Aaron p

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Everything posted by Aaron p

  1. ^ aye, probs be sweet in a month. I find the opposite with psycs, I can have wayyyyyy more complex af concepts and multiple concepts going on in my head at the same time.... That's just my experience
  2. @Nahm warping reality intensely in a clear and high definition. Leo talks about how 5meo in particular has great potential for permanently raising consciousness (for normal people). I'm wondering if there are any other powerful as fuck psychedelics that would be close to the same caliber of 5meo...... I can't use it effectively ....a psyc that could permanently increase consciousness like 5meo
  3. Well...anything that makes you feel good can absolutely be addictive. I'll not get addicted to it like I'm too careful. The compound is very useful in separated time spaces
  4. I had time off work booked for a 5meo retreat and I just completed that retreat last night. I got up around 10 every day and meditated one hour and did back and leg stretches and sat silently when not meditating every other hour and just alternated. I smoked 5meo multiple times every day. Main practices we're: self inquiry, [a little less of] kriya yoga, do nothing and a good bit of contemplation on what is the mind, reality, God, thoughts etc. I smoked a SHITTON of 5meo. I find 5meo very very strange, extremely strange ..it nearly feels like I can literally control what happens in the trip. Like, literally...if I smoke 30mg and focus, I can make it so literally nothing happens...is this normal? Day 1 I did allow myself time to relax when I was getting very tired and I listened to relaxing meditation music like this: The trips were kind of weird and hard to pinpoint what the fuck was going on, but I trusted the the spirit of 5meo would take me to where I needed to go. I was smoking 20mg pipes mostly first day. The main thing I took away from my 5meo trips is the strength I feel after, absolutely amazing. I feel so much stronger after now. I sort of concluded that 5meo is...whatever you imagine it to be. Had one bad trip today but was all good. Lots of meditation. Successful. Day 2 had a 30mg pipe and a massive emotional breakthrough in which I realized that I had a big reservoir of pent up emotion regarding the death of my grandma and i let out SOOO much emotion and realized that my Dad loved me and that he just wanted to spend time with me. I had that emotional breakthrough to this song: This was definitely one of the more powerful experiences. I realized that I need to value my family more. I wept for a good 10 minutes but it was blissful. The strength I felt after was...haha...awesome. so strong. That was the first big pipe I smoked. Day 3 Today I got my first real direct awareness that I might actually be inside my own mind which was an interesting one. Contemplation upon what the "mind" is was focal today. Today I noticed that everything seemed quieter and slightly more beautiful. I really did smoke a lot of 5meo, I was worried about my lungs but then I remembered Leo talking about 5meo's traits of removing and healing addiction. Im trying to stop smoking tobacco and weed ATM so even if 5meo is bad for my lungs, it'll likely help me stop smoking the other stuff easier so it'll not be as bad for my lungs. I had one more bad trip at the end of this day where I experienced a lot of confusion. This confused me since all I had gotten was strength up until then but I composed myself and thought, could be ego backlash...or just a bad trip ah well. Meditation was good, self enquiry, do nothing, some concentration...on point ??? Day 4 Today I really was kind of scared to smoke more 5meo cuz I ended on a bad trip the previous day but I smoked a little 10mg pipe (little for me) and felt back to normal. Today I contemplated deeply and realized that the imperfect parts of myself that I hate would be transformed and turned into the parts of me that will cause me to have massive success in life! Amazing ? I realized that I have to love myself more. I still don't have direct knowledge of what "love" is but I'm getting a shitton closer. Meditation was solid, wasn't too strict. Went on my phone a bit relaxed a bit, at the end of the day it was 5meo doing the majority of the heavy lifting and it wouldn't have made a difference if I went on my phone for 10 minutes lol (don't judge me). Day 5 Today I got my first real direct experience of there not being a me who finds or is found...just a taste but I got it. Looking inward and seeing nothing. Today I was MUCH more grounded and was very comfortable smoking my 5meo. I was...extremely centered and had very little fear when I focused. I am starting to feel a lot of STRENGTH. It also felt like when I *actually* looked at things in my room they changed. So my TV existed as a TV, until I looked at it...at which point it wasnt a TV anymore...it was something else. A different thing (dream material perhaps). I smoked 40mg pipe in a state of super centeredness and...frankly, wasn't impressed. I find DMT much more profound if I'm honest. Maybe I have a natural inhibitor to 5meo or something. If smoking 40mg didn't leave me with a life transforming experience, then I don't know if plugging with the new boofing technique is even worth trying...I'll try it nevertheless. The main thing was trusting