Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Accepting evil parts of yourself doesn't mean you should act on them. Accepting those parts of yourself is the first step in process of healing.
  2. When I get enlightened im go a go out clubbing, dance all night with pretty girls and take one home I literally CANT FUCKING WAIT. I've been so excited to get good at administering my 5meo. As soon as I do, I'm gonna do some lovely 5meo retreats ?♥️ I love the feeling of just being absolutely blown away hehe. It feels brill to have my ego weakened
  3. 5meo isint meant to have strong visuals dw. Something I realised is, 5meo will be nothing like you imagined it to be, it will be imagination itself. I got super confused with my recent 5meo trip. For me the evidence of progress on this work isint with the feeling of progress, it's measured with the feeling of emptiness and other subtleties like your behavior etc. Since the beginning of...my path...I've became aware of awesome subtle results. Ive been able to overcome my drug addiction and I am so much happier and lighter. Everything is a joke to me now hehe. Not in an ignorant way, in a love way. I love everyone around me more. I can dance with my family! And listen to music with them! I couldn't barely stand my family before. So just, know what to look for when you look for evidence. And sometimes...your natural intuitive drive can be evidence on its own. I have barely needed to put any effort towards my drive towards enlightenment. I want it intuitively...more than anything in the world. But yes I agree with @Dand test your substances. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  4. I have no fucking clue what enlightenment is hahahaha. But I can feel it creepin up on me hehe
  5. @electroBeam oh I don't like having a high tolerance, it just means you need to spend more money on drugs and alcohol haha. Even though I don't really do that anymore now haha
  6. @electroBeam i too have an extremely high tolerance for all substances. I smoked 15 mg of 5meo recently, sure I felt my reality morph and change a bit but not much. Even with alcohol and all, it takes so much
  7. Existential confusion and periodic loss of touch with reality is symptomatic of some kind of shadow work in my opinion. Of course this is exactly what a mystic experiences, but he experiences it in a much more beautiful way. I have experienced both. I'm very existentially confused often but I can feel a deeper layer of knowing beneath that confusion. If your experiencing this kind of shit with no "deeper bliss" beneath it...then I'd focus on consciousness work instead of life purpose. Who wants to have a life filled with amazing things that you cannot enjoy because of your mental health? Absolutely pointless. I'd rather enter a state of perpetual bliss haha
  8. I'll check it out. Really would like to find a way to snort freebase though.
  9. I tried my first new batch of 5meo today. I did a 15 mg trip. My report it very simple. 2 main things. The first is, I have no idea what God is in the slightest. No clue whatsoever. It feels instead like everything is becoming everything and it would kinda be like what I'd imagine losing your mind would be like. So yeah. The come up felt very...empty And also, I experienced lots of euphoria in the trip from the last batch, no euphoria at all this time. And I did the old 5meo freebase mixed with vinegar and water and plugged...but this *did not work* for me once again! Very annoying. So I just smoked 15 mg instead. (Why might this not be working? Maybe just high "ass tolerance") (lol). *However*........I feel very very existentially...nice. I'm noticing that I enjoy silence much much more. Nearly like I can't stop being silent. Also, I can...feel...everything. it feels like I "know" my house and room. There's a connection there that wasn't there before. It's invisible but I know it's there. Definitely starting to feel the barrier between imagination and reality fade. ♥️ It kinda does feel more...royal and hightened
  10. Anyone know? Thanks guyZ (I'm thinking, if vinegar isint bad for your nose lol, maybe I could just use the tiniest amount of vinegar possible, pull it into a syringe, tilt my head back and let half drip into one nostril and half into the other?)
  11. @Dand it's awkward because I would have to use as little liquid as humanly possible and I'd likely have to keep my head upside down much longer than usual to allow the liquid to be fully absorbed by the walls of my nasal cavity. But I think your right, putting steamy 5meo that is reacting to acid up my nose...sounds like it miiiiiiiight be a bad idea, but I've never been much of a person to be too careful. I'll research and experiment with the idea of 5meo+tiny amount of vinegar+tiny amount of light coconut milk into each nostril and tip upside down. And I'll let you guys know if it works haha
  12. @Ry4n know a way to convert freebase to snortable hcl?
  13. Yo, I've tried twice now plugging 5meo. First time I believed I had "hcl" form so I just put a little bit in water, tried to dissolve it (barely dissolved at all) and plugged it...felt nothing. Then yesterday I got a new batch of 5meo freebase, 15mg again, dissolved it fully into 2 or 3 drops of vinegar, added water and plugged...but still nothing. I'm gonna eat some laxatives a couple hours before I plug to clean me out incase that's why it's not working and I'm gonna try 30-35 mg. Would anyone have any idea as to why this might not be working? Thanks guysz
  14. @Matti oh sorry I thought that was me he tagged in didn't see. Thought he asked me
  15. Do you know which of Leo's videos does he talk about the sensation of kinda losing your mind in?
  16. @Mattie yes I reckon a good breakthrough dose will do with lots of positive visualization ♥️
  17. @Rikimaus eh, nah I've had worse. This 5meo feels slightly more visual tho
  18. I don't believe a word that leaves leo's mouth, I only trust the inner voice and the direct experience. But I gravitate heavily towards Leo because everything he says is being backed up by my experience and god communicating directly to me hehe. Leo is the best...on earth, it would appear
  19. I'm starting my kriya yoga more hardcore now and I'm noticing instant results and syncs. One pretty powerful one, I was watching interstellar last night and I was getting mad synchronicity, the guy was having strange encounters with these "beings" that were giving him clues and hints throughout the story and help him find NASA and has is guided by these beings to leave his family and journey through a black whole near Saturn that morphs time and space and long story short it starts to get trippy as fuck. The black hole obviously manipulates time like mad, for example there's a planet they go onto and for every hour they spend on it it's 7 years on earth. At the end it gets super trippy and the guy literally effects from his space craft and goes straight into the middle of the black whole and he goes into this weird 5th dimension where he finds himself in an infinite manifestation of his old house and he sees his daughter and tries to communicate with her and then it's revealed that the "being" communicating to him the whole time was actually himself! Major syncs bois, major lol.
  20. Funny that your intuition knows this... Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
  21. I would just be careful because usually when someone who is considered a "master" says that "psychedelics are a distraction" what this sometimes actually means is "psychedelics are pulling them to deeper levels of consciousness and distracting them from their beliefs and ideologies of what enlightenment is."
  22. @Mattie id be interested in hearing the doses that Leo used. I recently got a gram of freebase 5meo so I could use this info. @Leo Gura would you tell us what dosages you used in your March retreat?
  23. @wavydude and yet...everything points to it being true. Something deep within me knows that leo is on the fucking ball. The fact that I am so sure of something that seems so incredibly weird and outlandish nearly makes me even more confident that it is correct.
  24. Actually no, id go as far to say that psychotic thinkers are actually more inclined to find meditation. I can speak confidently of this because I have lived it. Psychotics usually are tormented with their inherited minds and those with a weak spirit never find out what is wrong with them they just give into it and suffer continuously until they are...dead. This kind of suffering usually motivates the individual to find a source of healing much much more than the average person. Also there is a very interesting link between having no thoughts and having too many thoughts. I heard a quote one time; "The waters that the psychotic drown in, are the same water that the mystic swims in." I don't know who said it but it stuck with me. I have a feeling that holding the logical mind in meditation for long periods of time gives rise to The Mind, the greater Mind. I suppose the duality between thoughts and no-thoughts must be overcome