Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Here we are looking for information regarding visualization, experienced practitioners of yoga and Chakra visualization, your advice is valued! Stick around! I'd like to firstly talk about single pointed concentration. We are typically told to "concentrate on the third eye" (or whatever Chakra it is)...however, does this mean one should concentrate on the *mental image* of the third eye chakra, or the *sensation* of the chakra's *location* on the forehead? Also, from which angle do you visualize the chakras (during concentration and kriya pranayama)? When you are visualizing, there must be two points, the point where you are looking at, and the point where you are looking *from*. Ive tried moving *into* each chakra and mentally rising with the energy as it is lifted up the shushumna. Do you maintain one mental perspective? Or switch between multiple? Do you imagine the shushumna from the point of view of the middle of the head? Where do you visualize from, and does your perspective move at all? Do you see the spine from the side, back or at an angle? And is your perspective raised at all? And what do you actually see when you look at each chakra? Do you see a dot? Do you visualize an amorphic gathering of energy to representitive of each chakra? Are they coloured? Black and White? I've become more conscious that being specific with visualization is key, and I don't see these details being talked about on the forum. What do you see when you visualize? And from where do you see? Do you see the entire body, or just the chakra's and the shushumna?
  2. I don't believe leo anyway...he actually instructs you to not believe him in a number of his videos... I only follow the intuition. Since 5meo can only be appropriately assessed by you in your direct experience you will have to do some science to assess it. A normal scientist (with a normal hypothesis) will set up *actual* scenarios in which the hypothesis is either proven or disproven. He doesn't read a book, or watch a video...he has the actual test in his direct experience. So for you that would look something like this; *Don't take 5meo*: look around, analyse how you feel, analyse your mind how everything feels. *Take 5meo*: look around, analyse how you feel and what you see. A scientist will repeat a test multiple times to gain a consistent measurement. So you would do this multiple times (if your being scientific) and then after further thorough research into questions like "what is leo referring to when he says the word god?" Etc. Then you'll be qualified to talk on the matter. Until then, you might as well believe that the carona virus doesn't exist...after all, have you seen it? Have you directly experienced it's actual existence? At this point saying "covid 19 doesn't exist" and saying "strategic use of 5meo isint mature or correct" are of the same calabar. Don't believe anything! However, observe the fruits of Leo's practises, what he has accomplished. Man I'm tired of taking like some kind of child. It's completely obvious that Leo is on the ball. Look at the way he talks. He is transcendental. He doubts himself more than anyone. You have to be smart enough to see it. If your not...then go watch mooji
  3. The whole point is to move away from beliefs. You are everything but this is not something you should believe. Be like a realist in your enquiry
  4. For me, sitting silently is a powerful "realignment" tool. If I'm getting too lost in the mind, this practise reminds me that the answers are found within the silence. I stopped all practises for 3 or 4 days a number of weeks back and just sat silently and it was the best thing I could have done. It taught me that, even though there is different content within each different meditative exercise, the most important thing is remembering that the answers are found in the absence of everything...in the silence
  5. @lostmedstudent my recommendation? Start doing hardcore practices. Self enquiry kriya yoga, strong determination sits. For me, it had to reach a point where Id had enough. Reaching your breaking point can be a beautiful thing. Very beautiful. In my opinion, reaching a breaking point...is *always* beautiful, even if it leaves you weak. (This of course excludes experiences that leave you physically or psychologically damaged). But assuming that your not permanently damaged, even if you reaching your breaking point is a breaking point of pain...something has been going in the wrong direction to begin with. If I'm going in the wrong direction, and it's causing me to suffer...I'd much rather reach the point where I can't take any more shit, throw my hands up and admit that there must be a better way. For me this was the point where Id had enough with my own energy. I was becoming aware of parts of myself that were ugly and disgusting...causing people to be uncomfortable in my presence and I couldn't control it! After the 50th person telling me these things about myself I knew that something was wrong. Now I meditate for an hour a day because...I'll be fucked if you think I'm gonna put up with this dog shit that I've been served. Don't be afraid to do that. Get angry. All that gas building up, light a fucking match and let her go. That's what I say. If your going in the wrong direction you might as well try to approach your breaking point faster ...if that makes sense
  6. Do you smoke weed? If you smoke regularly at all this will dramatically increase your baseline level of anxiety which, in turn, will be amplified by any psychedelic you use
  7. You were removed from God when you ate from the tree and gained the knowledge of good and evil. You didn't actually eat from a literal tree of course, this biblical analogy is representative of the moment that your brain created the idea that "you" exist. Since "good and evil" is determined by what is good and evil *for you*. $900,000 cash is "good" because it's good for you. A fire in your house is "bad" because it's bad for you, you like your house. So your brain, when you are born, automatically creates the idea that you are a person who must continue to exist which creates good and evil and separates you from reality/god. The brain is like a car with it's accelerator super glued to the floor, constantly going, creating ideas automatically to help it, continue to go. Slowing down the car until it comes to a complete halt must be achieved before you can open the door and be free
  8. Person 1: "Knock knock..." Person 2: "Who's there...?" ..... ... ... Person 2: "Who is there?!" ... ... ..... Person 2: "...who the fuck is there?!" ....... .... ..... ...... .... ....... Person 2: ".......who is there?!" Haha?
