Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Yes, eternal life, perpetual bliss, super knowledge and divine wisdom. Also man, don't worry about understanding too much. Get a basic conceptual frame for how this stuff works for a kind of "loose guidance" but then forget it after...your job is to do the practices. It's like if you studied how to fall in love in an imaginary college for 20 years but then one day you see this lovely chick and all of your learning goes out the window and you float towards her and all you feel is the feeling, and you talk to her and boom it is effortless. Doing something with your head is different than doing something with your heart. What I've said before; the most important part of spiritual concepts is abandoning them in the much greater light of actual realization.
  2. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Believe nothing Leo says. Believe nobody here. Do not believe anything. Do the practices and be real. Hold what Leo says as a hypothesis to be proven or disproven
  3. @Javfly33 when meditating for like 11 hours a day, do you not find that you need to do back stretches? I've found that the legs are not the main problem. My legs get painful after about an hour and a half of meditation without movement, in my regular sits I do kriya yoga (still the mind) then an extra round of Maha mudra before half an hour of self enquiry to reset the legs pain clock. I'm going to get good at smoking 5meo (going to have to smoke 35-40 mg for breakthrough) and get good at meditating consistently during a retreat. 5meo is just so fucken expensive, and I can't plug it so I need to take a shitton of it to get the same results as someone who can plug. I'm gonna try to plug dpt, and gonna try to get some cheap darknet vendors from abroad. Germany and neatherlands will be much cheaper.
  4. Yo wtf, im having to smoke 40mg to try to breakthrough on 5meo. Anyone else have mad high tolerance?
  5. @IAmTheHolySpirit waw, your really spiritual. Thank you ♥️ what practices do you use to get you to this point of realisation? How long do you practise a day?
  6. Soooo, did my three day retreat. Didn't go too bad. Little extra text here but not too long ♥️ Held the retreat in my bedroom, only left to shower and shit lol. Made food and juice for three days. Plan was to sit for 3 hours at a time, rotating through Kriya Yoga, self enquiry and do nothing. Did from Monday morning to Wednesday 9:30 pm. Quickly found out that my legs wernt the problem, my back was. I thought, "holy shit there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to literally sit in the same position all day" so I alternated one hour meditation technique, one hour back stretches and sitting silently on a chair. And did that every hour, cycling through the techniques. At some point I decided to make my cycle Kriya yoga, Concentration, Self enquiry. Did a 20mg 5meo trip at 9pm first night, felt kinda weird...quite hard to say what happened, my bed sheets felt like they started crawling up on me haha. I did another 20mg hit soon after, not bad. Second day did the same meditation cycles smoked a big ass bowl of 3 generous servings of 10mg (30mg 5meo). Instantly started to see the barrier between reality and imagination fade but it was so fast. Id compare it to sticking your head out a car window at 200mph in a sandstorm for 5 minutes hahahah. I looked at my table and it was dancing about SOOOOO MAD lol. I was able to concentrate on it a bit. Then final day my back was quite sore, but stretches helped. Concentration was getting good, started feeling parts of my past heal. Messages coming from God to me and knowledge. I cried a bit here and there, I have a new found value for my family and friends ♥️ same meditation cycles, did 2, 20/25mg 5meo trips (smoked) something really weird happened here. It was nearly like I could control it. I smoked 20mg and felt absolutely nothing.......then another 20mg and boom super sensitivity. Then I did another 25mg hit later the last day. All in all, I didn't meet God but I know I've grown. I don't know what it is, or how the fuck I'm gonna discover it...but I know for sure I've grown. I feel...good. I feel matured. I am kinda upset about the fact that I cannot plug 5meo, I have a feeling that trip would be so beautiful man...damn. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't confused more but that doesn't matter, I'll keeping hitting it harder and harder until it breaks. The 5meo smoked is just so fast there was one point when I smoked 25mg and the sensitivity was amazing, I left my body. Really something. So a few points and questions. I started hearing the sound of a rattlesnake lots for the full three days nearly in fact. I heard it when I contemplated deeply and remember the coiled serpent in the spine holding me to this Earth and also the snake in garden of Eden. It felt, deeper, than just my imagination. Anyone have any similar experiences? At this point my main signs of progress are subtle. Like maturing in my character, strengthened will power and discipline/focus. I was very VERY focused when I was questioning the what it means for something to "be real" at the end. Other results. When I look at something now, it's like I can see more...like in a slightly higher definition. And I'm much more aware ?? I have this weird thing now where my presence disarms everyone. And I'm aware of it. Kinda sounds strange but...yeah. also starting to just barely grasp that, unless I hold something as a belief, is it not real. I have a question @Leo Gura do you alternate between meditation and not meditating? I couldn't do SDS's because of my back pain. (Conclusive summary: happy with my 3 day 5meo retreat. The 7 day one will be even better ♥️ gonna aim for 15 days. I'm also not discouraged about my confusion at all...I will never stop ever ever ever until I have made significant progress to full enlightenment.) The image of 5meo I've included was the one when I did 3 generous scoops of 10mg. That was powerful. Mad colours and things floating in the air. My table was dancing like mad
  7. @Leo Gura how long is a dpt trip smoked leo?
  8. Haha that's actually what I plan to do lol. I'll probably be sitting in infinite realms of tangible bliss, and just roll myself a fat blunt with some purple kush ? a wee joint here and there is no harm if you are aware enough
  9. I was so surprised how wrong I was about weed. Now that I'm a bit more aware I see it everywhere. All of my friends, every time they smoke. I see it EVERYWHERE. It is BAD for your mental health when smoking every week. It causes an imbalance in your dopamine levels when smoked regularly. This dramatically affects mood, iritability, self esteem, motivation, etc. Notice how people don't usually smoke weed once or twice a month...usually someone who "smokes grass" smokes once or twice a week, and a lot of the time once or twice a day. More notably, regular use of this substance can amplify mental health disorders, like psychotic disorders etc. It is also extremely common to experience conaiderably increased paranoia, anxiety and general depression. I remember I couldn't get out of bed because of how bad I was at one point. My family have a little bit of a past with substance use and I'm trying to shake it. My solution? Use shrooms or lsd instead.