the 5meo to do its job. The main thing I felt was the strength and centeredness. Im Very very strong afterwards. VERRRRY strong. I have faith in 5meo and the practices. I also got some DPT yesterday so gonna see how that is. Didn't meet God...but I know what God is at a low level. I do know, and I can see it directly... slightly. I'll keep trying to actualize it more and more. Conclusion/summery happy with my retreat, 5meo makes me very strong and mentally focused. I can sit for days and contemplate on it. I became a movementless Buddha statue for about 15-20 minutes after my 40mg trip. Was pretty cool. And I guess profound as fuck. Happy with progress, still have faith in the guru to take me to where I need to go, Nirvana. Going to be experimenting with MDMA/DMT combo's soon, super excited. Very very good???? #/#/U-P-D-A-T-E/#/# Soooo update, turns out the universe was planning on me apparently partaking of a reasonable amount of high purity ketamine last night, known for it's dis-associative effects. I'm aware that this substance is addictive, I haven't taken it in a long while, and won't take it for a long while again. Very very profound experience directly after my 5meo retreat. The only thing I can say is waw, everything is so fucking beautiful and I am opening up like a flower, emotionally, psychologically...waw Could be a delayed response from the 5meo haha. The sun looked 10 times more beautiful this morning, and there is a glow. There's a certain number of small things that I have changed within my own mind that I know will prosper me greatly. I'm in shape, I'm focused, fuck. I can't even remember what I experienced during the peak of this trip exactly but I feel fucking amazing. And everything looks lovely hahaha. I can tell that something has changed, my perceptions are all strange haha. Picture of the sun as I'm looking at it from my bed right now below ? wow
  5. Should have posted in the psychedelic memes thread brooo
  6. Very fucking nice (Update posted at bottom of post)
  7. @Corpus I've already considered these and had the same experiences with two different batches. I've had more powerful experiences with smoking the salt form. I had a very powerful experience smoking salt form. I have 10mg left of salt 5meo, different batch. I did have a pretty awesome experience with salt before to be honest. That's something I haven't considered before. Gonna test that out actually and let you guys know. I experienced heaven when I smoked salt form
  8. @Leo Gura thanks leo, good advice as usual. DMT/MDMA was beyond profound for me last time... absolutely astonishing. I find that on a normal to slightly higher dose of MDMA it's impossible not to experience heaven on DMT. I know MDMA is addictive and notoriously impure, but darknet MDMA is always high purity and I'll not take it often. Since MDMA lasts 6 hours I think I'm gonna have one day every 2 months where I have like 5 or 6 DMT breakthroughs in one sitting (while on MDMA) then just do periodic lower dose DMT trips without MDMA for a month and a half or so then do that every month and a half/2 months. @peanutspathtotruth little bit more strict regarding not moving the body when doing do nothing. But all the practices are basically just different facets of the same overall practice anyway. Aye^@OBEler I think DMT is gonna be the best tool for me to use. I much prefer it @peanutspathtotruth ?? thanks man
  9. And of course only with help from the good book ?????
  10. Just use 5meo, that should be your main goal, getting that substance. It's just pointless not having that as the main goal. Gotta use 5. Not using AT LEAST regular DMT or other strong as fuck psychedelics is like a body builder going to the gym but there are no weights at the gym haha. You need something that will produce realistic results and measurable growth. You'll spend 50 years meditating and never get as deep as if you spent 1 year plugging 5meo every other week
  11. Growing confusion and "lostness" is a sign of growth, and infact should be expected. Infact, if you aren't confused, I'd be worried haha. When the confusion gets metaphysical it becomes more and more beautiful and pleasure filled. I think how it's meant to work is, the confusion increases and eventually gives birth to silence, then as that silence grows peace grows more and more then it gives birth to bliss and you just fall into the bliss forever and forget all seeking, which is of course only appropriate *after* these levels of development have been achieved. I can't wait lol The mistake is when someone chooses to stop seeking. The discovery should be so ground-breakingly powerful that you stop seeking by accident
  12. @Winny be verrrrry careful my friend. There is an ASTONISHINGLY HUGE difference between *believing* this and *realising* this. Believing: - a small sense of increases knowledge - new thoughts by which you operate - a changed mental standpoint. [Deep] Realization: - you become fully and literally immortal forever - all of reality falls around you as huge degrees of confusion and ecstasy meet - you a thrown into a new world of tangible pleasure and beauty, the likes of which you could never have imagined. - thoughts and reality merge and you become Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah all at the same time in an explosion of infinity...bliss is your new world.
