Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. @Dutch guy my stomach shook like mad when I did 15. I hope you didn't go straight for 30mg tho haha... Did you go up slowly?
  2. @Leo Gura hey btw man, have you been contemplating telepathy more recently? Do you plan on shooting a video about it?
  3. @OBEler when I administered the 30mg (plugged) I made sure my entire system was cleaned out, you don't wanna know haha. And man...30mg, that a lot. So I'm not gonna use any more product on experimentation, I'm pretty sure vaping will be my path here. Also btw, there's a phenomenon where lower doses can actually be harder because the ego is still hanging on, with one foot in the physical world and one foot in limitlessness, the ego can actually freak out more. Leo's talked about this before. Sometimes bigger doses are better
  4. @OBEler awesomeeee report my guy! I'm a little bit jealous of your ability to plug lol ? but sure ?. Let us delve into this project together ♥️. I'm getting super excited for finishing my coursework and having my first breakthrough on it. I'm thinking about having this playing in my ears the moment it happens (really like this song, sounds epiccc ?);
  5. This is a good example of why I never believe or follow anyone. And even the wisest, I follow loosely. Most people are just extremely stupid haha.
  6. Kitchen knives and sharp, household items are also quite dangerous. There are staggering numbers of accidental injuries and even deaths for many young (and old) people in America and the UK as a result of sharp objects in the house. These statistics would be slightly higher than psychedelics percentage wise
  7. I like concentration on the crown chakra, it's chakra activation and concentration rolled into one
  8. With regards to the OP...something I've been thinking about a little bit is what is my mind........ For something that is meant to be so prevalent, it seems so... invisible. What os a..."mind". I've also been thinking about what it means for something to "exist". And I love this little nugget of wisdom when applied to questioning reality and contemplating stuff... "The question is also the answer." Hehe
  9. AHHH!!! its like a better version of adventure time!!! my favoriteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. if your mental health is fucked up the only logical thing to do is become a hardcore seeker. take it slow and slowly intensify your practises. ive worked up to an hour and a half of kriya yoga/self enquiry every day. will be starting intense 5meo retreats soon. if someone has a mind that is broken, no matter how many "good things" you bring into your life...your life will probably still be shit because your mind will still be fucked up. i'd consider it utterly nonsensical to dedicate myself to anything else in the given circumstance...i was the same, but now im happy...and im going to get enlightened eventually...like, actually. learn how to do self enquiry, kriya yoga, practise for at least an hour a day and do 5meo retreats periodically and keep doing that until you enter a state of super knowledge, divine wisdom, perpetual bliss and eternal life...
  11. ...I haven't had any struggles with enlightenment work so far... Also, enlightenment work attracts people who need the most healing...I.e, people who are the most broken...I think a lot of the struggles that people claim to have *as a result of the path to enlightenment*...would still exist if they never heard of the path... (Could be wrong) for me, enlightenment is the only thing I do not struggle with...for some reason...I guess maybe it took a lot to trust the voice when it told me to keep quiet and continue practising, but that's about it. Now I know how to get the job done and I know I will...even if it takes me 50 years
  12. @Dutch guy interesting...I never thought about it that way before. My college work will hopefully be done soon so I'll be able to start doing consistent 5meo retreats and breakthrough in every one haha. @OBEler you should do whatever feels best for you. Just...don't limit yourself. Take a small bite at a time sure, but done be scared to become comfortable with taking slightly bigger bites of the cake ?? ? @Leo Gura always sorta says to Pace yourself and no need to rush.
  13. @OBEler I wish I could get rectal admin. To work. Unfortunate but sure. I also have a gram of DPT on the way so I'll try rectal dosing with that. Quite annoying but I'll make it work. @Space I can't wait to do a breakthrough dose. Vaping is obviously a lot faster and hard hitting but I've found that if I remain centered/focused it nearly feels like I can slow it down a bit. I'll be giving a report after my first 3 day retreat
  14. @OBEler your not pushing your problem onto my topic man haha ♥️ just like high school musical...We're All In This Together. For me, brother, smoking 5meo is still very comfortable around 10-15mg as long as i bring my mind to centeredness during the come-up. Now that I've kinda established that I [frustratingly] cannot plug or snort my 5meo I'm gonna do a 3 day retreat, do 15mg the first day, 20 the next then 25 the next. If I achieve a breakthrough on 25 I will do another 25mg trip straight after (as long as I'm comfortable). I will hopefully induce an enlightenment experience within the next fortnight ♥️ (I'm having lots of work to do with my college ATM though so I'm gonna have to focus on that to ? annoying. Everyone else is getting predicted grades instead of continuing their coursework cuz of virus...and we are the only ones who aren't. Not fair.) (Also I find the same with hcl. My 5meo hcl wasn't soluble at all...)
  15. @Leo Gura 2 grams of shrooms (most I've done) very little visuals, mostly feelings. 200ug LSD barely any visuals at all...just feelings and thoughts. I've plugged ketamine before (noticably less intense). I've broke through on DMT a few times at around 50 but it's chaotic af. Don't like it. 5meo is absolutely perfect, other than the trip duration. I will experiment to see if I can simulate longer trips with equal, back to back trips. No more than 3 at a time. I shall see
  16. I always think...if a person is in constant pain or torture...literally the *only* logical thing to do would be to stop the torture...by any means necessary. I had my own torture and it was getting to the point where I wasn't being able to get out of bed and I had to call my dad because I was trembling with anxiety and fear. I now do an hour and a half of self enquiry/kriya yoga every day and I'll be starting my 5meo retreats soon. I have never been happier...and the knowledge that my happiness will grow exponentially brings me even greater joy hehe. From deep torment to bliss ey. Can't wait to start playing with the big boys with 10 day kriya/SDS 5meo retreats hehe
  17. Don't believe you don't exist this is a subtle trap lol. Don't believe or disbelieve that you are your body/mind. Just look and see. Kriya yoga is good for creating the silence in which you find yourself.
  18. I think I just need a good old 5meo breakthrough experience or two hehe. Can you snort vinegar/5meo? Lol
  19. Haha, I have no idea what reality is...or what non-duality *actually* is. I don't know what consciousness is I don't know what my mind is. I don't know what infinity is (other than concepts). I know nothing haha.
  20. The nondual luck of the Irish ???
  21. Ket is so good. It's delicious, my fave drug. However it's also extremely addictive and an antidepressant...which means if you take it lots it'll start to fuck you up.