  10. @Preetom I'm 22 lol, I look young. My face doesn't match my mind I think haha By the way everyone...I think forgot to mention, when I was doing my concentration, the bottle cap I was staring at kept disappearing and colours started to turn black and white...does anyone have any suggestions for concentration? What to use? I was thinking maybe an electric candle...brighter
  11. @Skin-encapsulatedego my number 1 goal is enlightenment, I'll get enlightened and die trying at this point it would take something extremely large and significant to push me off my goal of awakening. If it takes until I'm an old man, so be it, may it happen 5 seconds before i die of old age, I will achieve it. But yes, my life purpose isint clear atm. I feel my heart is to start my own business of sorts... consciousness work is making me more clever and competent. If I had to guess I would say that I'll probably be a teacher of some kind, philosophy or truth. I'll have a better idea 3 or 4 years into my path with regular 5meo and dmt retreats. It's the perpetual bliss that just sounds fun lol ?
  12. @Leo Gura there's obvious some reason haha, do you have any recommendations for how to squeeze the juice out of 5meo trips when being forced to smoke it? Seeing as it's a lot shorter
  13. Nah not overwhelming like. And yeah I really did shit everything out right before a 30mg dose plugged and felt absolutely nothing. My fridge was filled with sandwiches
  14. @Dutch guy See the way you know that something is happening to you. I had the same sort of thing. I actually started asking the universe what each year was going to bring me and it typically came true! I might actually read a few books on enlightenment and truth, it's a little bit of a curse it's kind of the only thing I'm interested in...I know for sure that my life purpose is truth oriented. It's been the only thing I've ever been interested in and nothing else interests me other than truth, real truth has SO much power. I might read Martin's book
  15. Fair enough haha. I'm not discouraged at all, Martin ball smokes it... Gonna research all the dynamics of how smoking it works. Ways to smoke it, how to manipulate it to my advantage. Perhaps smoking multiple doses spread out. I have a feeling that doing this may enable me to squeeze the juice out of the trips more. I have a feeling I'm going to use DMT and shrooms. 5meo is very expensive...I'll still use it like. My intuition is telling me to stay with 5meo and not turn my back on it. The sensitivity to everything for those few short seconds on it are beautiful and transformative. If Martin claimed to get enlightened by smoking it, then I sure as hell can. I need to contemplate more and listen to what my heart is telling me.
  16. Haha, right...I got coconut milk, added it, a bit less burny... tolerable, but nothing much. Increased consciousness but not more than shrooms or LSD. Felt very clean but not powerful. Gonna focus on different ways to smoke it. Shrooms for longer, contemplative sessions and DMT and 5meo for shorter, stronger experiences. ♥️
  17. @Leo Gura @Dutch guy so I didn't have any coconut milk and neither did my shop so I used some skimmed milk instead. Dissolved 40mg of 5meo in vinegar then sucked the milk into the syringe but it started crystalizing in the vinegar and went lumpy and didn't mix with the solution. So I gently squirted it all back out on the spoon trying to waste as little as possible, got rid of the milk, put water in it got on my bed put my head back and put the syringe deep in my left nostril, but as soon as a little bit went in it burned the inside of my nose quite a lot and put me in a shitton of pain. Is coconut milk a necessity leo is that why this didn't work?
  18. @Dutch guy it's strange man, it doesn't feel like going up a level, it just feels kinda like something is "thinning out". And actually it did bring some memories up, and I realised that things I beat myself up for we're actually the most beautiful things. Very nice. I can't even remember it mostly but I feel the healing. I was meditating while it happened. I can fully control my body on it man, don't know what to tell you. Of course, I control my body until I realise that there is no me controlling it, which also happened when I left my body. I gasped and looked around me like I wasn't there. But I NEED to find another ROA so I'm gonna go up to the shop at the top of my road, buy some Coconut milk and stick 15mg up each nostril in 10 minutes here. I'll tell you if it works
  19. @Leo Gura will try this ♥️ btw, your an awesome teacher
  20. @Leo Gura I was thinking about that actually. Gonna get my hands on some LSD or shrooms. I like shrooms tbh. But leo, do you know any way to convert freebase 5meo into something snortable? Vinegar is extremely awkward trying to snort... I have gotten hcl before but I'm not the only one who has noticed that some hcl 5meo can be extremely insoluble...any tips or advice here?
  21. If something in your body is stopping your 5meo from working, you'll be tempted to increase and increase and increase the dosage, then if that thing that stopped you from tripping goes away all of a sudden and you have 30mg trip...haha...your gonna have an intense skull fucking session with God for 20 minutes haha. I don't much experience with plugging. Maybe...ask the boss @Leo Gura
  22. Maha mudra helps get the blood back down to the legs
  23. Did you take a shit before hand? Must take a shit. Be careful not to catapult yourself into a heavy ass breakthrough
  24. Jesus...I'd rather go jerk off for an hour. Why are they talking about the same thing....slowly....and strangely for extended periods of time? Plus...Leo said there was barely any water in his tub? Life threatening? Haha. Alright Also, I'd be interested in hearing about what these have as practises. I wonder how their hour and a half every day kriya yoga self enquiry practise go. I wonder how their 7 day intense 5meo retreats are going...even though that's quite little. I'd be interested to hear how their enlightenment experiences went...yeah. I wonder how their enjoying perpetual bliss and eternal life