Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @SirVladimir oh shit mate sorry I don't get notified of replies on here. Emmm, my life's purpose is to get enlightened matey. I've also found that doing consciousness work (properly) enhances other areas of my life. My diet is on point, I'm off drugs, I'm much happier, I look better, feel better, I'm at least twice as wise as I started and I can finally concentrate my mad ADHD psychotic head. I had so much bad karma, it was actually scary. But the shit my parents passed down to me was necessary for fuel to push me to look for the answers. And now I have the answers and I can concentrate. Which means my education is becoming effortless. My cognitive functionality has rapidly increased I can solve problems and structure assignments extremely effectively now. This is why I say enlightenment is my life purpose. It leads to everything else. Reaching the source is a powerful thing
  2. Wow holy fuck that's badass. I had a really fuckin weird dream about u leo. You had a weird house and a weird cat. I think I'll just forget it phahahahahah
  3. *amarican hippie accent* I feel the energy maaaaaannnnnnn ☮️✌??
  4. I have to say I did think the original one was sexy af but it's just a symbol. And we of all people should be able to let go of a symbol
  5. ...in my opinion, if your putting some chips on the table (metaphorically), you might as well take the game seriously and go all in. Why not do the most powerful techniques? Doing the powerful techniques makes you better at doing more powerful techniques. Follow your intuition most importantly. Get involved in kryia yoga (message me if you want to know where to buy the book for it) start doing self enquiry and try to get up to an hour a day with one or both practises (possibly half hour each practise, that's what I do). Why not use the best techniques?
  6. I had another insight recently that relates to the question in the title. People like it when other people try to fit in with them and harmonise with them. Someone who practises conscious work will not do this naturally. There is something that happens to you when you do these practises for a prolonged period of time. It really steps on people's toes, and for a while you'll try to stop stepping on people's toes. My insight is this; that "not harmonizing with people's energy" and "stepping on their toes" will increase more and more and eventually this will be a tangeble anointing and presence that you carry that other people will recognize. It will testify of your devotion to the practises. It is the power
  7. @Space im super excited to nail a suitable dose for myself. That sounds incredible. Smoked psycs are so hard to handle for me. DMT just viilently slaps me about for 10 minutes and sends me back in pieces lol. Not complaining tho haha
  8. @Leo Gura I really wanna nail plugging! Its only my first attempt. I'll get it
  9. @Girzo @Leo Gura bowls were emptier than the Buddha's mind bro. I was starving, didn't have breakfast and took the dose around 1pm. Even tried to take a shit right beforehand and couldn't. I'm hoping it's because of the age of my product. Having a high tolerance isint handy for my wallet fs ?? gonna hit a 20mg dose. If I still don't feel anything I'm gonna try 35. I will succeed!!!! Here Leo I have a quick question. See that 10mg scoop you had in your plugging tutorial video...does it measure 10mg when you have the product flush with the top of the scoop (I.e the product being level with the top of the scoop)?
  10. Leo ♥️ Other teachers are too wishy washy 4 me *hits blunt*
  11. Paranoia, anxiety, tar in lungs
  12. @Javfly33 an easy way to save a lot of mistakes is to just believe nothing, disbelieve nothing. When your listening to leo and me let it go in one ear and out the other. What the spirit wants you to remember, you'll remember. Don't believe anything. Don't move in any direction. Only look for yourself. And in this process *the* most important thing is following your intuition. I call it the voice of God. Some people say "follow your bliss". If you choose to, you can hear and feel where you are meant to go. Even during self enquiry, relax all your efforts and thoughts every now and again and operate *purely* by intuition. This is of instrumental importance.
