Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Vercingetorix camon bro you can fuckin do it! The reason I know you can do it is because you are me, and I can do it. You gotta let you instinct guide you most. someone who tries to follow the path intellectually is like a blood hound whos trying to track a person with GPS. Just use your instinct, it's way better and actually... fucken, way easier. Finding truth is easy when your empty minded and relaxed. I don't know why lol. Something I'd say is this, you have to remember fam, what your doing when your looking for enlightenment, is literally looking for your own death. So you just gotta be good at dying ?? this next phrase your mind will not accept, but something deeply inside you will know what I'm talking about, try to let that deep thing prevail... "Let *it* lead you."
  2. Okay I'm a hypocrite I watched it till the end tonight lol. It's slow but it's good
  3. I watched like 5 or 6 episodes of it actually. Not bad, pretty nifty for two pound fifty It's a little corny, like if Jesus was really like that then fuck, he's annoying
  4. Yo something that I've thought about before is this: I wonder if other people are self aware, like me, since they act like me. But is this just belief occurring within my experience. Dunno. Guess we'll have to keep practicing to find out ??‍♂️?
  5. @TrynaBeTurquoise yeah I had a feeling it was subtle, it's such a pity MDMA is brilliant for other psychedelics
  6. Couldnt find much about it online. I know DMT is cool to vape with MDMA and that it actually potentiates the MDMA, launching you into an amazing trip. But I'm just wondering if 5meo is cool to mix with it. And if it also potentiates the MDMA? Any direct experiences of the combo in the replies?
  7. @Vercingetorix do harder techniques. Kryia yoga, self enquiry. Do longgggggggg sits every day
  8. I was terrified of death before and I'm still pretty scared, but now that I've been meditating for a good bit it just feels like I don't really care about much anymore...even death. Of course I still care, but...nowhere near as much. I've found that if you don't think about anything...life gets a lot easier, and it actually flows way better to. And it's so ironic, here I am putting as little effort into thinking as possible (when I can) and I'm getting brilliant jobs, better grades...and the people who stress themselves out the most have to fight tooth and nail for every inch of ground they take. But anyway, death. Feels scary, not too bad. Fuck that tho, I'm going for that juicy eternal life <3 ohhhh yesssss sirrrrrrrr. I Wana taste that divine well of everlasting life and gain all knowledge. Ohh boy oh boy, it's like a double cheese burger with large coke after not eating all day. I WANT IT SO BAD ?
  9. @Kushu2000 bro go away and let me experience god in peace ??
  10. From my experience, it is true that people cannot control how they are (automatically)...given enough consciousness work I'd assume this would help a bit. It takes a lot of wisdom to see this, especially if your emotions are involved or if it's with someone who has wronged you...but for example, if there was an abusive man who always hurt his girlfriends. That abuse probably stems back to his childhood where he was neglected. Things don't just randomly pop into existence, everything has a source. And so I'd ask myself then "what has happened in this young boys past to source a vibration of abuse and misconduct. People are thought of as evil for doing evil things, but those evil manifestations are problems that the person themselves are trying to deal with. Hurt people hurt people. Instead of me vs my evil enemy, it should be me & my friend vs evil that has overtaken him. Then after he will be good again. I'm pretty sure this is the reason for the concept of demons. That it's not you or him but that it's both of you against the demon
  11. Forrest (bring canned food, bottled water, electric bricks) boom
  12. @LfcCharlie4 the kind of karma I've been passed down isint very good, if thats how it works. My mind was riddled with immense dysfunction and insecurity. I'm having do to a lot of fixing, all my relatives from my mum's side are all psychotic and immature like children. And these are adults older than me. So basically I have a lot of hidden shit in my mind and it can easily warp me into a bad trip, I've found that just a little bit of MDMA can angle the trip in a new direction. My 50mgDMT/100mgMD trip was sensational
  13. @Reils it's a very camouflaged thing. Someone's mind creates the illusion of spiritual progress in the form of what I call " "anti-knowledge" knowledge." Creating images of enlightenment and thinking about meditating etc. Hard to know when your not tricking yourself
  14. @cl0udmaker i love feeling the cold tingling energy in my hands, back of my throat, bottom of my spine. It feels lush like someone's dropping little drops of liquid nitrogen on the back of my tongue. Although I can never get the energy to run smoothly up my spine via visualisation. Bit shite but sure, I'll get it someday
  15. @Ibn Sina fo bro don't care about your silly ass ?. What psychedelics have you done just out of interest?
  16. Everything can become addictive mentally. But chemically the ones you Wana be careful with are Mdma and ket. They aren't really psychedelics
  17. Be aware that antidepressants and antipsychotics are very dangerous to use while using dmt. I've heard it's very dangerous to use both at the same time. *** Also, be aware of what might be causing your anxiety and depression. Are you using any other drugs at all, like weed (makes you very anxious). Be aware that overactivity in the brain (caused by different things such as ADHD) can result in lower than average dopamine/seretonen production. Meaning that you have less naturally produced "feel good" chemicals in your brain than other people. Resulting in lower self esteem, lower confidence, feeling unhappy all the time. Be aware that you may (probably will) have to face scary aspects of yourself if you embark on this healing journey. Also be aware that this is the only way to heal. Also be aware that your mind will try to scare you by over-exaggerating *how* scary it will be and it will try to get you to not use psycs. Gd luck
  18. With my mental health issues I discovered that the problem was too much activity in the brain. Too many thoughts. You'd be surprised to realise how fake all of it is. Your mind is the lense through which you experience the world except you don't see it as subjective experience you just see it as the world...it feels real. If your mind is partially gone the only way to end your suffering is to make your mind go away completely...lose your mind altogether. And the only way to do this is enlightenment, and one of the fastest ways to enlightenment is psychedelics. (Dont conceptualise what "losing your mind" is like...you'll just freak yourself out fam) Dedicate yourself to the path and learn from your intuition let it be the only thing to guide you. Your intuition becomes more clear after a while of listening to it. @abundance you have to learn the language of silence. Silence isint your mind being empty, it's the removal of your mind altogether. You literally forget that you are a human who is meant to have a mind. Just trust me mate follow your intuition and your gut. Learn how to enter into nothing. Do kryia yoga and self enquiry. When it comes to psychedelics I would definitely encourage you to try them carefully. Don't go for psycs that will induce big long trips like LSD. Also research about "trip killers". My best advice to you (considering I've had a similar experience myself) would be to get powerful, short lasting psychedelics. Like DMT, 2-CB. In the psychedelic realm, it is actually the low doses that freak you out because you start thinking. You've still got relative control over your mind, and you've got a long time to think about the trip and freak yourself out. You want short and powerful. You have to completely surrender yourself to the trip in every way. Don't try to control it, make sense of it or make it do what you want. If you want out of this your gonna have to fight for it my friend. Peace will not come to you, you must fight for your own freedom. But psychedelics are highly recommended by me. It's either that or you stay the way you are forever, confused and fearful until you die. Take a deep breath and a brave step forward And you wana know a secret? You can fucking do it ? you can