Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Haha fuck
  2. @Leo Gura yo! Brill idea. Id attend a workshop if you were to hold one!!! Brilliant
  3. I have a super easy way of finding out truth. I just ask God and feel his still small voice echo in my being. I think it's the same as intuition. The intuition has literally got me to stop all practises recently and replace them with sitting...and just, not practising. I know this will be temporary. I feel the voice so strongly compared to when I originally started listening to it. If I was to cut the bullshit, I know that Leo is doing something that very very few people are doing or have done. Enlightenment itself is extremely rare, and Leo is going further hahahah. I know because I know. Its strange. Anyway, if Leo is going this far...and he says psychedelics are the most powerful...then by fuck, you can bet that I'm going to be taking psychedelics seriously. 5meo is my new favorite
  4. @Leo Gura powerful psychedelics and consciousness practises?
  5. We need refined and more powerful techniques! we need powerrrrrrful advice
  6. Deep selflessness sometimes appears as deep selfishness. One who is deeply deeply awakened can talk about how they are better at loads of things than you. This either requires a huge ego or no ego whatsoever...the only reason someone wouldn't want to say that they are better than you at a list of things (if they actually are), would be because they care how their going to look after saying it. Someone who is really selfless won't care. They'll say things that they know will sound proud, and not care anyway...because of how selfless they are. This is leo down to a T. I can see that he just doesent give a fuck lol. Absolutely selfless. He knows that he will look incredibly proud saying (true) things like, he is more awakened than anyone else...and the funny thing is, him saying this actually proves that he is probably right! He knows he will look proud saying these truths, and he still cares more about us receiving the truth than he does about how he looks! He's selfless as fuck lol. I will hopefully be as selfless as leo some day. I'm already pretty humble, but I have a real gifting for this work it would appear. So I can't wait to continue to grow and I will also look proud doing so ?
  7. Good and bad are constructs emerging from yourself (this is good because it's good for my survival, this is bad because it's bad for my survival). But this whole thing, the fact that "good and bad" is happening, is ultimately, Good. It's like if you have a daughter, she does beautiful things like starting a family, she also does terrible things...but to you, this play of "good" and "bad" in her, is all Good, her existence is Good, to you. Because there is something deeper, she is you
  8. @thibault @Marchino you know I can thoroughly say, I absolutely love the transparency that people can exercise when they lay aside their ego. I absolutely love it. Nowhere else would you get this kind of honesty. I nearly crave it. No, I used to crave it...now I literally can't stand not having it. ?♥️ . But yes in my case it's actually my karma that makes me lean towards homosexuality I think. Primarily from my mother and her father, I have inherited dark dark shadow traits and bad karma which made me an outcast. I was born with the karma and have always struggled to connect with anyone deeply. I was born with highly manipulative traits, psychotic mind, strange behavior as a child. Overly ambitious, over-involved, overly flamboyant, unpredictable, disjointed, thinking I was better than everyone else...and completely unconscious of the whole thing. I personally don't mind if I am straight or homosexual. I don't actually find much deep pleasure in sexuality at all. But HOLY FUCK, I get SO much satisfaction in enlightenment work. When I take psychedelics, aw...it's better than anything. It's amazing. It's the love man. I've noticed that Im starting to be able to develop actual emotional connections with girls and stuff. Before it would just have been about sex. So boring. What big "hard" men don't realise is, sex is pretty easy to get. But love...true, sustained love......this can only be attained by mastering yourself. Its easy to put your dick in a whole...but love, that is the jewel that is the hardest to find. ???
  9. Sure, path is the hardest thing in the world (or maybe the easiest thing in the world) but it's worth it lol. Is so fucking worth it. This is such a strong intuition of mine. It would be worth it if it took 100 years.
