Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Forget so much that you forget how to forget
  2. If you want to have a nice distracting path with plenty of obstacles...feel free to read book after book is what I say. Although, it would probably be better to literally forget absolutely everything about everything and tell me what you are
  3. @Girzo (didn't mean the tag<-) @Javfly33 when i do the practice where you imagine the breath going up the spine, through the head and into the white star at the point between the eyes, the first inhalation is always powerful as fuck i...slumped off to one side and nearly passed out one time because of how powerful it was lol
  4. I don't think god can die, "humans" can die and when they do god appears
  5. In Northern Ireland there are no good teachers, but then again...lol...i do set my standard pretty fucking high after leo. I duno if its just me but i really dont give much attention to things that arent real and powerful. Like, i went to this Buddhist temple in Belfast and when i asked the main monk if they'd ever had any kind of awakening experience she laughed at me and said "us lay people dont get to experience that". Im just like...mate, why the fuck would you be sitting meditating, with weak ass techniques, for YEARS...knowing that you probably wont get anywhere anyway (ahahha) and not hit it harder. i just think *real* spirituality and power is more rare that what people realize...i consider myself lucky that i came across leo and his material. very fucking lucky
  6. ive noticed that people who are very aware embrace parts of themselves that more resemble features that would typically be associated with the opposite gender. For example, men who become much much more passionate and sensitive. I have definitely noticed this with myself. Ive become very, very emotionally sensitive. Ive also become more comfortable with the thought of my heterosexuality not being as solid as i might have originally imagined. There are also different reasons that people (males in particular) become bisexual or gay as well. This is simply from my own raw observation...males in particular seem to lean towards homosexuality when they cannot "get" females which is commonly caused by some kind of problem or weakness (may that be physical or mental). But then again, weakness in the kingdom of men is strength in the kingdom of God. But this is defo an observation of mine.
  7. i have a gram of DPT on the way hopefully it'll do better than what my 5meo did for me. Might have been a bit out of date. i just love the idea of cleansing my mind so much that i dont experience any kind of fear whatsoever during my DMT trips...i have glimpses of memories about it and holy fuck...its like i enter a different dimension of reality. I cant believe it every time its amazing <3
  8. Because I have a naturally psychotic mind I already am extremely sensitive and aware...so I didn't need hard practises to experience this. I contemplated hardcore long before I knew about leo and this place. I'm noticing some pretty nifty results now, some of which include; - incredible clarity and intelligence - massive degrees of self control - more in touch with social environments (I've become the "cool guy" in my class lol ?) - visualization, drawing, creativity abilities amplified. And each of these points have other sub points that manifest as a result. With clarity and intelligence I find myself solving difficult problems with ease in short spaces of time, my education is now effortless haha. I can see things like nobody else can. I get put on one shift with a new chinese colleague and I've learned how to speak 4 phrases in chinses perfectly, I can play classical and jazz piano, I can now draw very well. self control I've stuck to a diet and I'm in the best shape of my life, im wearing nicer clothes, talking to nicer people. Im more attractive. More in touch with social environments means that I can now relate to people better, I see now that friendship and relationships are about love. I'm connecting with girls better. This is without the use of the most powerful psychedelics, I've really been lagging with my psychedelics and kryia yoga. I won't tolerate any more of my laziness after the end of this month. I've ordered a gram of dpt, so I'll be using that to boost myself to
  9. @Dulinho Brilliant trip report, and your beautiful af girl, are you a singer? (Your pp)
  10. So you have a a concept about another concept and one of these you would like to stop knowing? Bro. Just watch your hand for 2 hours. You are not the one who removes, you are the one who is removed. Do not try to remove
  11. Clump your practises together, more power. Oh, and...forget everything
  12. My extremely powerful technique. I call it "in one ear, out the other" no joke. I make it my business to forget everything I am taught. There are some gentle guidances that are helpful like beacons that guide a plane when it's landing...for example, the knowledge that enlightenment is meant to feel like your losing your mind is extremely helpful... otherwise, when it starts to feel like your losing your mind you'll stop. But yes I agree with this post a lot. In one ear out the other
  13. Yo, I can't help but agree with this to a degree. An easy way to avoid any delusion is simply not believing you are God. It's not.avout beliefs after all. It will be realized deeply when the time comes. Believe nothing about spirituality
  14. @Vladz0r bro...keto is what I do. Haha keto Bros 4 lyfe ♥️
  15. Leo has one rule I notice that makes him the more powerful than probably all other teachers...he has no rules. This is so fuckin powerful. It's a principal, to have no principals. Wow, this is what makes leo explosive. Sadhguru and mooji remain calm and composed and delicate. They would never say a word out of place. They're...performance....is......exaggerated. they wouldn't dare recommend you break the law and consume psychedelics. They don't even know how powerful psycs are because they don't actively open their mind enough. Too much dogma. When someone decides in their head that they have no rules regarding their pursuit of consciousness, and that they take all the tools they have and exponentially amplify each one strategically with technology and bio-active technologies...they become very powerful. It's like a scientist in a lab mixing sets of two chemicals together to see which ones create the most powerful when mixed, THEN finding out what other chemicals can be moved together to create a chemical that, when mixed with the original chemical, becomes atomic and explosive. Ugh, this is what I live for lol. Maximization of maximization lol. A set of rules says "this is the truth, do not stray" but a truly wise man will say "the most important rule is to be free from rules." This is when God appears lol
  16. I was contemplating what intelligence is and what wisdom is. I have done nowhere near enough contemplation to be able to say for sure. But I think wisdom is the ability to connect things, and intelligence is the ability to retain things. I'm actually gonna contemplate that more...hmm.....
  17. Yes I do have an insight to share with you @BETGR164128 . Forget everything about behavior. Do whatever the fuck you want. Go snort a line of cocaine if you want. Then come back and practice kryia yoga. Religion is not the way. All of your efforts to try and be like god are actually your ego. Fuck everything you know. Go be bad and continue practising hardcore until you stop being bad accidentally. Do whatever you want. Do not try to be unholy and do not try to be holy. Do not obey what I am saying do not disobey it. PRACTISE. Ignore everything else. (Practises include psychedelics, js)
  18. If you say "I see ego in myself" the "i" is the real ego. That's why masters like being quiet, there is no master there to say anything
  19. I much prefer questioning reality directly. I find my.mind makes up all kinds of ideas about how things I haven't experienced directly didn't exist. If I'm contemplating things I have never directly experienced before I always do the "compare this to my actual hand" technique which simply identifies the difference between a concept and the actual hand without making any big claims like "this concept never actually existed" your just stating a fact, this is a concept and this is my actual hand. When questioning reality in your direct experience it gets more powerful. What is a phone, what is a computer, what are fingers, what are thumbs, what is a screen, what is sight, what is a question. Where is this question. What is this.
  20. @Leo Gura Could you provide a list of the most powerful practises from the Kryia Secrets Revealed book? Also, is it really important to practise the auxiliary practises? Really appreciate any replies from you or any other experienced kryiabans here thanks <3