Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Like...the fact that the religion I was brought up to believe in was wayyyy off what the truth actually is. Like, facing the fact that enlightenment takes a shitton of work and hundreds of hours of dedicated practice...and that even then it's very rare. What really just scares me is sitting in some religion I've been devoted to my entire life only to realise that it's mostly BS, if I ever were to have realised it at all. And most religions are the same, even Buddhism.
  2. @Girzo I bought 5-MeO-DMT "Crystal Isolate" what does crystal isolate mean do you know?
  3. I would always usually just take MDMA and lasd at the same time. MD powder is usually always better than a tablet
  4. Anyone know what crystal isolate means?
  5. There is a massive difference. You must go through each step of the path in the correct way before you reach higher truths that later contradict the earlier discoveries. You must realize that you are nothing before you realize everything. In short, all of your logic and reasoning will not get you enlightened. It will create an idea on your head that you are enlightened. The ONLY thing that brings about enlightenment are hardcore practices including kriya yoga, self enquiry, hardcore dedication, contemplation with journal, look at your hand, SDS's, do nothing, vepassana and looooong psychedelic retreats (ideally with technique combo's and extremely powerful psychedelics that are administered in strategic ways). How far have your practises come? Have you started your 10 day long non-stop kriya/SDS combo 5meo retreat yet? while fasting the whole time?
  6. @The observer the work of realising you are God, as opposed to *thinking* you are God. The difference is immeasurable. Right now you are God dreaming that you are in actual fact a human who believes that he is God. Drop the belief that you are God and focus on the practices. This is a trap to God realization
  7. It's scary that guys like that dedicate their entire lives to a religion that will barely awaken them at the very very end of their lives... People are scared of facing the facts, I'm scared of not facing them!
  8. Just use 5 lol. *Sings in girly voice* ...dddaaarrkkneeeeeettttt...
  9. I'm pretty sure how it works is, everyone is actually an expression of the same "thing" and everyone has their own little universe that they themselves create. But when it comes to Actuality...my universe is the only universe that exists and the idea that you have a universe for you, is a concept that is also within my universe. And vice versa. I *think* that's how it works. What's more important is the understanding that this is not meant to be grasped logically. People are like "yeah I think I got enlightened"...if I drive a 100 ton train over you, do you "think" I just drove a train over you? If you "think" I just drove over you with the train then there's a high probability that that's actually just your imagination. When enlightenment comes, it is more obvious that 400 trains running you over from every direction at the same time. I know this from tripping. The practices are the only thing that actually being about enlightenment. Including contemplation, kriya, self enquiry, psyc retreats, do nothing etc.
  10. This is the video https://www.actualized.org/insights/how-to-plug-psychedelics
  11. @WhatAWondefulWorld you can actually do it. Here's some pro tips 1- watch out for any consistent drug use, psycs are best cuz they don't increase anxiety or depression. 2- absolutely use powerful psychedelics if your old enough. (Do things safely and carefully and test your chemicals). 3 - kriya yoga is bomb af here is a link to a post where you'll find details on how to practise kriya yoga This is how to plug (makes the trip smoother and longer) https://www.actualized.org/insights/how-to-plug-psychedelics DMT and 5meo aren't the same, 5meo comes in 2 forms hcl (this is for snorting and plugging) and freebase (smoking). Just don't do this if your not old enough. You just have to flip a switch in your head my man. Study Leo's material here on the site and on utube to use powerful practises. Kriya yoga, self enquiry, look at your hand, strong determination sits, vepassana, do nothing technique and psychedelic retreats. Hit it hard and keep it consistent. We're actually the lucky ones...those who suffer most deeply tend to get it more easily. (I respect what leo says tho, I am aware that I may be wrong and you shouldn't just believe me. But this is the advice I would have given myself. I don't know what age you are. Leo is very wise) I know what it's like to be in that living hell, like your entire existence is sitting on a nerve. For people to think your a weirdo, and for you to not be able to help it. For nothing to make you feel better. If you think your too young then that's cool, like I said...leo is probably way wiser than me rn. So just gotta make the choice.
