Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. Just do a shitton of practices and psychedelics ♥️ it works ?
  2. I've found speaking and visualizing affirmation quotes and words to myself really helps me calm down if I'm ever freaking out. I just keep saying "it's cool, I'm fine, everything is fine, I'm alright it's all good, I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine" it really works after a bit of consciousness raising work done for a year or two
  3. Man holy fuck, if literally everything is a dream...there are some hefty ramifications that come with that...
  4. We need to be especially careful with thc, psychotics experience amplified degrees of anxiety...and psychotics are the ones who are most likely to be drawn to this site. Try cbd grass man, gets you stoned out, but no anxiety, like a bee sting...without the sting part https://www.justbob.shop/ ^ cbd weed. Legal everywhere (Btw I've had terrible experiences with thc, I remember I was so fucked up at one point that I couldn't leave my bed and I thought I was fucked) watch out.
  5. I feel like it wouldn't be a good idea...something about that doesn't sit well. But then again, if your not making yourself out to be this unrealistic holyman (i.e if your being real) then what is a retreat with a "teacher"...other than a group of friends experiencing God together. And if it's at that level of authenticity, why not have sex...infact, everyone should have sex if they wanted to id say. Why not? I'm sure there are other things that could be said about it, but I see nothing wrong with getting your dick wet if the opportune moment arises hahahhaa
  6. @Nahm see when I talk about enlightenment, for me it's like talking about sex. Really, there are two ways to know what sex is...knowing with your brain (even though apparently brains don't exist haha) and knowing by actually having heated sex with a sexy slut ??? I know intuitively that I am knowing more and more what awakening is, experientially, but when I try to configure and verbally articulate what is happening to me...it feels like I'm working away from what enlightenment is. For me it's exactly like sex, the more you think about it the less it happens naturally. I know leo said that confusion is a sign of growth and that it's meant to feel like your going insane. So for now, instead of looking for God, I will look for myself and I'll look out for the signs of progress, confusion, sensation of insanity and reality falling apart
  7. @Nahm I guess when I say "I will become God" I'm referring to the experience in which I realise that nothing separates me and God (whatever "I" and "God" are, since I don't know what either of those things are)... I guess I'm pointing to the time when I realise that the differentiation of "me" and "god" is removed. I think I understand the phrase "no-differentiation" as opposed to "non-duality" It's very confusing. I just keep a loose conceptual understanding of this all and keep doing the practices...I have faith in the practices, and in 5meoDMT
  8. @Nahm I don't really know what duality is
  9. I do not know what this is...not really (you spelt it wrong btw) lol. It feels like I'm getting distracted from what I think enlightenment is, and the thing that is distracting me is the reoccurring phenomenon of experiences in which I see [more and more] that everything around me is not what I think it is. If it were, it could not do what I see it do when I smoke dmt. When I forget the word "enlightenment" and look at the impossible things I see when I smoke, i think I get closer to what awakening is
  10. @Dumuzzi I really like that, that natural way seems pretty cool and spiritual af. I just cba with all that extra practice, I just order pure 5meo from darknet. Very efficient way. Although Im worried in case vaping different forms of DMT might be bad for the lungs...worth it in my opinion
  11. @Nahm ive actually come to the point where I really can admit that I don't know what anything is really. I don't know what reality is, i don't know what God is, I don't know what I am. But I hear the voice of the spirit telling me to keep quiet as I continue to intensify my practices. I find it more helpful to see what reality is not. I look around observe my room, establish as best I can what I think "it" is...then I smoke a big ass pipe of 5meo and observe and compare the two. Then do that a few times. I've been kind of lazy recently, smoked weed, chilling out...had lots of stomach pain recently and haven't practiced in 3 or 4 days, but I'm gonna come back at it and hit it hard. Then do a 7 day 5meo retreat and try hit at least 3 big 5meo breakthroughs.
  12. ?????????????????? Becoming a literal God (being immortal etc) is something that requires incredible suffering, I just keep reminding myself of the gravity of actual awakening, all of life and human existence answered, all religions, all questions, death, answered...and man, the perpetual bliss, that's something I can't wait for ?????????????????????. Do you use 5meo @Dumuzzi
  13. Well enlightenment is basically discovering the truth of what reality is. I think. The real truth remains the truth in all situations and circumstances...so when you take a powerful medicine like 5meo everything gets shaken up, but the truth is the only thing that doesent get shaken up, making the truth easier to see. Very fucking powerful. Nah, at this point leos word is pretty trustworthy...if he says you need psycs, you need psycs. I think he talks about how those who attain enlightenment without psycs are very rare and naturally gifted for the spiritual work
  14. @Consilience absolutely man. People say "it effects different people different ways" but from my observations this is only the case for a given period of time...in my observations 100% of the results say that thc really starts to fuck up your mind and mental health. I was surprised how bad it was making me feel
  15. Watch out boss, thc will fuck you up eventually. Trust
  16. It can look a lot like teachers change their mind but they're just switching between different perspectives and different sides of a paradox. Like when leo says "nothing exists" in one video and "everything exists" in another video, an unschooled noob would say "oh he's changed his mind he knew he was wrong." I am nothing/I am everything etc
  17. Just learn how to use the darknet and get a shitton of 5meo that's what I did haha. If you smoke 5meo (assuming your the right age etc) you instantly get what takes years and years of practice. This should be your real goal. I just wish people stopped pretending they aren't powerful and can't use powerful techniques
  18. Bro, if you were told "there's £1,000,000,000 waiting for you at the end of a 250 mile long road" and you see a scooter, a bicycle, a car, and a motorcycle...would you be asking "what is the the simplest method of transport I can use" or "what is the most effective method of transport I can use. I can guarantee you I'd be on that motorcycle and there in half an hour. You can waste YEARS of your life using the easiest methods. Why not start with some little kriya yoga visualization practises and self enquiry? And psychedelics are the equivalent to a super-motorcycle...use them lol. Obviously you don't start with a big 45 minutes a day, but aim for that! I literally don't see why anyone wouldnt use the most powerful techniques. "Do nothing" is one I need to ramp up in my own sadhana
  19. I'd be interested in hearing how often leo trips these days ...
  20. @WHO IS oh my God!! I've never seen someone else who says brosky!!! ♥️♥️