  10. @electroBeam yooo man, I've been feeling the same thing. Enlightenment isint here, reality is here
  11. Whats up my bro. You sound like your a very intuitive person, you instantly get 100 points for that. Its extremely important that you follow the voice of your own intuition. Its a lovely thing to be free and lost in the open space of directionless intuition. However it becomes even more powerful when you introduce some stabalization into it. Like beacons. Some examples of stability; having a specific hardcore meditation pattern and sticking to the pattern well. Having a powerful set of meditation techniques that are practisesd every day is amazing for stabalization. When you commit to one or two specific practises its like light converging in on itself, becoming purer and purer until it becomes like a laser that can cut through things. Theres a perfect ballance to strike between free-intuition and strictness. If you can strike this ballance you will become powerful. Dont be afraid to be hard on yourself, go slowly, passionately, powerfully. Ask yourself, "am i really taking this seriously?" use powerful tools. dmt, 5meo, dpt. A master is both, intuitive, and strict/decisive/accurate/powerful/badass. mixing freedom and intuition with precision and discipline is powerful af. Bring all of your concentration to self discovery
  12. nope, it'll take much more for me to realise what reality is. I'll need a slower, longer, more powerful trip. It happens to fast for me to retain a lot of it...im gona need to get good at plugging DPT. My bigget realization in this trip was that there are deep levels to go. heres my report:
  13. Hippity hoppity top'a the mornin' to ye ? This has nothing to do with meditation or enlightenment at all but sure, lol. I love this Simpson's Saint Patty's day clip haha. Fun fact, saint Patrick's was actually loyal to Britain and the Union Jack not Irish Catholicism, he was the one who brought protestantism to Northern Ireland ?☘️? hope everyone has a good Saint Patrick's day and stays CO-VID free haha ♥️
  14. 5meo breakthrough. I'm not gonna lie, I've been super scared to really take 5meo seriously, I've had a lot of shadow work to go through. Nearing the "start" of my psychonaught journey, I did DMT with a lot of shadow work and it's been haunting me ever since...until now. I've plugged 5meo before a few times, both to no avail. I've used this as a massive procrastination. However I've also secretly known that, by waiting, I will have sufficiently purified myself to withstand the full blow of a 5meo breakthrough. And I did haha. No vomiting. I have to say, this was quite beautiful...and I only now realise that this is infact the real start of my psychonaught journey. As soon as I smoked all of my anxiety left and a year and half an of kryia yoga, self enquiry mixed with a decade of deep metaphysical contemplation, acted footing on which I could stand as I leapt into the wordless realization that EVERYTHING is much different than what I thought. I instantly recognised that this was holy ground. I became INSTANTLY sensitive to everything in my direct experience so much and my body began vibrating and shaking like mad, but it was so good...it actually felt like, sexual. It felt amazing. I was shaking soooooooo much. Listening to this song at I took off... Now I know that 5meo is my new best friend lol. I have never been happier, not because of the trip...but because of something else I realized within the trip, this isint even the full "real" start. I instantly sensed that there were far deeper levels like leo says. I could feel it. It's like there was an ocean beneath me, and I was only starting to learn how to hold my breath lol. There was definitely a bit of nausea. Man, I feel like someone has just scooped me out and made me hollow. I must say, this was fucking incredible. Can't wait to increase dosage
  15. Just had my first full blown 20mg 5meo smoked breakthrough lol. Everything feels pretty funky lol
  16. Be careful, the ego is the one who believes that there is no ego haha. When asking the question, "who is getting scared" instead of answering this question with "spiritual" answers, realise that you are the one who sees all answers in your actual direct experience...then see everything, and realise that none of it is you. Do not believe this, look for yourself and see. Intuition, intuition, intuition ♥️
  17. @Tistepiste im not saying all guys who turn gay do so out of some kind of ailment but it is absolutely true that a lot of guys do. It is definitely an observation I have made. For whatever reason, guys who are extremely unattractive or bad at game tend to lean towards homosexuality. This has nothing to do with any kind of beliefs I have, and I don't mean to offend anyone but it's simply my observation. I'm not saying this is a bad or good thing, it's just a phenomenon that I see, and is not true for every person. Literally just a small observation of mine
