Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Vladz0r bro...keto is what I do. Haha keto Bros 4 lyfe ♥️
  2. Leo has one rule I notice that makes him the more powerful than probably all other teachers...he has no rules. This is so fuckin powerful. It's a principal, to have no principals. Wow, this is what makes leo explosive. Sadhguru and mooji remain calm and composed and delicate. They would never say a word out of place. They're...performance....is......exaggerated. they wouldn't dare recommend you break the law and consume psychedelics. They don't even know how powerful psycs are because they don't actively open their mind enough. Too much dogma. When someone decides in their head that they have no rules regarding their pursuit of consciousness, and that they take all the tools they have and exponentially amplify each one strategically with technology and bio-active technologies...they become very powerful. It's like a scientist in a lab mixing sets of two chemicals together to see which ones create the most powerful when mixed, THEN finding out what other chemicals can be moved together to create a chemical that, when mixed with the original chemical, becomes atomic and explosive. Ugh, this is what I live for lol. Maximization of maximization lol. A set of rules says "this is the truth, do not stray" but a truly wise man will say "the most important rule is to be free from rules." This is when God appears lol
  3. I was contemplating what intelligence is and what wisdom is. I have done nowhere near enough contemplation to be able to say for sure. But I think wisdom is the ability to connect things, and intelligence is the ability to retain things. I'm actually gonna contemplate that more...hmm.....
  4. Yes I do have an insight to share with you @BETGR164128 . Forget everything about behavior. Do whatever the fuck you want. Go snort a line of cocaine if you want. Then come back and practice kryia yoga. Religion is not the way. All of your efforts to try and be like god are actually your ego. Fuck everything you know. Go be bad and continue practising hardcore until you stop being bad accidentally. Do whatever you want. Do not try to be unholy and do not try to be holy. Do not obey what I am saying do not disobey it. PRACTISE. Ignore everything else. (Practises include psychedelics, js)
  5. If you say "I see ego in myself" the "i" is the real ego. That's why masters like being quiet, there is no master there to say anything
  6. I much prefer questioning reality directly. I find my.mind makes up all kinds of ideas about how things I haven't experienced directly didn't exist. If I'm contemplating things I have never directly experienced before I always do the "compare this to my actual hand" technique which simply identifies the difference between a concept and the actual hand without making any big claims like "this concept never actually existed" your just stating a fact, this is a concept and this is my actual hand. When questioning reality in your direct experience it gets more powerful. What is a phone, what is a computer, what are fingers, what are thumbs, what is a screen, what is sight, what is a question. Where is this question. What is this.
  7. @Leo Gura Could you provide a list of the most powerful practises from the Kryia Secrets Revealed book? Also, is it really important to practise the auxiliary practises? Really appreciate any replies from you or any other experienced kryiabans here thanks <3
  8. @Nahm ?? my suffering was so bad that I thought "there's no way this amount of suffering could be causes by such a casual drug as weed." I thought there was something wrong with my mind and that weed was easing it. But the weed was what was causing my mind to be so fucked up. Constant torture. Then one day I stopped smoking and boom. Didn't even realise how much it was affecting me. The suffering was so deep that I thought it was just straight up something wrong with my mind. That's my story with it at least
  9. @Visionary holy Fuck. It was mad. It was fucking mad. The place was bouncing. Lol. I was fucked hahaha
  10. It's not about moving in the right direction, it's about ceasing to exist entirely as something that can move in any direction. You will never finish the path, but the path will finish you.
  11. When your walls come down and your pride diminishes, you are more singular and centered. Ego is weakened by suffering and love (oneness) increases in you. Love is so good
  12. The next generation of a person who was a serious seeker will typically be much more likely and inclined to cover more ground (regarding consciousness increase) than in his last life (his dad). This was the case with me and my dad. My dad took a few small steps away from religion and towards mysticism but stayed christian. I am the next step in his journey, I will go further and go all the way. I will take the steps he didn't take.
