this video series isint bad like.
  9. @Bennn "is there ultimately any reason for me to fear doing the "wrong" thing. Again, I grew up with strong morals - so I'm not about to start being evil, but there are a number of goals that I have which would be furthered through dishonesty and/or selfishness." I was raised christian as well (protestant). So I had to contemplate my ass out of religion one day at a time and it took quite a while. Your talking about morals. See the thing is, Christian's talk about becoming transformed, about dying and being born again into holiness and purity of heart. But there's one problem. There is no real transformation. Which is why christian teachers *have* to teach heavily about morality. If you were really transformed, you would produce holy works effortlessly. And if you ask many Christian's if their good works are effortless (if they're being honest) they will say "no, it's very difficult to keep doing good works and keep avoiding bad works." When there is a true transformation that happens deep down at the root of your being, that rips out your old sinful nature and replaces it with a holy nature, holy works follow effortlessly. Let me ask you this. If I had an apple tree planted in my garden, it will produce apple trees. If I then went to the Apple tree, tore it out of the ground from it's roots and replaced it with a pear tree...would it be extremely difficult for this pear tree to produce pears and not produce apples? Would it required constant effort to not produce apples? No, because a true transformation has taken place. Ephesians 2:9 "Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done..." Only by dying (and being born again) can our works change. Seek first the kingdom of God and *his* righteousness (not your own self righteousness) and all these things shall be added onto ye. Belief isint powerful enough to bring this radical transformation. Salvation is enlightenment and you are Jesus. Do not concern yourself with morality. Live in effortlessness and change will come *if* you "become transformed by the renewal of your mind." Roman's 12:2. Being good won't get you to God, it will distract you from God because of how focused you are on yourself. Get to god by dying (becoming enlightened) then (like Jesus) you will be born again, a second time and your works will be holier accidentally. Your good works are like filthy rags. This guy (Andrew wommack) is a Christian teacher but his teachings are mystical to a degree. He is the one god used to loosen my grip on religion (Andrew claims to hate religion). This is one of his videos about effortless change.
  10. @Jkhv1 Same. It's the old story of the man who went in search for truth to heal himself but discovered something greater than himself and becomes humbled by what he discovers. Dr Strange went to heal his hands, I went to heal my mind. And boom, we're both wizards now lol@actualizing25
  11. I was thinking, sadhguru looks like the Hindu santa kinda lol He knows if you've been naughty or nice haha Hope santa brings all of us a wee bag of 5-MeO ?
  12. Careful with regular use of grass, seriously decreases your quality of life. I smoked for 2 years every day and I was tortured with anxiety and paranoia. It was subtle suffering though I just thought there was something wrong with me and that smoking made me feel better...little did I know it was an addiction forming under my nose. Went to doctors and counsellors and all sorts trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with me and when I stopped smoking I felt way better. Just a warning. It is still a drug like, and using a drug repetitively will effect you after a while
  13. These are a few of my personal insights. Although I wouldn't recommend believing my insights, listen to what I say then go to God to see if they are true for yourself. ; On the seekers path nothing should be prevented. You should not change the way you act. If you want to change the way you act, go to church. Forcing yourself to act in a way that contradicts what you actually feel is, in my opinion, just lying to yourself. This is exactly what religious people do. They aren't truly transformed so they have to funnel loads of energy into making sure they look like they have been transformed. If I want to steal money, I steal it. If I want to over eat I over eat. If I want to diet to look better so I can have more sex, I diet. If I want to do drugs I do them. If I want to stop doing drugs because it increases my anxiety, I stop them. The way things are, are the way things are. And the reason I hold to this philosophy, is because it sings the vibration of AUTHENTICITY. Before someone changes they must first be real with themselves. The first step in the process of true, deep transformation...is embracing the fact that you are currently not yet transformed. Evil and selfishness has a process of it's own and just denying it's existence will only make it build up until it bursts and creates a bigger mess. Evil is a part of life. In the world there is intelligent good and evil groups, leaders, gangs etc. The good *co-operates* with the evil because pretending it isint there doesn't stop it and stamping it out causes it only to rise elsewhere. Cut one head off and three more will rise. Here in northern Ireland the police and crime oriented paramilitary organisations coexist and cooperate in the same space. 50 years ago protestant UVF (Ulster volunteer force) police inspectors would talk with and cooperate with dangerous paramilitary commanders involved with the IRA (Irish Republican army) instead of just trying to out right destroy them. Because they would simply rise elsewhere. Evil has it's right place. Learn how to co-operate with it.
  14. @TrynaBeTurquoise can standard NN-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT HLC and Freebase be administered rectally? and does this ROA effect trip duration, trip intensity, peak duration or anything else of importance?
  15. MDMA is addictive and can cause brain damage I am not advising anyone to do it or try it. This is my 85mgMDMA / 45mgDMT trip report. I did 85mg of MDMA right before I meditated for with kryia yoga and self enquiry for one hour. Afterwards I smoked the 45mg dmt. MDMA took away the pre-flight anxiety of smoking DMT, and launched me into a great trip. My aim was to discover what love is. It overtook me. I took 4 huge draws from the pipe and before I had a chance to sit and try to rationalize or worry about what was happening....WOOOSHHHHHHH I was swept away by a sea of pleasure and intense insight. Deep, pleasure...so deep I have never felt before. Something inside me felt like it had never breathed before...and that this was it's first life. It was the pure feeling of love and deep connection. I was trying to remember things from it but it was so powerful and violent and yet beautiful. In the meditation I did before hand I realized that all meditation practises are the same...different details of the same overall object. Like different piano notes that make up the same, one melodic chord. The words that came out my mouth were "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." Absolutely inexpressible. Beautiful. Powerful. I seen transparent beings, completely naked. I could only perceive them subtly because of their white silhouettes. One in particular. It looked and felt like they were trying to do something with my head. Like they were trying to put something on my head or something. I looked at my TV and my wall and it was all waving . I tried to sit up and I felt one expression of The being kick me in my chest back down onto my bed. I didn't move after that. There was 1 or 2 short seconds where I seen a scary being trying to get me. I knew this would put me into a bad trip so I looked away. Luckily my mind was so blown, everything was moving so fast that it passed. Thank fuck There was brilliant emptiness. My mind was completely blown out and I had no idea what was happening and yet it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Still a bit confused about it and how to feel or what to think...but I'm not gonna try to figure it out. Does anyone have any techniques to squeeze all the juice out of your DMT trips? (My plan is to do one or two more heavy DMT trips and then do a medium dose of 5-MeO-DMT. Which I'll report on to. I'm only now moving into psychedelics seriously)
  16. @Matt8800 i just thought that it would be logical to combine the two, after i researched and found that it was a relatively safe amalgamation of compounds i knew it was gona give it a shot. Im gona use it again like. im defo gona try to use it for 5-MeO-DMT. im gona try that little statue trick of yours. sounds interesting
  17. the one who seeks to kill the ego must die. And the one who seeks to kill this one must die also
  18. @Shadowraix @Peo oh aye fuck, get a lollipop or chewing gum or you'll wake up with your gums indented with your teeth
  19. @Nivsch Happy hanuka mate. I love reading about the feasts in our Tora. Judaism is fuckin brilliant. Our religion stemmed from your religion. Im not really christian it's just the template to understand god that I grew up with.