  18. my daily practise is now kryia yoga followed by self enquiry following by the "look at your hand" technique which usually runs for an hour and a half. The hand technique is by far my favourite, its extremely powerful at the end of a meditation sesh. One thing i would say is this, i personally dont think self enquiry is taught very well here, mixed messages, unclear methodology. For the first year of my self enquiry i was analysing thoughts and thinking constantly. This is more contemplation than self enquiry. This website expresses the methodology behind self enquiry excellently in my opinion (https://www.yogajournal.com/meditation/the-shining)@Heaven "...introduce the question "Who am I?" The point of this question is not to engage the mind, because the mind inevitably gnaws on questions endlessly like a dog on a bone, with little nutritional benefit. Instead, drop the question into the stillness of your being like a pebble into a still forest pool. Let it send ripples through your meditation, but don't attempt to figure it out! When the pond is tranquil again, drop in another pebble and see what happens. Set aside any conceptual answers, such as "I am a child of God" or "I am consciousness" or "I am a spiritual being of light," and come back to the question. Though true at a certain level, these answers will not satisfy your hunger for spiritual sustenance." Asking the question, "what is aware of this thought" and instead of grasping onto "things" and "ideas" simply see that the perception of the thought is effortless. Following the intuition is absolutely key. Trust your intuitive unction over leo, over me, over everything. Let it morph and change your practise
  19. "If you do psychedelics properly you are not going to be looking forward to the next time your planning on taking a psychedelic, you do not do it for fun." - Leo In my own personal opinion LSD is a terrible drug in a few ways. i like a trip to be hard and fast. For me its like getting an injection, if the doctor administering the injection slowly edged the needle into my arm and dragged it out i would punch him in the face. I never like a trip to be too long without the help of MDMA, i need to know that if my trip heads in a bad direction, that im not gona be stuck in a twisting whirlpool of my own imagined hell for 12 hours. Also research "trip killers". With an mind that is relatively inexperienced with psychoactive compounds, i always recommend the good old candy flip (which, if im not mistaken, is mixing an appropriate amount of LSD with an appropriate amount of MDMA). This is a must have for me, LSD freaks me the fuck out. MDMA and LSD compliment and intensify eachother and trust me, intensification of MDMA is...orgasmic. Completely makes the trip much easier to handle and points it effortlessly in a positive direction throughout. My personal favourite compound is DMT, i havent mixed mdma and DMT in a while but when i did last time...aw man, it was brill. DMT is extremely intense and extremely fast...only lasts around 10 minutes for me but its powerful. MDMA and mushrooms has also been reported to be a good combo (watch out for nausea), and magic mushrooms last 6 hours (half the time of LSD). If i were you id do mushrooms (use MD if i need to) then try DMT then after a good few trips on that plug some 5meo or DPT. I have a gram of DPT ordered soon. My 5meo isint working rectally so im going to smoke 5mg and see what happens lol
  20. So without your own consciousness right now, you wouldn't even be able to say that consciousness is not primary
  21. I don't know what yoga is, I just do the practices
  22. When I eat something my mouth doesent say to my hand "thank you"... because they are both me. So importance is something that is projected from the idea that your one person. Things cease to be important when you awaken, promises etc. It's like your in a kings big palace thats all golden and royal and stuff. You see the king and bow for fear of execution doing with everyone else. Everyone is careful not to act inappropriately in any way in the king's presence. Imagine that you are following along scared as fuck. You don't even look any of the king's guards in the eye and you keep your head down. Then all of a sudden you remember and realize, "oh shit, yo...I forgot the king is my dad haha." Then you just stand up and command the guard to go get you a drink. And all of a sudden you don't have to carefully revear the statues and laws within the kingdom. You are part of the family who creates the laws! Similarly, realizing who you are frees you from the seriousness of big, scary concepts about things like "god" that you create in your head. Another analogy could be: you sending the king a letter, then worrying and panicking all night about what you said in the letter, hoping everything you wrote was ok...only to receive the letter back the following day, at which point you remember, "oh yeah...im the king!" Lol you can't take it seriously. Its like a dog chasing it's tail, don't take everything too seriously. Psychedelics are powerful, use them!