  13. ??☮️ I envy those who can plug man. I cannot. Neither can I snort (I'm pretty sure). ...I haven't had any real bad experiences with 5meo yet. I don't expect it either, I expect a happy trip because when I do that I feel like it's more likely to happen. All I can remember is this realm I went to on 5meo where it was 150% pure bliss weighing heavily on me. I could feel this weight of waves of indescribable bliss hitting my face, it was so heavy I couldn't open my mouth. For me, I know which direction I'm heading especially in a DMT/5meo trip, I'd recommend to approach the pipe slowly, be comfortable with it's presence first. Sit with it, then in a state of positive thinking and visualisation, take the hit. Maybe this will push you in a slightly more pleasant direction like with myself. ?
  14. There's other instances where I just knew shit. For example, 3 days ago I noticed the voice of God subtly telling me to do another 5meo retreat. Then boom I have a month off work, cuz it was planned before. Gonna do 2 retreats actually. Its especially obvious when I'm trying to gain information about a person because they give off so much energy and vibration, it's easy to read. Very easy at times. It's got to a point where I can literally just see everything as it is...truly. I'll let you in on a wee secret, I think leo might be scared of nn-DMT visuals lolol. That's something I've felt off him. Could be wrong. Don't think I am tho lol
  15. Christians call it "hearing God's voice". More specifically they have something called the gift of word of knowledge, and the gift of word of wisdom. I've done it countless times. The only reason I knew to listen to leo was because I got a word of wisdom it said "x marks the spot". The easiest way I do it is just a choice between two possibilities. If I'm asking God which one is correct I close my eyes, bring one to mind, visualise it and analyze my peace. Then bring the other possibility to mind, visualise it and analyze my peace...and whichever one I have more peace with is the one I will choose. Colossians 3:15 (Bible) "let the peace of God rule in your heart."
  16. @Koeke in my opinion, the greatest mistake would be to accidentally waste 5 or 10 valuable years of your life getting...alright...results with weak practices and no determination. It's literally scary how little people here focus on the actual practices that cause you to make progress. Nearly nobody focuses on the practices and frankly I don't think leo anticipates this problem tactically enough.
  17. Yesss! ^ I got this very slowly (and quite recently) The focus of inquiry is not the questions, but the direct observation. Successful self enquiry is sitting still for long periods of time in a state of "looking" with questions only a gentle, periodic, peripheral guidance. For so long I was stuck looking at the questions
  18. ...just as long as your mature with it and old enough, relatively. Etc. Mushrooms are known for their uncanny ability to treat, reverse and cure depression. I think it's halarious that there are drugs that get you high for ages, and instead of give you depression and anxiety (like KET, coke, MD, speed etc)...I think that's so halarious...like cheating. You gotta try DMT bruv
  19. @MarkKol and yes there is, you can buy a syringe of this solution that you use some how or another to grow mushrooms. This is also illegal, but mate...you know, fuck the rules haha. Be careful your mum and dad don't catchya haha https://www.cylocybe.com/ there's a process you need to go through, I'm not well versed in this but my mate says you need to get these things called rye seed inoculation bags. YouTube could help you...also it's completely legal to order the grow solution, just illegal to grow it.
  20. Darknet is an illegal online service that you "shouldnt" use because sites like empire provide customers with safe ways to buy legit 5meoDMT. Dark.fail is a site that provides safe urls. So you "shouldnt" use that. Considering psychedelics are "the most important tool we have" having this knowledge opens you up to gain access to literally any psychedelic. ???????? And considering psychedelics heal your mind, replacing "mainstream" drugs with psycs is incredibly good for your mental health. Be sure to test the chemicals with test kits (bunk police on YouTube is good) safe, easy, affordable, baller ????‍?????????