Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Leo Gura ? i duno why I just found this funny hahaha
  2. @astrokeen this is where I got my insight that I call "all or nothing". It's a concept that works in a few different areas and scenarios. Basically the all or nothing concept is an idea that it's better to give it absolutely everything you have, or not at all...and that if you start something and half ass it, you'll have wasted time and money. It would be like starting a business, you have to give it absolutely everything you have (to actually push through and make money) or don't start it whatsoever. If you half ass it you'll spend a shitton of money and spend years digging foundations for something that won't even take off in your life time. So the conclusion? All or nothing! You have to decide which side of the fence your gonna fall on with regards to spiritual work my friend. It has to be absolutely everything you've got, or not at all. If you make the wise decision you'll decide to go all in on awakening. It's time for the gloves to come off motherfucker. It's time to stop doing this shit as though your just some kid following some random teachings online. It's time to man the fuck up, grab enlightenment by the fuckin ballsack and squeeze until it gives you what you want. You have to become relentless like a rabid fucken dog. You have to want enlightenment like you want to breathe as your drowning. You have to be willing to die for this. So if your serious about this, then drop any notion that your just a regular guy who's interested in a website and some philosophy. Enlightenment and spiritual insights won't come easy, but when they come...it will completely transform you. Do harder practises, longer sits, more powerful psychedelics. Let your intuition guide you, to.find out what you are and subsequently what everything is. #selfenquiry #kryia
  3. @bazera yeah. My practise usually goes like this 30-40 mins kryia yoga> 30 mins self enquiry. Try do it every day and yes I do use powerful psychedelics they are a necessity for myself I feel
  4. Find the one who is asking the question (you) and watch him until you realise that he who is seen cannot be the seer, and that what is being watched, is not you. And allow yourself to drift into the ocean of silent nothingness (only when it feels natural) Intuition is so fucken important
  5. I actually think the concept of a demon is highly scientific and effective at communicating details of a person's state. For example in my own life I have found things that I cannot help. Things that made me act in a certain negative way that I couldn't control whatsoever. In the relative sense I am separate from the thing that I cannot control. It effects me as much as it effects the people around me. In this sense I feel as though the concept of a demon helps differentiate the person from their problem. Instead of it being you vs your bully, it should be you & your bully vs your bully's self esteem issues. To show love to a bully and side with him and really love him, it changes him if you help him with his demon. This is possible when the idea that people are just straight up evil is dropped. Hurt people hurt people. This would be similar to understanding mental illness or disabled. When a little kid yells out loud it's his demon (his problem/his uncontrolled features) not him. And people understand this. It's effecting him as much as it's effecting you. You and him both hate it. This is why I like the concept of demons and stuff. Although, it might not be the best way to conceptualise I'm not sure
  6. Of course spirituality is bad for you it's designed to kill you. The fear I experience sometimes, holy fuck it's terrifying. As long as your following your intuition fully, making sure to actually do the mystical practises that work...the powerful ones like self enquiry (for a good period of time each day) you'll probably get the results you want. Do psycs lol
  7. Lol I can't die from this I've already got a brain tumor but it's benign and just doing nothing. Best way to stop someone keying your car? Key it yourself ?
  8. @tanahoy yo do me bro. Tell me shit about myself. Leo says to be open minded. ...No reply bro?
  9. This is gonna sound like I'm just saying this to look good but legit...for me consciousness work and being a badass helped. Literally just try to become.more badass. Become the bully, and then don't bully. That's *exactly* what I did. *Sings in girly voice* "CONNSCIOUSSNESS WOORRKKK"
  10. When I say logic I just mean that which makes sense. For example, if there is a thought than there is also an awareness of the thought. Creating unbroken trains of thought that are unbiased and truth driven is a powerful tool
  11. Check dis ouuuut boiiiizzzz. Skip to 2:20 ⚛️♻️? 〽️
  12. @seeking_brilliance once you've tested it you can't consume it..the test kits are acid. You only use a tiny amount. I'm gonna dissolve some in water and administer it rectally since my 5meo is in hydrochloride (Hcl) form which is suitable for snorting or rectal administration. Freebase is smoked. This is how to plug/boof/administer rectally. https://www.actualized.org/insights/how-to-plug-psychedelics This video includes advantage of this route of administion
  13. @seeking_brilliance I can't smoke DMT without bursting into tears man. It's truly, truly beautiful. I can't even remember it and it is still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I've just tested my 5-meo and it's good, so I'll be consuming that. I cannot even begin to describe the levels of fullfilment and tender love and clarity that come about during my DMT trips. I would give everything to stay there...I mean everything. I wouldn't care if I was a bum the rest of my life. It is incredible. Here's a pic of my 5-meo before and after I tested it lol. See that little green splodge, that means I have real 5-MeO-DMT. I have around 95mg. It looks like a boger in the tissue lol. I would never source illegal drugs, but some people just cannot resist searching this url on tor browser (which is the only downloadable browser it will work on) http://apollionih4ocqyd.onion then copying and re-searching one of the urls from that page to access a working darknet site on which you can buy 5meo. You should never do this though, you also shouldnt use cex.io to purchase Bitcoin, the currency used on the darknet. I'd also never run my Bitcoin through a Bitcoin mixing tool that makes my Bitcoin untracable before it reaches the darknet. I definitely wouldn't use smartmix.io to make my Bitcoin untracable.
