Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Yo bro, don't do fuckin hard drugs. Stick with psychedelics. And man, the experience only becomes sweeter with more consciousness
  2. Fuck ego life. Human life can suck a shit it's so annoying and boring. Get those enlightened vibes flowing bro ♥️
  3. I find the best way is to dive headfirst straight into the sess-pit of demons and drown in their black presence. Lol. It's gotta happen sooner or later. The healing that I get from this is phenomenal ☮️?
  4. You'd be surprised how the most obvious of things are hidden right in front of your face. There's a story about a Cyclops (giant being with one eye). One day he woke up confused and heard a voice saying "find the dot, find the dot." He looked around but the only thing he would see was darkness. Just straight up blackness.... couldn't see a single fucking thing. He looked for the dot for hours and hours and hours (just a funny wee story). eventually he said "well shit, I can't find this dot anywhere, I can't see anything!" Then he hears the other person there approach him, and gently take a special cloth and wiped the dot off his eye. Lol. Obvious things are hidden well sometimes. Although I highly doubt that there exists no other accounts of people seriously using psycs for spiritual work. However I do doubt that they would have been as concentrated or as powerful as Leo's usage of them. I haven't seen anywhere else with this amount of power or wisdom before
  5. Im pretty sure it's addictive in some shape or form. I couldn't stop smoking it. It also operates via the dopaminergic neurotransmitter pathways in the brain...which means it makes you feel good. When the chemical makes you feel good you brain stops making itself feel good, cuz the thc is doing the job for it. Problem is, when you sober up, the brain takes longer to regulate and stablise back to making itself feel good naturally. With prolonged use it's extremely common to see increase in paranoia, anxiety, irritability, lack of motivation, forgetfulness and overall worse quality of life. It definitely has addictive possibilities. Weed is worse for the mind than it is for the lungs. Be careful. DMT on the other hand, non-addictive, therapudic as fuck, extremely powerful for consciousness work, doesn't create build up of cancer causing tar in the lungs... Why not just hit up Dimitri is what I say I was a stoner who got smart. Got conscious. At one point I couldn't get out of bed I was that fucked up. Didn't even know it was the weed. Although, I'm a believer in playing with fire. So go for it. Just remember the Golden rule, be smarter than everyone else and know *how* to play with fire safely ?? #ConsciounessCrew #BluntCrew #ParanoiaCrewHahaha
  6. Bruh, why leave. Is this not the most powerful amalgimation of all teachings and techniques. This place is the equivalent of if Hitler, Churchill, Trump, Kim, Stalin and the Queen all joined forces and took 40mg of 5meo every other week together to form one massive super-continent-earth-kingdom. You underestimate this place. This shit is DENSE
  7. Do deep mystical practises and continually question the fabric of reality. Follow the voice in your head like a child following a whisper. This basis really sets me up for brilliant dives at least anyway. I was thinking today, why call them trips. It's more like a dive than a trip in my opinion. Like your diving into your subconscious mind. Especially considering how "diving" is considered something you do to become completely submerged in something. I like water to lol. Isint water so refreshing. There's something refreshing about it ?
