Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Smoke DMT lol. For me, letting intuitive voice guide me was instrumental
  2. I usually just smoke 5meo in the morning before breakfast, easy. And I also usually trip while on my bed. I know Leo said one time he likes tripping on the floor (in his living room I'd guess). Haha holy shit I'm so happy that all of this is real lol
  3. Let me just add one thing to this... I get the feeling that a lot of people have weak ass practices set up and they only focus on feeding their mind with a shitton of CORRECT information about spirituality. Without hard-as-fuck practices and long, powerful, hardcore psychedelic retreats...this becomes a new religion. The most important thing about spiritual concepts is abandoning them in the MUCH GREATER light of actual realization
  4. ...so, love....... This just popped into my head! I became aware of it as I was thinking about leo, whom I can honestly say at this point, I really love the guy, but it feels like when I want to say something about it I just feel uncomfortable and prefer to be silent. WHY IS THIS?! Very strange... It feels like for those I love the most, there is nothing to say and i cannot think of anything to say to them AT ALL, it really confuses me. Anyone have any insights about this? *silence* ?♥️
  5. @OBEler nah mate, doesn't work for me. Gonna vaporise it in a classy crack pipe ??
  6. @Meta-Man @Serotoninluv was contemplating there... Wouldn't it be silly, rather, insane to sit and try to communicate to yourself if you were sitting alone. I think I'm starting to see it...that love is a removal of little ego's and the dissolution of separation....sameness. and why would you talk to yourself if you are yourself? Haha. Very interesting
  7. @OBEler also remember the variable of how deep you plug it. Apparently this can affect it greatly also. Will be doing 5meo retreat from Monday to Wednesday 20mg first day, 25mg second day and 30mg third day. I'll increase or decrease my dosage depending on how my tolerance fares...gonna go for maybe one or two breakthroughs. Then hopefully get comfortable with 5meo retreats and aim towards 15 day retreat
  8. @Serotoninluv good idea also lol..? @Leo Gura this one goes out to you ? Roses are Red, DMT's Yellow, Leo is Bald But Still A Sexy Fellow ???♥️ ??
  9. I think it's just a matter of exposing yourself to the truth many many times at deeper and deeper levels each time to get it to stick. A few people have told me that it took them 3 years for "full awakening". I think, if you're practising powerful stuff like neti neti, kriya yoga and working towards at least 10 day 5meo retreats...it would take no more than 10 years. It would be a big mistake to think your gonna get it without the practices. I do an hour and a half of kriya yoga and self enquiry everyday. If, after a handful of 5meo retreats, ive made significant progress I'll consider the prospect of doing 2, 1 hour sits a day. Might try it over summer. Then aim towards the 30 day 5meo retreat, but I'm nowhere near there yet
  10. @WhatAWondefulWorld pretty good man...I'm kinda happier than I've ever been before. Super excited for my 5meo retreat from Monday to Wednesday...just a wee three day one. My 5meo tolerance is quite high so I might have to smoke 30mg to breakthrough, and depending on how the breakthrough goes I'll do 2 breakthroughs on the Wednesday ?. Did a DMT trip today, was amazing. I can feel my mind becoming as hard as steel and as compassionate as a romantic lover. Quite a strange combination. Speaking of combinations, I'll be doing SDS combo's with kriya yoga and concentration. Gonna do some "do nothing", self enquiry and probably vepassana. Have to work out the food and stuff and arrange to do my 5meo trips right before I eat so the meal I ate before hand doesn't come back up haha. I'm super siked for 5meo breakthrough man
  11. DMT: everything is becoming everything and nothing is becoming everything and imagination is becoming reality and blah and this and that and FIRE and I have no body and ALIENS and INTENSE COLOURS holy SHIT i E.X.I.S.T FUCCKK THIS IS AMAZINGGG AHHHHHH NDHWHSGZJSOWEHFOWBS EWJSBEBDIE!!!!!!!!NEIWJABB!!28$ASKSBWEBUK??-+3???-$;#???️???????;47???;($??31_2';9???????;$-???!!!!...AHHHHHhh....oh, I'm back hehe? That's what my trips feel like ? hahaa
  12. Like...these guys are talking about awakening.......and I'm nearly 100% sure that their techniques and practices are nowhere near as powerful as the ones leo practices. Like...i know that if (and when) I awaken, I'll realise that there is nothing to get etc and that all soft teachers are pure as well yada yada yada...but I just can't take someone seriously if they're talking about enlightenment without the same degree of accuracy, power and articulation as leo...I just can't haha. I can probably guarantee that my practices alone are more powerful than that guy. I love him and what he says is nice...but its....just nice...I think I don't know the guy, I could be 100% wrong
  13. It would interest me to know who focuses on information and "teachers" more than practises. I get the feeling that a lot of people have weak ass practices set up and they just feed their mind with a shitton of teachers and information about spirituality
  14. @MsNobody i think I have the solution to that problem. Try selecting "open image in new window" and selecting the url for *that* window then pasting and hitting enter here. Or try screen shotting the picture instead of saving it as this can reduce the official size of the image
  15. @Javfly33 i have no idea how it works or why it works...not exactly. I know it stills the mind. It's pretty good. From what I've heard the kriya pranayama and concentration are probably the two most important parts. I do 40 pranayama 2's from the Kriya secrets revealed book followed by 10 mins concentration on crown chakra. Really hardcore concentration
  16. I remember the day I found out santa clause doesn't exist haha I guess an enlightened one will find out that he does infact exist along with all other mythical beings...haha
  17. @assx95 hahahah. Reality does seem quite consistent doesn't it. I have no idea how it's "a dream" if it even is. I guess I can loosely grasp the concept of what a [night time] dream is (which is kind of weird and vague)...and I guess right now I have very little evidence to suggest that reality is "a dream" occuring...nowhere, which sounds equally strange and weird... However...I cannot deny that something is CLEARLY telling me to listen to leo and I know that I know that something is here that does not fit with the idea that everything around me is physical reality. DMT has shown me this. I would say that taking the idea that reality is a dream as dogma could be a trap. I hold all of these spiritual dogmas as hypothetical topics to be proven or disproven. I also hold the idea that reality is physical as a hypothesis to be proven or disproven. I understand very little of this with my mind, but my heart is sooooooooooooo sure. I would bet you £1000 legit, that reality is not what we think it is. Use psycs, and don't be afraid to be honest and say you don't know if that's what is true
  18. @Dutch guy interesting... For me I find it best to try to remain centered and focus my mind gently on the come up. For me, this really helps with stabilization so you can look around and see what reality is at the height of the trip instead of just being completely caught off guard. Nearly like trying to contemplate while I'm in the trip