  12. @WhatAWondefulWorld uhh...ok, just my opinion, but my advice would be the exact opposite to this... Meditation and intense consciousness practises are the only thing that fixed my fucked up head and life. I would strongly recommend you start doing hardcore practices for long periods of time with powerful psycs if you take your own happiness seriously. Anything else is a joke really. I don't know why nobody else is saying this...but if you have a notable amount of shadow work...don't focus on "making your life better" do hardcore consciousness practises! That is the means by which your life gets better!!!...haha. this is blatantly obvious. I'm actually a little surprised that nobody else is saying this... I was about to fail my education, I was a neurotic, toxic person who was twisted and toiled with deep deep suffering. And I knew I was fucked. I mean deep, deep suffering. I remember thinking "when will this ever stop" couldnt kill myself, would never do it. I've lived through hell ? if someone were to have told me "aww Aaron, get your life together before you persue enlightenment" that could have been enough to distract me from the healing and bliss which I now live in. I mean, holy fuck. Look at it like this, it depends how badly you want it... happiness I mean. If you don't pursue enlightenment...then I guess you either got fooled out of it, or you didn't want it bad enough. Feel free to stay in hell my friend, why tho? heaven is real ????? Deuteronomy 30:15 "See, I set before you today life and prosperity,death and destruction..." Choose life ?? then smoke a fat blunt when you win like the badass motherfucker you were created to BE! That's what I'm talking about. As soon as I get enlightened I'mma smoke a fatty
  13. ♥️ leo ♥️ Leos fine haha. God is confirming everything he says when I listen
  14. @WhatAWondefulWorld watch out mate, people who care about healing the most are usually the ones who need the most healing. I.e. people with the greatest mental health issues or physical illnesses. There's a blissful lightness that accompanies the realization that everything is pointless when it is realized in the correct way. And this takes a lot of work. It would be much more common to find someone who is depressed as fuck as a result of a shitton of shadow work. In which case that person should not be focused on the pointlessness of everything at all, since that is an idea in their mind. The realization must come about in the correct way.
  15. @docs20 I guess man. Like anything, doing it makes you get better at it. Ive definitely gotten better at hearing it. Actually the voice told me that everyone hears it and that just don't recognize it. John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice..." Job 33:14 "...God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it." I have to sort of "convert" the...essence...into a voice to be able to recognise what it's pulling me towards. Sometimes I get it clear and I instantly recognise it. Sometimes it's more subtle. It's always very vague just. But that's how I knew to listen to leo.
  16. This will be a short list of a few of my experiences with telepathy, synchronization and communicating with the entity that we call God. I was raised Christian, Baptist, and then eventually Pentecostal and a preacher man I'd consider half mystic (Andrew Wommack) taught me how to hear God's voice from his YouTube series "How to hear God's voice" and it worked! Really fucking well. Recommend anyone to watch it. Seeing Leo talk about downloading information from the Self, I instantly recognised that this was the same thing. Feeling into the field around you and pulling information from it. I've learned how to switch it on when I want now (a bit) but sometimes it surprises me. For instance about 2 or 3 weeks ago the word "telepathy" popped into my head, right before Leo shoots a video about telepathy and it never having entered my head before. And this is how I actually knew to listen to leo, one day I seen his video and the voice clearly said (not audibly) "x marks the spot" and I knew straight away. It told me it would show me something that would blow me away and cure me of everything. It was powerful!!! The voice also told me that it was going to change my name and offered me a last chance to take a different path right before I really began the consciousness work. Incredible. Ive also had instances where I was sitting with my friends and I instantly knew that one of the guys there was paying attention to me and seeing the truth in me telepathically without even looking at him. I didn't even say anything, it was so obvious that I just knew and kept it to myself! This is a Christianization of what Leo talks about, but it's a handy conceptual map for understanding an important function. @Leo Gura would there be a possibility that you would consider shooting a video regarding "hearing God's voice" and listening to the intuition? This could be an extremely valuable resource for many. ?
  17. @docs20 @docs20 most of the time it's extremely vague and clouded man, at least for me. I'd imagine that someone who's deeply enlightened would have a much easier time downloading specific information but I don't know. I have a feeling it's related, also, to the information you already know.
  18. Here are my notes for yoga I think Santata's "Supreme Fire" practise is in his book "Kundalini Exposed". Amazon link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kundalini-Exposed-Disclosing-Kundalini-Awakening-ebook/dp/B079LCCDMD That's a good chunk of the shit you need for yoga ? Follow intuition. Some of this info may be partial
  19. I do 30 mins self enquiry, then a little bit of light kriya yoga followed by looking at my hand for like 5 or 10 mins. Which usually adds up to about an hour. Once my 5meo comes I'm gonna ramp up my kriya yoga and start doing long ass 5meo retreats with kriya-SDS combo's. I've found that the legs stay painless for longer when you sit on a massive cushion with a small soft cushion barely raising you up at all. I'm also gonna cut my meditation beads so there are 10 beads and not connected at each end so I can keep track of my pranayamas without opening my eyes. Im also gonna try to find something that keeps my eyes shut and put in earphones. Maybe get an arm holder for my phone. Gona see how long I can SDS for. My intuition is telling me to practice do nothing as well so gona have to do that. 5meo will help lol. Gona aim for 3 days nonstop, then maybe 7 then 10 then 20. I don't know how I'm gonna eat haha I'll figure it out. I've also considered fasting for the entirety of the retreats up to 10 days. I've done long fasts before but they stretch your metabolism a lot is the only down side
  20. I don't confuse the situation any more than it needs to be. 1. Do hardcore spiritual practises 2. Do them a lot and consistently 3. Use correct form and technique. 4. Gradually add, correct and intensify the practices. More and more and more and more. And...there you have it. The perfect recipe for enlightenment. It's hard to stick to that tho^