  13. Learn by forgetting. Forget everything.
  14. Forget everything and believe nothing...so yeah, fastest way to forget Everything is to plug some powerful psychedelics up your butt. Don't believe anything you just said. Be critical, impartial, empty. Literally do not believe any of that. Look at your hand. If you become simple it appears. Become like a simple person. Until you are so empty and simple that you just...are. you are.
  15. The light is so beautiful. Orgasmically beautiful. I see light surrounding people who have higher consciousness lol. When I'm meditating in my room I see the light shift and everything feels golden. Like made of gold. It's constantly talking to you all the time lol. It's like Jesus in the parable of the lame man. His friends dug out of a hole in the roof of the house Jesus was in and lowered down a lame man to him and the Bible says that the leaders of religious law we're present and as Jesus said "your sins are forgiven" the religious people thought "this is blasphemy, only God can forgive sin (remove ego)" and it says that Jesus heard their thoughts and healed the man to prove that the son of man has authority to forgive sin. This "knowing their thoughts" business...that's the light. It's like everything is talking to you. I hear things talking to me all the time and they're usually scarily accurate and wise. The manifestations of the light.
  16. @Meditationdude fair mate. If it works for you then it works lol ?
  17. "being consciousness" is the same as "being universe" existence is awake in you? imagine there is a big cotton sheet stretched out at each corner and someone pinches the middle of the sheet causing it to crinkle into one point. You are like that pinch. A collection of energy concentrated on the canvas of reality. The pinch isint really anything. The distortion on the canvas (sheet) causes an illusion to arise, that there is such a thing as a pinch. Really the "pinch" is just a different form of the fabric itself. It's all the fabric just in a form that is concentrated. You are the substance of reality, concentrated into a "human form". Beautiful, no? ? "Becoming more conscious" isint about you attaining something more...but more of "you" is *literally* becoming more and more of what consciousness is. Which is nothing... And everything. Your letting go of the pinch and focusing on the fabric itself... Which is ofcourse what the "pinch" always was in the first place.
  18. @Meditationdude temporarily you'll feel better smoking man but every time you smoke your baseline of general wellness of mind and functionality diminishes. A simple trick for revealing it is by daring someone who is a smoker to not smoke for a month. A: if you can't stop for a month that means your addicted to the drugs, which is a big fucking red flag. And B: if you stop for a month you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. You forget how normal every day sober life still feels good without drugs. That test reveals 2 things, whether your addicted (to a degree) or not, and reveals if you feel better or worse without smoking. ?? i don't know you but if your a regular smoker, give it a go...why not? Don't believe me .. test it and see ♥️
  19. As someone who would have struggled with anxiety a lot, I can tell you that 2 things that really fuck up your anxiety is (bad) drugs and screens. Like phones, Xbox, youtube. It's like a drug. I know that coming onto actualized.org here sometimes really helps me because it eases my anxiety looking at my phone. Of course then not facing your anxiety lessens your ability to function appropriately during stress. Weed causes SO much anxiety. It's halarious how bad weed is for your mental health and it's so accessable which makes it even worse. Also when approaching the onset of a trip you don't want to be sitting there preparing to be raped by this trip...you'll freak yourself out. The best way is to literally ease into it. Just gently move yourself slowly into the trip. Mental preparation is all well and good but I find that if you prepare for a possible bad trip too much that can actually cause you to have a bad trip. Moving slowly and gently for me is important. Approach psychedelics like you approach a hot chick your gonna fuck...you gotta ease into it slowish you don't just robotically walk in, say "female, prepare to be penetrated" hahahaha. For me it's like that with a trip, especially heavy trips on like dmt. Don't just BANG hit a crack pipe of DMT, you become comfortable with the presence of the pipe. You notice it gently. And when anxious thoughts are felt trying to pierce through your calmness you simply let them go and...in a way, love the DMT and love the floor your sitting on. I find taking time to do this really removes a lot of the hype made up by the mind about psychedelics. @Meditationdude may you cease to exist ?