  14. I wouldn't overthink it bro. Psycs amplify your current state of mind. I've noticed that Leo always put quotations around it when he says "bad trips". I know exactly what he's suggesting...he's suggesting that there's no such thing as a bad trip just an easy trip or a hard trip. But both are usually in the direction of healing and a hard trip usually heals you more. So really what people refer to as bad trips are the best trips
  15. @Leo Gura I love that analogy you used one time man. You said that it's like your looking for a needle in a haystack, but the "needle", is the realisation that there is no needle ?the ground is that there is no ground
  16. @Dylan Page oh my God man, try DMT lol. Everything meshes together and becomes weird as fuckingggg fuck. Fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck. Nothing makes sense in these psychedelic realms. Careful with weed, it'll make you extremely anxious if not taken very carefully. Weed made me feel super bad for years and I didn't even know it was the weed. By the way, don't consume sugar when your smoking it. It kills the high
  17. @fridjonk The brilliant thing about truth and contemplation is, logic and clear trains of thought are all you need. It's brill...and beautiful
  18. @fridjonk im psychotic, I contemplate all the time every time. I'm very very addicted to being right...but that has it's advantages. People don't like you much though. It's brill tho, cuz the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment calms your mind down to, makes you nicer to be around. With regards to contemplation I feel like it's important to connect thoughts very carefully. There are "gaps" in people's trains of thoughts which cause incorrect conclusions. For example...within Christianity they say that they are not saved by their good works. But then if you say "ok if I'm a Christian can I just do whatever I want" they'll say no, and that you need to avoid certain kinds of sin. Then you can go between the two questions quickly and confuse them. These gaps are what cause people to end up with partial truths and incorrect thoughts. Self enquiry is an interesting one. For me it's becoming more about the feeling...there is a place you can go that is not thoughts, and it's invisible to the mind. Every time god talks to me about it he doesn't say much and I know it's on purpose. Conceptualising it creates a trap, I know it. Trying to find that which you are. Very strange practise. What is the thing that is searching, what is it. Beautiful practise. It's a skill that can be developed. You have to think "ok, if reality is a thing that exists...what is it?" But all thoughts have something cool.in common, they are all watched. Finding the thing that watches is a strange task.
  19. Intelligence is just memorisation wearing a fancy dress. @electroBeam i also value different things. I love innovation, self supporting, original thinking. There is also a way to think that increases your ability to increase your ability to think. (Not a typo). Learning how to learn is vastly important. I once heard a random guy say "school teaches us *what* to think but it doesn't teach us *how* to think." Less free thinking, more memorisation. Do not question the rules. I hate that.
  20. It's like people are addicted to talking man. I operate a garage where it's me and one other person for the most of the shift, and some people are brill...they just chill and relax. Other people are so charged and feel like they need to have conversations constantly and I feel like passing them a blunt and (in the most hippie American accent) saying "maaaaannnnn, chill out duuuudeee" lol. I've found an interesting phenomenon though, if you become 100% comfortable with being quiet right in front of a person, it automatically makes a lot of people feel the same way. I just summon the inner peace and look blankly at the person while I'm radiating my peace and happiness. It's brill ♥️
  21. @Neph yo mate, literally I've heard of people's depression being lifted off them after a mushroom trip. I'm.not saying that's guaranteed but I am saying other people have had that happen. Leo says that striving for enlightenment without psychedelics is like climbing mount Everest without using your legs or arms. Anddddddd, yeh...fuck that