  9. When leo came back from his 30 day retreat wearing white I seen something different in his eyes. I can tell it a mile off. Super distinct. I don't know what it is, but...it is. And when I hear him repeating what he said during a few of his deep realizations, it only reminds me of my 5meo trips. Utter beauty. I hear it in his voice, I see it in his eyes. The look in his eyes alone encourage me massively. I can't do anything except become quieter and quieter. I feel unsure and yet, steadfast. It's like diving Into a literal black hole. A bit weird. Haha. I can honestly say that I love leo. I really love him. Bring on the silence ❤️❤️❤️?
  10. 2nd trip 5meo, smoked. I really really like this substance. For some reason I don't find it scary at all. Infact, when I use it, it seems to remove all my fear. I was sitting on my bed after 3 hours breath watching/walking meditation/self enquiry and smoked 20mg. Took a massive hit and boom, entered. I have to say, I feel as though I will be able to retain much more plugged but this will have to wait until I receive my next batch. Don't know how long that may be with C19 having shut everything down fs. I can't really put my finger on exactly what was happening but I can tell you this, it felt royal. I felt so elevated. Like everything was mine. All that really stuck with me was that sense of incredible elevation. I'm happy not understanding it with my logical mind, my intuition tells me it was amazing. I knew myself deeply. I just kept knowing myself and knowing myself and there was nothing else to do. I can't wait to have more experiences like this and woth longer sits before hand as well.
  11. @Arzack the real analogy is as follows. You are David. You are a young, weak boy in a mass community of powerful people who rely on their human strength. You are the only one who steps out to face to beast, with no heavy weaponry. You slay the beast with God's power. You could see Goliath as your ego. Notice what happens to david. Years of being weak, you slay the beast with one stone (one big experience) and what happened to david? A man called Saul was king at the time, but he was not worthy. Young David was the humble harp player for the king. But he knew he was chosen of God (and anointed at a young age by God's prophet Samuel) to replace the king. 1 Samuel 16:6-7 "When they came, he looked on Eliab the eldest and thought, “Surely he is the one the Lord has anointed to be king.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” David was the youngest and God revealed to Samuel that David was to be king. David was the lowest of the low, a Shepard (the lowest job in society at the time). David was King Saul's harp player...and one day God's promise came true and he miraculously took the throne and title of "King". You are David. If you continue the path to utter completion, you shall cease to serve God, and literally become God. This is the true analogy ❤️ Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
  12. @trenton you don't exist (While this is true, *believing* this will actually get in the way of you actually coming to the realization. Adopt it as a hypothesis to be proven or disproven) ❤️?
  13. @electroBeam sds's are one of the most powerful tools bro. I think they're a really good connection technique since you can practice them with basically all other techniques. Combining two techniques into one...twice the power
  14. @Joker_Theory There's a kind of "bean-cushion" with this stretchy material super super stretchy and soft. I'm gona get some of this shit. Maybe some soft mat for under the feet aswell
  15. ❤️ I would say that questions that beg distracting answers are good in their correct place. Someone who asks a question with the wrong trajectory can get an answer that reveals that they are asking questions in the wrong diretion
  16. 2 helpful tips for technique that I found helpful at least...are the following - it's not so much you "doing" a practice, more that you cease to do any practise and the breath is just, there. And it stays, there...for however long. - dropping all spiritual techniques and replacing them with actuality. This is a strange one, but for me...I found that when people told me to "watch my breath" I would imagine the breath entering my lungs. Notice, not the breath itself. So for me it's important to start with Actuality and work from there rather than starting from an idea about looking at the breath. Actuality will be very quiet and empty. Intuition is a must
  17. I personally don't really mind how it's delivered. However leos delivery is absolutely fabulous. I just love the emptiness of it. The problem is never too little information, it's too much information. People tend to "enjoy the path" too much and end up getting distracted from the goal that is at hand, which is awakening to fact that you do not exist. It is true that damaged people are more inclined to become interested in self help, religion, or awakening, and when this is done without the correct amount of focus, purity and power...they don't make any significant progress...which leaves them only with the spiritual ego (which really stinks like a bad oder). A person with a fucked up mind will project all of their shadow out into this spiritual ego, which many can't stand. However it's also helpful to notice that each and every state is one step in the overall picture of someone who is becoming enlightened.
  18. The real power is discovering these things experientially ?