  8. @Javfly33 i have to say mate, I don't really understand how this whole thing works. Infact, I don't really know how any of this works...or why ketamine is good for consciousness work. Infact I don't even know what consciousness is. I go by the voice...the longer I do what it says the more things start to line up. I can't explain how I know ket is good for consciousness work...I just do. But seriously watch out, it's a super nice drug that is super addictive in my opinion. Aw it's so good tho lol
  9. Looks like a nice guy who means well...but I perceive no actual deep spiritual insight. this isint necessarily a "bad" thing...it's necessary as a step before actual realisation
  10. Whats the point in building a sandcastle when it will inevitably be washed away by the sea. What's the point in a dance when it will inevitably come to an end. What's the point in looking at art when it doesn't do anything and will also, inevitably be destroyed by time. Its like a firework going off. It's just cool lol ✌? that's why enlightened people laugh all the time. They've realised, deeply, that everything is just.......kinda cool. And that's it. Haha. Smoke a joint
  11. I find that people have the most powerful trips when they take low doses. I've seen it multiple times
  12. So...this one is really kinda fuckin weird. I dropped around 5pm with my tested LSD. Dropped with a close mate of mine who I like to trip with cuz his energy is good. We started off by watching a film then when we started feeling the effects around 6/7pm I suggested we draw on a sketch board and interact with each other and converse etc. This went beautifully with some relaxing music playing on a speaker I brought. We started with therapeutic styled "put your thoughts on the page" exercise. We drew some stuff, and kept it light. I personally find lsd very hard to deal with, but this time it was much better. I had more mindfulness training I was able to exit thought loops at will. Something very interesting happened after sitting like this for a while...my friend started freaking out and he wouldn't stop freaking out and I had this unction to ask him what it is....... ....so I asked him, what is it. I touched my finger and thumb on my left hand together and said "allow yourself to be silenced by it." With how confused lsd can get you it was easy to forget thoughts and return...to "it". Hahah. And no matter how hard we tried to find it we couldn't find it, but no matter how hard we tried to escape it...we couldn't escape it. We said things like "there's nothing to do, are we meant to somewhere or do something hahahaha" and we just kept bursting out loud in laughter. After a while I realised that it was love. Like the moment a lad and a girl stop thinking and kiss in a moment of passion. Nothing logical has taken place, and yet it is more powerful than the logical. I realised that I was fully accepting my friend and he was fully accepting me and we didn't need to have something to talk about and we just laughed for hours and hours and hours HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my God hahahahahah. Something very very powerful happened nearing the end of the night. I took a wee smoke of grass and the way it mixed with the lsd was very powerful indeed. All of a sudden I felt like I didn't need to say anything at all...like at all. My friends gf came home and they were talking and talking and talking about mad serious stuff like reality and mad stuff. And I was just in silence not saying anything (having a very powerful experience) and every so often I would blurt out an incredibly random and funny thing. I was just being so funny and they would burst out into laughter after talking for ages seriously. But *this* is what I wanted to mention on this report. There are distinct things that happened after this point. I was on grass and lsd (feeling fine) but...the only way I can describe this is...it felt like everything was happening *for me*. And what really blew me away was my mate and hid gf, it seemed like they were literally actors in a made up movie and I was the only one who knew it was a movie...and it was quite powerful, when I tried to talk to my mate and his gf they *could not* answer. I'm not saying I felt like they were dismissive of my comments...I mean, it felt like they *could* not answer me because they thought their movie character was real. And that this was all a reflection of me. It kept getting stronger and stronger and my friends gf started flirting with me like mad and my mate said "it's happening tonight" and I can't explain it. It...it also felt like I was watching myself through their eyes. And it was vivid! Super vivid. I knew they were fake. They literally we're pretending to be real to distract me. It felt so real. Can I ask if anyone has ever experienced things like this before at all? Drop a report lol. Update: you know it really reminds me of that moment in the movie inception when the dreamers' subconscious became aware that it was dreaming and all of the "subconscious projections" of people in the dream turned and stared at the people who were real. It felt surreal
  13. @MrDmitriiV i didn't get much sleep. My mate lives quite far away from me as well haha. I'd say at most I got an hour of "sleep" I smoked some more grass to help me get over a bit easier. Had work at 7am to hahaha. I think I went to bed at like 3 or 4. I had a lovely big 14 hour sleep the following night so I'm sweet ?? MDMA would be perfect with acid bro. I've ordered some but it hasn't came yet, bit worried actually gonna have to message the guy... But yeah mate see the strangest thing...that night and even tonight, it feels like people are speaking in front of me pretending to be talking about something. Like sometimes it gets really fucking obvious...when it happened the first time it was like my friend and his gf where both standing in front of me looking at me smiling talking about stuff saying stuff like "sometimes you just get distracted and Wana take a shit" then his gf would say "yeah sometimes I just stop thinking about things" then he would say "yeah we should think about something else" and she would say "I wonder how the cat is doing we should focus on the cat." It felt so...motherfucking weird..... Like look what my friends are "talking about" here... They just randomly pop up in the group chat tagging each other saying the same thing over and over again...it just feels weird......it feels super fucking obvious:
  14. Yeah your right mate. I just think it's important that people realise that, just because your a bad motherfucker who doesn't give a shit, doesn't mean you have to be uninformed and unintelligent. Know what I mean
  15. Some of the psycs you can get are in this pic. Plugging is administering chemicals rectally, this has benefits. MDMA, Molly, ecstasy, MD are all the same. This chemical is notoriously mixed with mad shit. It's also addictive, but good for steering trips in a positive direction, by making you experience...well, ecstasy. LSD is super easy to get (usually), it lasts 6-12 hours. This can be tested with Hoffman testing reagent. Legit lsd will turn purple when tested this way. L-LAD is an lsd analog that lasts shorter and has slightly different effects. Shrooms are harder to control and have a heavier body high than shrooms. Lasts around 6 hours. 4acoDMT is the same as shrooms. Nausea is common with shrooms, research ways people use to reduce this (Ginger I think, possible ginger tea). Nn-DMT is my fave. Also called "regular DMT" is extremely powerful and visual. Lasts 20 mins usually. Ayahuasca is the drinkable kind of DMT (which is also known to cause nausea and vomiting). Pure synthetic DMT can be vaporised. I use a crack pipe and a jet lighter. 50mg is heavy dose. 20-30 would be heavy but not necessarily breakthrough. This is an amazing compound. Changa is DMT infused leaf that can be straight up smoked in a pipe or bong. Do not use this drug if you are on regulated prescription anti-depressant/anti-anxiety meds 5-MeO-DMT is completely different, 10 times stronger than DMT. I've heard bad things about NBOMe so steer clear. Ones I haven't researched but are still widely used are 2-CB, mescaline, Salvia and PCP. Ketamine is a disassociative chemical that, in my opinion, is extremely powerful for consciousness work...however it's also an antidepressant and is very addictive also. Unlike MDMA, ketamine does not mix well with a lot of other chemicals. Also be careful with weed, regular use can cause serious anxiety and paranoia. Use test kits fam. Also using the Dark net is safer than getting your shit off the streets. I always recommend using it.
  16. My understanding of them, as of now, are that they are points in the body that are part of the nervous system and you can control the energy that flows through the pathways in your spine (shushumna I think it's called) and in your head. I want to learn lots more kryia yoga
  17. Oh my fucking god. This technique is powerful as FUCK. Holy shit I'm definitely having some kind of mad experience right now. I did my usual sit, 30 mins kryia yoga, 30 mins self enquiry *except* today I re-watched Leo's video "What is Actuality - Distinguish Direct Experience vs Concept." After my hour sit, I watched my hand and questioned it. For 20-30 mins I compared concepts to my actual hand. This got really fucking powerful quickly, with no drugs. I felt the power of it...so I kinda, sniffed a little bit of my disassociative compound, Ketamine. I had an incredible experience as I compared concept to my hand. The longer I compared concepts to reality the stranger reality felt. This was happening *before* I administered the disassociative chemical. Colours we're changing. It was so powerful. I'm DEFINITELY sticking with this "compare concepts to your *actual* hand" technique. It was so powerful that there was incredible synchronicity. I was watching adventure Time (don't judge me lol) and this was the episode where the guy (fin) got stuck in a cave. The way he got out of the cave was by inspecting his hand...which was bionic. He found out it had a feature that allowed him to cut through the walls of the cave he was in. I know this sounds stupid...but I was having profound insights from this synchronicity. I got so excited that I has to grab my phone and report on it. I feel like I have discovered a superpower! My fuckin hand! Comparing everything to my actual hand. this is cool haha
  18. Your literally jesus. John 14:20 "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you."
  19. @Preety_India the key understanding is that spirituality is...not anything, really. To treat spirituality as something that you believe is a trap. Spirituality is the art of not believing anything I feel. Nothing can replace reality. Not even the idea that reality exists, can replace what actually exists. Spirituality, for me, can never remove me from further from Actuality because my spirituality is completely invisible and non existent. Only ideas can remove you from Actuality. If "spirituality" is removing me from reality, then my spirituality is not fully invisible. It is an idea. The only real spiritualist, is the only one who is not a spiritualist lol
  20. @LfcCharlie4 well your obviously right. Every drug has negative impacts it can have on you. But the thing is, nobody teaches us how to use and handle drugs. Adults yell at kids and just straight up say "don't do drugs!" And that's it. Telling people not to play with fire is pointless...everyone loves playing with fire at some point, it's fun! The more conscious thing to do would be to teach young people how to dance with danger in a safe way. I'm going to tell my kids how to play with fire when I notice their getting to the age...not yell at them and pretend like their going to be perfect haha. Learning how to play with fire safely, is the best thing. And actually not learning is dangerous