  13. I like being a deep philosophical kinda guy. I have an insight that these things create real joy with time, whereas the idea of the "good life" that most societies promote degrade with time. Everyone around me is living in the fast lane in their late teens and early 20's...their life will slowly get worse and worse. Alcohol making them depressed, weed making them anxious. Unfulfilled and lost. I am just opposite to that. I get wiser, happier, deeper understanding as time goes on. My life will slowly get better and better. My primary results as of now are; considerably less anxiety, considerably less depression, very considerably wiser. It's like I can finally enjoy life. I am fucking happy as Larry boys hahahah. I'm loving life. All I need is a meditation session, some psychedelics and a funky ass song to bop to lol. I love wisdom. It is better than silver or gold. It's only gonna get better haha. It's like I'm fucking cheating hahahahahah
  14. One girl in my business class always says "Aaron what is it about you, it's like your skin is transparent or something." The energy certainly makes others uncomfortable around me I've found. I'm trying to learn to like it though. My presence is getting "heavier"
  15. @Girzo (didn't mean the tag<) 5-MeO-DMT 10mg Trip Report. So, I finally felt comfortable with the idea of sticking 5meo up my ass. I prepared the syringe, elastic band, 5meo etc. But! I lost my fucking 10mg scoop! I even named him roger. Roger wherever you are, I love you bro. Stay strong. Anyway...I thought "ok I'll just use my mg scale." And I also thought "well I don't want 5meo sitting openly in a spoon for an hour while I meditate before hand, so I'll measure it after I meditate." I did self kryia yoga and self enquiry (which was particularly powerful this session). Then quickly went to the bathroom, got some mildly warm water, brought it into my room in a cup then used a knife to carefully transfer my tested 5meo onto the scale. However, my fucking scale wasn't picking it up. Kept reading 0.000g. so I thought "fuck" and just went ahead and measured out what I knew was less than 10mg onto the spoon. I applied the water and started mixing. THEN the fuckin 5meo refused to dissolve fully for agesss! I was sitting stirring it like a motherfucker for 10 minutes haha. After the majority of it dissolved I sucked it into the syringe, went over to my bed and administered it rectally. I really wish I say "I became God and got instantly enlightened as fuck" but absolutely nothing happened whatsoever hahahahah. After carefully following the instructions of Leo's plugging guide and waiting. I thought "fuck this im finally at peace with trying 5meo, I'm just gonna eyeball it and re-dose". So I went and got some hotter water, measured out onto a, metal based spoon, and used a better tool to mix and dissolve the 5meo. I know leo would not approve of "eyeballing" 5meo, but I was really excited to see the magic. Unfortunately, the only things I felt was (very) slight nausea, slightly dizzy, and my eyes were slightly heavy. Which, actually all felt quite nice. My jaw tightened a little. I felt quite... peaceful. There were definitely small things that I noticed. I remember briefly looking down my body and thinking how it was strange how I had *2* legs. Hahaha. Analysis: Considering the age of my product, and advice I had obtained from a friend here on the chat (who told me that some people have higher natural tolerances than others). I figured it was one of these two reasons. Future adjustments: I will purchase another 10mg scoop and perhaps even a 5mg scoop. I will use water that is much hotter, I will use water that is just about to boil in a metal spoon. I will aim for a dose of 20mg and administer rectally on a day that is suitable. *Final notes* In my eyes, this was a good day. My fear of 5meo would only have remained if I hadn't have tried a little. I am now much more confident in the process and I am actually excited to try 20mg. ✌?
  16. When getting lost in that which is seen, I've found a good question to ask is: "have I (the observer) been lost, or am I still here?"
  17. @Javfly33 justttttttt be very careful. There's a huge difference between thinking you don't exist and realising you don't exist. The process of egoic death is extremely slow and you must dip yourself into the acid of self enquiry every day for hours and days and weeks and years to slowly dissolve yourself. And when you actually start to *realise* that you don't exist there will no longer be physical reality. Just consider what that actually means....consider the fucking gravity that the phrase "physical reality literally doesn't exist" carries with it. This is vital because the mind will convince you that you've understood. But you will only have created an idea *about* the truth,.as opposed to a realisation of the actual truth. Your one and only job here is to become God. To do this "you" must die. To so this you must do hardcore spiritual practises. Find the one who is asking these questions. Find yourself and watch him. Then think. Who is watching this one. Follow your intuition
  18. I have no idea what that might be my guy, but I have these weird cool sensations that's manifest at the back of the tongue (top of the throat) sometimes. Extremely noticable. Iike someone is dripping drops of ice water on the inside of my throat. Very odd sensation. I perceive that it has something to do with energy. It happens when I become thoughtless for 1 second here and there
  19. One of my insights is this: change nothing. Live effortlessly.
  20. @Arzola on the contrary, these things are to be expected. Infact these are signs of the truth. In a world of perfection it would be very common to find a majority of positive reviews about truthful teachings. All you have to ask yourself is, is this a world of perfection? In a world that is mostly imperfect it would be common to find more negative than positive reviews concerning that which is true. So really, if there are lots of people agree with someone it's a sign that they are people pleasing, bending to the will of the crowd...like politicians. Having lots of people disagree with you is typically a good sign. A sign that you are sticking with perfection, in an imperfect world. Plus: you boys aren't meant to be believing leo anyway. Tut tut. Just make sure your contemplation is consistent and pure so to avoid false or partial conclusions. Do not believe me, leo, or anyone else. Also, do not disbelieve me, leo or anyone else. Amen
  21. It has been at the forefront of my contemplation recently, about the one who is spiritually gifted and how he becomes effortlessly genius. He attains increased cognitive function and ability in every direction. He is faster *and* slower. His thoughts are fewer *and* deeper. He moves slower *and* further. His words are packed with power like military missiles that change things. I've really noticed this lately, that the one who is gifted with consciousness work has subtle, *paradoxical* features that make him flow incredibly well. Increased physical and psychological agility and fluidity. With an incredible ability to connect things (wisdom), he can work out any of his friends' problems in seconds and yet, often times has to stay quiet. It is as though he was once a block of ice being battered down a river, clonking off rocks and changes in direction...but that he has now melted and become one with the water that flows *in* the river *as* the river. And he flows meticulously. He tries less *and* more. He achieves less, and still achieves more! These are my insights ?