Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Cheats and magic pills don't exist. Only different paths and gateways exist. Some are more direct than others. It's only when everyone's following the crowd and miss's the more direct pathways to truth, and you are more conscious and decide to take the more direct path that it makes it seem as though your cheating or using a magic pill. There's no difference between a magic pill path and regular path, just some are more direct than others. If every everyone wanted to they could stop following the crowd and use the easier pathway. Cars are a shortcut. My phone is a shortcut. Planes. It's just some paths are slightly more hidden under things like "social acceptance" or other things
  2. I have a cool story lol. Couple nights ago I was sitting in my house drinking tea and becoming aware of myself and reality. Then my dad's gf turned round to me and said "oh ye of little faith" and I Instantly recognised that this was God speaking to me through her. Then today in class my lecturer turned round to me and said "oh ye of little faith" and I laughed, then instantly recognised it again and turned my head back. It's like I'm hearing it with two sets of ears. I know it. I can feel it echoing through me. It's the spirit telling me that I need to have faith in it.
  3. Remember, the Bible is only an encrypted book of clues for you to interpret via direct spiritual mystical insights
  4. When I observe pain intensely...sometimes I'm able to realise that it's not unpleasant, that it's just there as existence and I believe that it's bad. Although this is only with minor pain. I don't know if I could let someone drill through my hand in a state of perfect meditation. ...not yet lol
  5. It defo brings you closer to truth. It's very strange. The most powerful aspect of the DMT trip is the sensitivity. It's like, you feel like your seeing everything for the first time again. It's incredible. A lot of the time it's very unpleasant for me. Me and leo share a preference with this (I think)...we both like blasting off with a high dose. With a high dose you just get launched into ego death and intensely increased levels of consciousness. With a low dose you remain as the ego and freak out as your mind is squished and morphed. I'd rather become god instantly. It's indescribable. What I see when I smoke DMT is... unfathomable
  6. @Schahin reincarnation is real mate, but humans don't reincarnate. God reincarnates as humans and you are God. People think "I am a human with God inside me" when it's actually "I am God with a human outside of me" kinda lol
  7. I hear voices all the time. They are the most powerful teachers. They've predicted the future for me multiple times...actually just the other day I was speaking with *the* voice and it told me something else. Without being able to hear the voice I wouldn't have got where I am today
  8. DMT is extremely visual and it's incredible to feel your consciousness rocket though the roof. After 2 or 3 seconds of holding the hit in my body straightens, my eyes widen and boom it hits me. It's very intense. For me it's important to have nice colours around you. Not in a place with lots of shadows for example. And...LSD makes everything trip the fuck out for like 6-12 hours. I like using MDMA to give me good trips. MD makes you feel really good. It's also addictive and probably bad for you lol. It's also notorious for being mixed with other shit. And I don't have much experience with much else
  9. I've had it a few times where I've been tricked into thinking I've had a fucking seizure or something and my dad is trying to wake me up. And paramedics are there and all. Fuck it's really freaky. Then I come back and I'm fine. However, I don't mind. The sensitivity and awareness is incredible when it comes. It's fantastic
  10. I have developed my ability to communicate with my intuition very powerfully. Sometimes it surprises me, sometimes I ask it to speak. Although it doesn't always speak when I ask, and even when it speaks there are moments when I am sure it is accurate and other moments when I'm not sure. Although, this is one of the most important things for me. I remember I was watching Leo a year or two ago and the voice just straight up told me "x marks the spot" and I knew it was telling me to listen to leo. When I smoke DMT I hear lots of voices. One is hard enough to perceive. It can be very overwhelming. Had a hard trip of DMT recently. Although I trust that it heals my mind deeper each time. Follow the voices!!! Lol they were all telling me to smoke more but I was like "fuck lads, I dunno..." Hahaha. I can feel their presence
  11. @Red-White-Light you don't get it. It's not about talking about spirituality, it's about breaking through into mystical realms of truth. It's not philosophy, when mystics experiences occur, you forget everything leo said and it feels like your entire mind throws up. "Fun" wouldn't be the word I would choose. More like...terrifying. you haven't got it. Just know that if your quitting, your quitting the wrong thing. You cannot quit reality
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG your fuckin melter mate hahahahaha
  13. Oh my God I am terrified of losing my mind sometimes. It's really scary, nothing making sense....everything is everything and everything feels so weird. I'm gonna be doing a dose of DMT tonight after an hour of my self enquiry and yoga. I wish I could retain the sense of awe I experience each time. I'm actually going through a phase of extreme confusion right now and it's hard to meditate so it's going extremely well. Leo says these are good signs lol. ✌?
  14. @SirVladimir oh shit mate sorry I don't get notified of replies on here. Emmm, my life's purpose is to get enlightened matey. I've also found that doing consciousness work (properly) enhances other areas of my life. My diet is on point, I'm off drugs, I'm much happier, I look better, feel better, I'm at least twice as wise as I started and I can finally concentrate my mad ADHD psychotic head. I had so much bad karma, it was actually scary. But the shit my parents passed down to me was necessary for fuel to push me to look for the answers. And now I have the answers and I can concentrate. Which means my education is becoming effortless. My cognitive functionality has rapidly increased I can solve problems and structure assignments extremely effectively now. This is why I say enlightenment is my life purpose. It leads to everything else. Reaching the source is a powerful thing
  15. Wow holy fuck that's badass. I had a really fuckin weird dream about u leo. You had a weird house and a weird cat. I think I'll just forget it phahahahahah
  16. *amarican hippie accent* I feel the energy maaaaaannnnnnn ☮️✌??
  17. I have to say I did think the original one was sexy af but it's just a symbol. And we of all people should be able to let go of a symbol
  18. ...in my opinion, if your putting some chips on the table (metaphorically), you might as well take the game seriously and go all in. Why not do the most powerful techniques? Doing the powerful techniques makes you better at doing more powerful techniques. Follow your intuition most importantly. Get involved in kryia yoga (message me if you want to know where to buy the book for it) start doing self enquiry and try to get up to an hour a day with one or both practises (possibly half hour each practise, that's what I do). Why not use the best techniques?
  19. I had another insight recently that relates to the question in the title. People like it when other people try to fit in with them and harmonise with them. Someone who practises conscious work will not do this naturally. There is something that happens to you when you do these practises for a prolonged period of time. It really steps on people's toes, and for a while you'll try to stop stepping on people's toes. My insight is this; that "not harmonizing with people's energy" and "stepping on their toes" will increase more and more and eventually this will be a tangeble anointing and presence that you carry that other people will recognize. It will testify of your devotion to the practises. It is the power
  20. @Space im super excited to nail a suitable dose for myself. That sounds incredible. Smoked psycs are so hard to handle for me. DMT just viilently slaps me about for 10 minutes and sends me back in pieces lol. Not complaining tho haha