Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Hidden serious causes of anxiety; - using phones, laptops, tvs, social media repetitively/consistently (huge one) - drugs (weed is very bad for this i find, not necessarily psychedelics...i needed to come off weed to be able to handle trips) - not socialising enough. the screens and social media one is a very strong one. Something that ive seen to help anxiety (and depression) is getting involved with a *group* (specifically a group or community) of people who you share something in common with. You can do this by going and making friends or you can look up online "meetup groups near me" or "interest groups near me". Also ive noticed in particular that communities or groups who share *fitness* really help mental health...like football. But even more in particular, groups of people who are small communities of *runners*. as in, running out on the street in groups. for some reason people who belong to a group/community of people who are runners have dramatically improved mental health. this could be something to consider...it will be something that i'll be considering in the future.
  2. @VeganAwake a picture that i like is a man who is 10 miles below sea level completely submerged. He's just sitting there in the emptiness of deep sea. Nobody is there, none of his friends not his house or anything he knows. is he surrounded by nothing? or everything? the water around him is empty but its also full. He is in a place that is both empty and full and both are the same. i like this picture lol
  3. Hes comparing psychedelics with chemicals used by cheating athletes and other drugs like cocaine. he also seems to have a lot of dogma regarding what psychedelics can do. An easy way to easily resolve this question...do not believe sadhguru, do not believe leo, do not believe me. look through the telescope in the correct way and you wont need to believe anything or anyone. But just sayin, sadhguru is riddled with dogma that his ego is used to. He is uncomfortable with the form that he is unfamiliar with. look through the telescope
  4. Haha that's fucken a really funny way to put it hahahaha.
  5. Without any mindfulness practise you literally can't control yourself or your sinful actions. There were things about myself that I couldn't control and now I can. However I also am suspicious that the idea that I am in control of them is an illusion. If I am an illusion then how can I control anything. It's just god manifesting himself through me and reacting to things that happen to him. Different manifestations of the Guru. You think you chose your spouse when in actual fact it was based upon small things that you liked or disliked about them. The best explanation I've ever heard is this. You think you choose what music you like? Why don't you choose to like all music...or why don't you choose to like all food? You can't, because it's not your choice
  6. I now have access to DPT, I defo feel like I'm more ready for it now. Ill start with low doses and work up. Practising with powerful techniques regularly, I see this as having more of a foundation and base upon which to stand in the lostness commonly found during a psychedelic trip. Much more grounded in groundlessness and comfortable with fluid reality. It's so powerful. I can notice myself glowing. Deeper levels ♥️ this compound will help ??
  7. You can literally choose to know what to do in every situation. You can just go "I choose to know what to do" and boom. You are the holy spirit.
  8. Belief is different to seeing something directly. Don't worry too much about belief
  9. I've had this very interesting thing where I do my stretches in kryia yoga then I imagine the energy going up the shushumna and sending it through the star at the point between the eyes...every time I practise it gets more intense. The first round after stretches always makes me super super fucking dizzy, very powerful
  10. Most powerful technique for me is self enquiry and compare concepts with your actual hand. Although, Leo said that getting enlightened without psychedelics is like climbing mount Everest by shuffling up it on your belly. Fuck that
  11. This guy......doesn't seem to know the deepest truths. I am literally Jesus and I am literally buddha. An empty mind is God. I have created all of this
  12. @TDW1995 doing or not doing anything is a distraction. Anything other than the practices is a distraction. Even thinking about the practises is a distraction. Doing them mindlessly and remaining mindless is exactly what your going for. But yo, it's incredibly scary for you when your still an ego. Facing death and demons. Very scary the ego must be courageous
  13. Yo bro, don't do fuckin hard drugs. Stick with psychedelics. And man, the experience only becomes sweeter with more consciousness
  14. Fuck ego life. Human life can suck a shit it's so annoying and boring. Get those enlightened vibes flowing bro ♥️
  15. I find the best way is to dive headfirst straight into the sess-pit of demons and drown in their black presence. Lol. It's gotta happen sooner or later. The healing that I get from this is phenomenal ☮️?
  16. You'd be surprised how the most obvious of things are hidden right in front of your face. There's a story about a Cyclops (giant being with one eye). One day he woke up confused and heard a voice saying "find the dot, find the dot." He looked around but the only thing he would see was darkness. Just straight up blackness.... couldn't see a single fucking thing. He looked for the dot for hours and hours and hours (just a funny wee story). eventually he said "well shit, I can't find this dot anywhere, I can't see anything!" Then he hears the other person there approach him, and gently take a special cloth and wiped the dot off his eye. Lol. Obvious things are hidden well sometimes. Although I highly doubt that there exists no other accounts of people seriously using psycs for spiritual work. However I do doubt that they would have been as concentrated or as powerful as Leo's usage of them. I haven't seen anywhere else with this amount of power or wisdom before
  17. Im pretty sure it's addictive in some shape or form. I couldn't stop smoking it. It also operates via the dopaminergic neurotransmitter pathways in the brain...which means it makes you feel good. When the chemical makes you feel good you brain stops making itself feel good, cuz the thc is doing the job for it. Problem is, when you sober up, the brain takes longer to regulate and stablise back to making itself feel good naturally. With prolonged use it's extremely common to see increase in paranoia, anxiety, irritability, lack of motivation, forgetfulness and overall worse quality of life. It definitely has addictive possibilities. Weed is worse for the mind than it is for the lungs. Be careful. DMT on the other hand, non-addictive, therapudic as fuck, extremely powerful for consciousness work, doesn't create build up of cancer causing tar in the lungs... Why not just hit up Dimitri is what I say I was a stoner who got smart. Got conscious. At one point I couldn't get out of bed I was that fucked up. Didn't even know it was the weed. Although, I'm a believer in playing with fire. So go for it. Just remember the Golden rule, be smarter than everyone else and know *how* to play with fire safely ?? #ConsciounessCrew #BluntCrew #ParanoiaCrewHahaha
  18. Bruh, why leave. Is this not the most powerful amalgimation of all teachings and techniques. This place is the equivalent of if Hitler, Churchill, Trump, Kim, Stalin and the Queen all joined forces and took 40mg of 5meo every other week together to form one massive super-continent-earth-kingdom. You underestimate this place. This shit is DENSE
  19. Do deep mystical practises and continually question the fabric of reality. Follow the voice in your head like a child following a whisper. This basis really sets me up for brilliant dives at least anyway. I was thinking today, why call them trips. It's more like a dive than a trip in my opinion. Like your diving into your subconscious mind. Especially considering how "diving" is considered something you do to become completely submerged in something. I like water to lol. Isint water so refreshing. There's something refreshing about it ?
  20. @Javfly33 i have to say mate, I don't really understand how this whole thing works. Infact, I don't really know how any of this works...or why ketamine is good for consciousness work. Infact I don't even know what consciousness is. I go by the voice...the longer I do what it says the more things start to line up. I can't explain how I know ket is good for consciousness work...I just do. But seriously watch out, it's a super nice drug that is super addictive in my opinion. Aw it's so good tho lol